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Whip the WIPs in 2009 !!! - Row A Day CAL


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I am out of the black. If you have it and aren't using it, sure I would take it, but not if you are using it. Thanks. I will work on them rows after I read a bit here. Probably while watching movies. Got a scary one to watch after hubby goes to bed:eek. He don't like those. But I can't crochet much during those either. Gotta watch the screen too close. Don't have anywhere to go tommarro soooooo. Going to enjoy being lazy and watch some more movies and crochet some more.

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Krystal I am only four days behind. (I finally recounted my motifs) I will be behind tomarrow also I am guessing as my mom, dad, brother and sister in law are coming to visit. My dh is home!!! they are coming over to help put in somee fencing for some of our chicken since dh is supposed to be resting. He is feeling better and looking better. He will be on antibiotics for some time yet to get rid of the c. dif. But he is well on the mend.

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Short attention span here! ;) I am going to change my completion date back to Christmas. Sorry Krystal. Thanks for doing the star system, at a glance easy, I like it.

Anyway, I want to do some smaller projects for a craft booth. Not sure exactly when just that. Would like to do some shows toward the end of summer

What are saltines?

Brenda...glad to hear your DH is home and on the mend.

Honey Dew. I PMed you.

Hope everyone has a nice holiday weekend

DH,DD,MIL and I went yard saling from 830 till 4 yesterday. Then had a HUGE bonfire last night

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I am out of the black. If you have it and aren't using it, sure I would take it, but not if you are using it. Thanks.

What kind of black, RHSS? I think I have some of that. If it is, PM me your address. I'll take it on Tuesday to the PO when I send out some other things.


Krystal I am only four days behind. (I finally recounted my motifs)

Great that DH is home. I always found it interesting that antibiotics are the cause of CDiff, and they treat it with antibiotics.


Did you mean you've finished up to M36 when you said you're only 4 days behind? That's how I've marked you now. Let me know!




Tracy Cuddle S196

Tracy Blanket R179

Wendy - Both S46

Heather - CRW M53 *

Brenda - CRW M41 ****

Sherri - caught up

Laura - R37 ***

Jeannie - Square ********

Jeannie - Children S141 - ********

Roxy - Baby R112 ********

Roxy - Square ******

Karen - Sweater R90

Shelby - Scrap R20 ********

Sore - Afghan R94 ****

Sore - Scarf R227 ***

Meegan - June Squares

Honey - Shawl R38 **

Honey - Afghan R41 ***

Catsncr - Basket R79

ffsweety - Sweater R39 ******

Kristen - diagonal 21 ******

Christi - Afghan Hex 252 ***

Sunflower - Shawl R17 ******

Britt - Baby R36 **

Cindy - Granny - R43**


Christi - do you want me to readjust your rows so you only have 1/day?


I have put a * next to your name for each day that I have you as "behind". Five *s means that I don't have you marked as doing the rows for those days. If you've done them and not posted, just let me know.


If you're NOT going to catch up, let me know and I'll adjust your rows.

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Ouch am I ever behind. Okay I will catch up on my scarf today, but I think Krystal I may get you to bump me back on the afghan. I will have to count rows to see where the heck I am. Just been crazy around here and haven't had time for anything. I will post later on where I'm at.



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Krystal okay I'm ready to start my graphghan. Just a slight change to it. I'm not making the eagle one anymore. Hubby decided he liked the Wolf silhouette so I'm making the wolf graph instead. It'll be 200 rows. I have 2 rows done as of this minute.

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Sorry Iam really behind with my rows and squares, one of my cats has been misisng now for 5 days and I havn't really been in the mood to crochet.


Will try and do some later on today, will see how I feel, not been getting much sleep.

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K, I've been a good hooker.

I mailed out the box for my camo swap. Finished the two squares left for the comfortghan then joined 8 squares together. :crocheting

Hey, Law and Order was on for 3 hours.:yay

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Roxy - good luck.


Krystal - I have been swamped with work around the house since the weather broke.

Been working on the filet...but I will catch up my rows on the scrap within the next few days!

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I haven't done any rows today and probably won't tomorrow either. I crocheted too much yesterday (working on Snuggles) and now my right side (fingers and arm) are paying for it. So, I'm taking a break and will get back to it on Tuesday.



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