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Not asking for squares, asking for suggestions....


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One of my supervisors at work has an aunt who is ill and lives in a nun-nursing facility. Her mom is very upset about the whole idea of loseing her only surviving sister.


So.... do you think a nice comfortghan of the traditional white/black nun habit colors would be okay to make for her? I have plenty in my stash, I just dont know if it would be an okay thing to do..... That's all, just needing opinions I guess. LOL



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the black and white sounds great, but i would think something colorful would be nice too, specially if the nun's all wear the black and white, it'd be nice to see the patches of color....that's just my opinion.

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Well, although my thought was to be nice, apparently "that's just stupid" will suffice.


I discussed it with my sup today and she started laughing hysterically, so I guess I wont be doing it after all if I will be treated THAT way for trying to be sympathetic and caring. I hate NOT making it, so I am going to make something out of all this black and white and donate it to the local nursing home instead.


I am using a square from my 200 squares books which will be more black than white. I love to crochet, and I love to give.... so I will still do both.


Thanks guys for your thoughts and ideas! :hug After having a poopy day at work (after the comment) reading your responses brought my spirits back up! THANK YOU!!! :cheer

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Why would she laugh in your face? Its very obvious she could care less. May I make another suggestion hun? How about a "donation" in your name? That sure would make her think twice next time she thinks a "suggestion" is "too funny". If she is in a place run by nun's, I am sure they would appreciate anything you give.


Or, if you really want to burn her good, put it in her name. This way maybe she will think twice before being so rude. Thats sad. She needs to remember. What goes around, comes around.


I too think its great you still want to donate. Maybe you can still give it to the woman? I am sure both ladies would greatly appreciate the thought. Just my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have black squares and white squares, I saw a cute "checkered flag" design you could make for someone in need who happens to be a racing fan. It shouldn't be too tough to put that together, even without the actual pattern since I now can't remember where I saw the darn thing!

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why was she laughing? She thought it was silly to make an afghan, or to make it in black and white? I just can't understand how such a lovely gesture met that reaction!

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I would do it anyways!!! How RUDE of your SUP, shame on her!!


Me too. Please don't let the sup's rudeness keep you from making a heartfelt gesture of kindness. :(


But you do what you feel would be best, ok?

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I think it's a lovely idea and you should go ahead and do it. Black and white or color. Pick a simple/plain pattern and you're set. Modesty is what you are looking for.


BTW - I was taught by nuns for many, many years. I don't always have the best memories but I'm bothered by that laughter you experienced. There is always room for more kindness in this world. It's unfortunate that not everyone sees it that way. There but for the grace of God go I.

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