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My First Show-And-Tell! (Grocery Bag)


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I made my first non-square item that wasn't a hat! :lol


I used the pattern found here: http://www.xanga.com/bratsis2/597299036/item.html and used some leftover Red Heart yarn.


Here's the bag empty:




And here it is full of pyrex baking dishes. :lol (I wanted to see how sturdy it was!)






Then my daughter wanted a "teeny tiny" one for herself, so...




(I ran out of yarn half way through! Ack!)

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Very nice! :clap You did a great job and every time you use it you will be so proud! And I think the one for your daughter is the cutest thing I have seen in a while. You will both be adorable walking through the store with them.



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:lol I did run out of yarn at a very fortuitous point, that's for sure. :lol It made for a really natural and intentional looking switch over!


Thanks for the love--I'm rather proud of this, myself! Not too shabby for a non-square item! :lol

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It looks great! Very practical to make something you can use a lot, especially because its far more eco-friendly than disposable plastic bags. And so cute that your daughter has a little version!

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Wow!! That sure turned out nice!! I like the color of blue too!! How sweet that you made your baby a bag too!! The two colors of yarn worked out great!! :crocheting

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Thanks, everyone! I'm feelin' the love! :manyheart


Well, my Mom loved the bag so much when I showed her that I've been "comissioned" to make her 5 more. :lol


I might give her the blue one and make me one in pink with a black bottom. :D

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I was surprised how sturdy it was, too. I just wanted a bag that would hold a gallon of milk on shopping day, so my expectations weren't all that high. But, dang, that sucker held those pyrex dishes all night with not even a complaint! :lol It rocks!

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