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I posted this in the Sky CAL too but want to post here too since this is where they "belong" Here are my latest Babette squares:


Some eight rounds:


More eight rounds:


The six rounds:


and the rest of the six rounds



I'll post the four and two rounds later (I have 27 six rounds and 15 two rounds also done)

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Just thought I'd say HOWDY everyone! I still haven't been able to pick up my retro ghan as I'm taking the bead class here and have been working on that and also have been trying to finish my friend's baby blanket. (It would have been done long ago but the durn edges are giving me fits! The edging is almost 20 rows around and it's very pretty but the pattern is written very poorly.) Anyway, I can't wait to pick up the retro again and I should be able to again within the next 2 weeks!


Everyone's projects are looking great! The babette is just lovely! I wish I had the patience for making that one!

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Ok I have taken on too many projects and too many cals and I just cant keep up with them all. So Im thinking that as I have got 8 panels done on the Babette I might leave it at that and put the border on it. Do you think it will look ok with just the 8 panels.

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Ok I have taken on too many projects and too many cals and I just cant keep up with them all. So Im thinking that as I have got 8 panels done on the Babette I might leave it at that and put the border on it. Do you think it will look ok with just the 8 panels.

How wide is it?? Inches, if you can, for we metrically-challenged Americans... It could still be a throw...

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Ooh, Donna, your psychedelic purse is coming out awesome! :cheer


I was at JoAnn's this weekend and they had a free flyer with the retro afghan on their display. It's the pink/black/white one. I picked one up for future afghan making.

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Wendy is it written down that you have to complete it. Why don't you just let it lay for a while and finish what you're doing now and then you can go back to it. I don't think you would be satisfied if you shorten it.


Great idea. I set mine down this weekend to work on some preemie sweaters for charity and it was a nice break. I made up my own pattern for the babette and I'm glad I did because mine is coming out huge. I love it. It's going to be a great snuggly blanket. This is my first time using Vanna's yarn and I love it. I hope they add more colors to this line. Maybe some brights because it is so perfect for afghans.

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I have been working on the Fun Circles Bag from the book Positively Crochet. It's described as a retro-inspired bag. I would have been finished last week but I ran out of yarn...I hate it when that happen! Especially since I only need a small amount to finish!


I've also been working on my Circle to Square Afghan!



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Love all that I'm seeing!

I haven't had a chance to work on my Babette. I did my retangle granny afghan middle of last week, then realized I needed a baby afghan so started a round ripple, then decided to start a shawl (not retro). So now I have a few more WIPs:lol. But the baby round ripple is just about done, 1 1/2 more rounds, weaving in ends and I'md one. The shawl was quick and I have about 5 more rows and a boarder and I'm done. It's a traingle one starting from the bottom. Can't wait to get back to my Babette. I did the original pattern but used Worsted Weight yarn so mine is going to end up bigger then the pattern called for and I will love that.


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I did the same thing, Debbie. I made some preemie clothes. Then I went to the LSS and found some divine mohair/silk yarn and that mobius wrap up at the top of the website here has been calling my name so I thought I'd used the mohair/silk for that. So I'm working on that too. :)

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I am a newbie here! Hi Everyone! I am so lovin the babette blankets and all the great projects on this thread.

Can someone tell me, are there directions for the babette blankets. A pattern anywhere? There are a lot of pages in this thread and wondered if someone knows how to get started. I would love to join u guys! Thanks, Beth

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for all of those looking for babette blanket pattern link to the place you can purchase the pattern (only the Babette pattern not the entire mag)



There are some who are making up their own pattern from various photos and even someone who added 2 rows and put up her version of those rows she made up here My completed Babette Blanket (with customizations for my desires)


http://www.flickr.com/groups/purlbeebabette/pool/ pictures of tons of them done.


This site has a solid granny square (scroll down): http://pumamouse.com/crochetbasicgrannys.html

Which is what is used in the pattern



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Hi and welcome!

I ordered the Spring 2006 magazine of Interweave Crochet from YarnMarket, which had the pattern in it. Then I found a site that sold the pattern for the Babette alone. The link is SOMEWHERE on this thread. Sorry I can't be more specific. I'm get many crochet newsletters and can't remember which one had it!:blush

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$6.00 for the pattern alone!!!?? Geesh!

I paid that for the magazine plus a little for shipping at Esty!

That's what happens to popular patterns like the Cathedral Window at Annies Attic. The pattern is about $7. Just that one afghan pattern, not the original book it was in. If someone LOVES the look and can't find it elsewhere, then it's a bargain. I'm glad I got teh magazine when it was out for the poncho on the cover and a few other items in there (which I never made:blush). The Babette was nice too. Now that I've seen several finished ones, I decided to make it.


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I am having trouble finishing my Circle in Square. This always happens to me. I get over half way through a project and then get bored with it. I have got to make myself work on it this week. I think the main problem is I hate joining all the squares. I much prefer to work on one solid pattern. I can do ripples without any problem it joining those dang ole squares that get me.

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I am having trouble finishing my Circle in Square. This always happens to me. I get over half way through a project and then get bored with it. I have got to make myself work on it this week. I think the main problem is I hate joining all the squares. I much prefer to work on one solid pattern. I can do ripples without any problem it joining those dang ole squares that get me.

You should come over and visit the Every Happy House...CAL. We're making 2 1/2 inch squares:lol:lol


And I know all about being bored...which is why I love making graph ghans more than anything else:hook

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I am having trouble finishing my Circle in Square. This always happens to me. I get over half way through a project and then get bored with it. I have got to make myself work on it this week. I think the main problem is I hate joining all the squares. I much prefer to work on one solid pattern. I can do ripples without any problem it joining those dang ole squares that get me.

I love joining squares, then I can start to see the finished project and it gets me more motivated. Maybe make yourself join the squares you have, if you can, before you work on anymore. Sometimes I have to make deals with myself. Like I had to weave in all the ends in the center of my Babette before I could crochet another square, which I was having fun doing. So I weaved in all the ends, which I hate doing... those little :devils. :lol


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Hi all! I always check in to see what's happening, but I always don't write a line or two. I've got my squares all done for my circle to square. I just need to put it together. I wasn't able to get the yarn for my sock monkey blanket, so I've just been doing a simple blue and white in Baby Clouds. Yummy. It's so soft and cuddly. Anyway, I have three projects that need to be whipped together now - a granny square tote bag, the circle to squares, and the Crochet Dudes Monet afghan which I made last March, but have never put together!! Hmmm...makes me wonder if I'll ever get the Babette put together!!

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