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Organizing patterns

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So this past week I finally decided that I HAD to do something about the patterns taking over my house. They were everywhere! :eek


So I had my son lug up the tupperware containers that were in the basement and I started going through ALL the patterns that I had. I have started entering them into lists on my computer and filing them in file folders. :cheer


What an eye-opening experience. Just how many copies of one pattern does one person need???:devil


So I guess I am around half way through and I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel (I just hope it's not a train)


I came across alot of patterns that I had forgotten I even had. Of course the downside of all of this is that my WIM lists has increased dramatically. :lol

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I am soo bad about printing multiple copies. I will print it and then lose it in a matter of minutes, so back to the printer I go, print another copy only to find my original. But I never throw them away.:lol I'm a pack rat.

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I keep my patterns stored on my computer (if I downloaded them) and then print them out when I am ready to use them.


Otherwise, I have a folder that I keep my printed ones in, and eventually I want to do a binder that is broken down into sections, for example, one section for afghans, one for amigurumi, one for hats, etc.


Currently, all my hard-copy patterns live in my wooden chest at the foot of my bed, in with some of my stash.:hook

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I have a binder for the computer printed ones. and I have a five drawer file cabinet that has all my cross stitch, crochet etc leaflets by catagory. but no real list for what I have.

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I just have all of my patterns together. I have a folder for the one I printed off the computer, and it goes with the hard copy ones that I have bought. I'm sure that one day, I will need to be more organized with them, as the stash of patterns just keeps growing.

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I store my printed patterns in three ring binders sorted by type of pattern ( afghans, squares, toys baby, christmas other Holidays bookmarks, accessories, kitchen, notions, doilies and miscellaneous) of course all in page protectors. I actually have two binders of doily patterns some from about 8 years ago that are no longer available online. Unfortunately in each binder there is no organization at all.:think Oh well at least I am half way there.:clap I also keep each internet pattern in the same kind of system on my desktop and on a memory stick as backup.:yes

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I have a bookshelf full of my patterns, only seperated into books, and booklets, LOLI don't have many modern patterns, I inherited almost all of these booklets, they are all from the fifties and earlier, bags sets hats, shawls, cute baby stuff, a ton of doilies and even more edgeings. Hee hee I like the chair sets, because all the men used brillcreme on thier hair.

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I've managed to print out some patterns and put them in a binder except I'm too cheap or forget to go buy dividers. Everything in there is by section but you have to flip through everything to find it. My small booklets, yarn wrappers with neat patterns on them, and freebie patterns from Joann's go in a freezer ziplock bag, and large ones just lay around in the drawer. Add all my crochet and knitting needles and even some new yarn I'm trying to hide from my bf :devil to that same drawer and you get organized chaos!

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I started organizing mine in binders and got sidetracked. I've GOT to get them organized again. I have the boogers everywhere! :)


At least, thanks to my Holiday Swap partner (kdiget29) I at least have my HOOKS organized!

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I have several sections on the computer, and a few binders for printed/bought patterns (each one in it's own plastic sleeve). My problem is categorising, as some patterns seem to overlap and I dither over where to put them. Plus I started off by having "Baby" which would have knit AND crochet, but that's become unmanageable so I need to resort it all.....


I'm not sure if this thread has inspired me to go ahead and start the sorting...

or whether it's "inspired" me to go bury my head under the duvet!

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i have all my patterns in binders, each category has it's own notebook.. and have further organized by seperating in to wearables, etc with index dividers. this really works for me as i can just go to the particular section for what i want to make.

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  • 1 month later...

I need to go through all of my piles starting in my sister's room and go from there, putting the printed patterns in the protective sleeves for the binders and then drag one pile at a time into her room from mine and go through the books that I have and then off to the magazines. I'm undecided on what to do with them, tear out certain patterns or not. If I do that, then I have more room, if not something else has to go.


I also need to go through my yarn to see if any visitors have been around, probably not, but you never know. There was another thread on this issue.....


I can't wait for the weekend! So I can start up again. I have everything planned out in my head of how I want things, but that will come in time. I made it a point to start after Christmas and keep on, until I'm done or at least organized to a point.


For my yarn, I have little notes taped to some of the wrappers to do certain afghans, I just have to remember which ones they are :( I'll have to re-evaluate a couple of projects, because too much time has gone by to remember what pattern and from which book.


I'm mostly tired of looking at the mess and tripping over my books/magazines. I've stubbed my feet on them so many times...



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I am a binder person also for all the computer patterns. I print them when I see them because I have lost everything with computer troubles a couple of times. I like to look thru them and get inspired. All my others are in a filing cabinet, drawers, shelves.

I do have alot.


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I started printing things out in 2004, and stored them in a 2 inch wide folder, with dividers. Now I am up to a 2008 one - which I haven't bought yet. I find it easier to separate them into YEARLY folders, then divide that into sections. Amigurumi has its own folder, as does knitting, sewing, chart crochet, pineapples and quilting. Those ones aren't yearly (don't do enough of them.) Its easier for me to remember 'how long ago' I did/found a particular pattern than work out where in a complete folder anything is. Oh, and I'd have to have far to many folders :s (babies, hats, clothes, kitchen, afghans, bookmarks, miscellaneous, doilies, etc et al) :eek

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I love reading threads where people organize their stuff. Although I wasn't the one organizing, I still get a sense of satisfaction knowing that someone, somewhere in the crochet world is feeling better knowing their stuff is organized and under control. :yes


I have books all over the house. Wherever there's a WIP, there's a book in the bag with it. I never remember what I own at any given time. I've started to enter the books I'm aware of in Ravelry so I at least know I have it. Now, when I find a book somewhere, I try to take it to a bookcase I have setup for my books. Inevitably, I find a project in it on the way to the bookcase and end up starting another project and the book never makes it to the bookcase. :D


Most of what could be considered "loose" patterns are on my computer. I've stored them in directories and I used the same structure as is on Crochet Pattern Central. When I see something on the internet, I just copy it to my computer for future reference. Occasionally, I will backup my files onto a CD. When I need a pattern, I just print it. If I find a duplicate printed pattern somewhere in my house, I just "chuck it" knowing that the original is on my computer.


I've dreamed of printing off my stuff and putting it into binders but that takes up space and time and I'd have probably thousands of pages of patterns to organize.:eek



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I bought a 2" 3 ring binder, protective pages and dividers. Why don't they make the dividers at least as big as the protective pages? I started putting the ones I've printed into those so that I don't have loose pages all over. And with the protective pages, if I need to mark off completed rows I can do so with a wipeable marker.

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I have a 3" binder for crochet and a 3" binder for knitting. I broke them into adult clothes, baby clothes, toys, blankets, scarves, hats & booties, squares, doilies, and socks.


Once in a while I go through pattern sites and copy and paste the pic and the directions to Word. Then I abbreviate instructions and shrink the font and try to get it down to one or two pages if possible. I save it to My Documents in a folder called Print. After doing as many of these as I can stand at one time I then print them all and move the files into a folder called Printed. Then the printouts go into a page protector and into the appropriate section of my binders.


When I copy a pattern I always use the picture and copy the web address so I can find it later if I have a problem with the pattern. I may then be able to contact the person for help.


I am leary of not printing out the patterns because I'm too afraid something will happen to my computer and I'll lose the bookmarks or the files I've copied......or if you just save the link for future reference, it may not be available when you finally decide to use it.

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  • 2 months later...

I want to be organized, I really, really do but so far in my life i haven't been. But the basement is getting redone and iam so excited! I am getting my own crochet room! I just can't wait to get started!!!!

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