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Ideas for 10-year old girl

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I've started dating a great guy with a 10 year old daughter. Not having kids of my own, I am hoping you moms out there can give me a few ideas. What are a few things I can whip together for her for Christmas? :think I've seen ideas for scrunchies but not sure if I can do those, having limited crochet knowledge. What about scarves? And then, what kind of yarn would be good? Do 10-year olds even consider crochet items "cool"?


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :hook

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Ipod.cell phone or MP3 cozies seem to be well received if she has one of those. the same thing for game players seems to be coming along as well


I think girly shrugs are still a big hit with girls as well. Much as I hate to say it... trimming anything with fun fur seems to be a hit too.

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A simple and cute purse.

These are still popular, I'd make it square though:




Something like this and you can add a different button, patch, motif on it if you don't want the heart:




Another cute purse:




My niece loves lip balm and loved this cozy I made her, which I put a chocolate flavored lip balm in:




A head scarf:




A pillow for her name:




Or a fuzzy heart:




Crayon purse with crayons or a deck of cards in it:




How about a tote bag with a book or game in it:





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Scrunchies really are not all that hard. I didn't even know they had patterns out there for them until I saw them after I had made my own. I just use existing covered elastic ponytail holders and start with single crochet around then just use your imagination. My eleven year old niece still likes crocheted and knitted items and even can make her own. She still likes getting presents from me that I have crocheted.

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I have a 10 yr old grandgirl... I got her a crochet loom ... and her own hook set but you need to know if she wants to learn first...


scarves especially made with fun fur


a crochet belt with beads.




fingerless gloves


purses, bags and totes...


if you aren't sure I would suggest a scarf and maybe a purse with small journal and pen

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ask her, or at least ask her dad


what one 10 year old will like another will hate


pay attention to what she wears and has



and please take the time to get to know her, ive had to deal with my moms bf's and none of them made any effort with me

i dont think her bf of like 5 years knows my dogs name (we lived in the same house as him for 2 years), my last name, or anything i like

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My 10yo likes everything I crochet, and asks, about everything I make, "Is that for me?" And I make a lot of doilies!


A tote would be a hit with most kids I know, and I like the idea of a pillow--either with her name, or in cool colors to match her room, or following a theme she likes (cats, horses, whatever). One thing I plan to make my girls soon are water-bottle covers with a long strap.

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I REALLY Like Darski's idea of teaching her to crochet! What a fabulous way to bond with her......running off to pick out yarn and making cool stuff together.....You would be giving her a gift that will last a lifetime (if she is willing to learn) Try teaching her to make something simple for herself like a scarf to start off, and then go from there! It would be GREAT for both of you to learn together (I see from your signiture that you are a new crocheter as well). If crocheting doesn't interest her, perhaps a different craft? Also, ask her to help you make Christmas cookies....KIDS love doing this and decorating them with all sorts of things.....have fun with her, without your boyfriend around.

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My 10 year old dd likes the pink camo yarn I've been using to make charity hats. I started a scarf with it and she's begging for me to give it to her..even the 12 year old dd wants this scarf. Bernat makes camo yarn in several colorways and they're all drop-dead gorgeous, and very soft. This is a good yarn to look at for any of the wonderful suggestions already given in this thread.

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Well my DD is 12 but my neighbor has a 10 year old so I asked her. She personally wants a "Cool" poncho, a "funky" scarf and a warm afghan. My DD says that girls will like anything cause females are like that and will love anything that is handmade for them. How about a pillow crochetd in her favorite colors, or with her name or initials on it.

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I have my 11 year old reading this over my shoulder and she loves all the ideas so far. She just said "I love your crocheting". Wow, talk about making my day.


How about blankets for her dolls and teddy bears. A granny square about 18" makes a great doll blankie.


Amber says a blanket for her - the flannelghan in her favorite colors. (Amber's is red and black.) or slippers, matching hat and scarf, poncho, or a crocheted pocketbook.


(my idea) or a pocketbook out of jeans. cut the legs off and sew them across the bottom. Cut a strip the length of the leg, fold the edges in and use that for the strap.


I totally agree with the learn to crochet kit.

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