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i have turned my back on crochet for good!

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awww. thats so cute. my nephew used to say mm for m&ms and bugglemum for bubble gum. his older brother couldn't say yellow, it was yellno. kids are so much fun. my older sis is named Denise but my older brother couldn't say it so her name became neesee.

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My daughter called cigarettes wig a weetes. My son said kindabars for caterpillars and they turned into flutterbys. My kids called their Aunt Linda Deeda and it stuck - they are 28 and 31 and still call her that.

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Both of my boys had trouble with the word boomerang. One called it a boogerang, and the other called it oomerbang. And my heart stopped the day my older son ran to me as a toddler saying "Fire! Fire!". I ran to the kitchen and he pointed out the window to the reddest sunset I'd ever seen!

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My 5 year old nephew calls Ranch dressing Allen Wrench and he insists that the movie Ratatouille is called Rat Patootie. I have a niece and her name is Rio. When my other niece was little, she couldn't say Rio and called her YoYo instead. To this day, we still call Rio YoYo.

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Ah you girls have given me a good laugh:rofl I just love these little stories about the kids.

When ever I am feeling blue, I come here and look for stores about the little ones.

You have given me my first laugh of the day Thank you:hug

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when my #1 daughter was younger 8 - 10 or so it was confederate sugar ( confectioner sugar) and graduated sugar ( granulated sugar) we were baking cookies at the time... she is 28 and still calls them that...


my grand-Angel came up with her own names for her great gramma's my mother was big gramma ( she's 5'8" tall) and my hubby's mother was little gramma (she was 4' 11" tall) it took us a little while to figure it out but got a chuckle when we figured it out..

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My 5 year old nephew calls Ranch dressing Allen Wrench and he insists that the movie Ratatouille is called Rat Patootie. I have a niece and her name is Rio. When my other niece was little, she couldn't say Rio and called her YoYo instead. To this day, we still call Rio YoYo.


They say "Rat Patootie" in one line of the movie... and that's what all my GROWN friends are calling it. Though tonight for "anime night" it's going to be our animated-movie of the week, and we're having ratatouille (cooked by Mike) as a side dish to go with my "tuna glop".

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Okay my cute words first. When I was younger I used to call the Nepolation ice cream Napoleon, instead of disappear I used to say disinareappear, and when my mom would go to the beauty shop, I would say the booty shop, I too called M&M's nims nims, Skittles were misquitos.


Okay now moving onto my godkids, Lucy who is now 4 would call the chicken drumettes baby chicken, candy was can can, her mother's mom is old granny and my mom is new granny, she still doesn't call Shrek 1 or 2 she says for Shrek one Shrek with the dragon and Shrek two is Shrek with the Kitty. Whenever I pull my yarn from the middle and all of it comes out she tells me I killed the yarn.

Bernie(Bernard) who is 3 calls my crocheting 'making' b/c I am making something. He and Lucy also calls Ratatouille Rat patootie. My puppy's name is Chewie but Bernie calls him Chomp chomp and he and Lucy both call toothbrushes teethbrushes, they call teeth teefis, and Bernie calls everything that begins with a f a b so for example foot is boot, funny is bunny, fat is bat and so on.


Sierra my 6 yr old god daughter calls crocheting 'pulling' b/c the hook pulls the yarn through the chains. When she sees her 16 and 17 yr old sisters curling their hair, she says they are cooking their hair. She calls sanitary napkins grown up diapers.

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My daughter is almost nineteen. She cannot. Not will not. She CANNOT say Worchestershire sauce.


noodles used to be newdles. Tuscaloosa, a local town, was called Tuskalooska.


And onion is pronounced ongion.


She does not have a speech impediment. And it drives her nuts to say either of these things becuase all of the family breaks into giggles.


The other night we all went to dinner at Logans and she wouldn't ask for the Worchestershire sauce. So finally I ordered it for her, but everyone was giggling because she said she'd just eat her steak naked.

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I love the cute kid sayings!

but to my husband everything with yarn is knitting... and I don't even know how to knit.

the other night my son was on the phone and my husband came to give me the phone and he told my son she's just knitting. my son said when did you learn to do that?

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My dd who is now almost 8 used to say "poosky" for spooky. Also she never calls it a belly button she calls it a baby budna. My cousin who is now 20 used to call the ice cream man the Heemee man. To this day whenever we hear the ice cream truck come up the road we all scream "It's the Heemee man!!" :rofl

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As a little kid, my brother used to call creamed corn "yellow beans", and that was one of his favorite foods. He was a picky eater. Supposedly, up until a certain age, like 4 or so, I was the interpreter between him and my mom-he'd want something and TRY to tell her, but she wouldn't have any idea, but then I'd say, "He's trying to tell you that his ball is out in the street." or whatever. I know I mis-called things as a little kid, but can't remember what offhand.

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hmm, let's see. DS used to call lemonade, yellowmade. :-) so now we just stick to that. Also, spaghetti is psgetti. And we have two versions of the grinch movie. the older cartoon one, and the newer version, with jim carrey. He tells the difference by saying he wants to watch "the one with the humans".

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They say "Rat Patootie" in one line of the movie... and that's what all my GROWN friends are calling it. Though tonight for "anime night" it's going to be our animated-movie of the week, and we're having ratatouille (cooked by Mike) as a side dish to go with my "tuna glop".

What is "tuna glop"? My family has a recipe called "big dish" and my sis made a casserole she called "something with tuna". Is it a special family thing?

Ellie 13

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That is so cute. My 5yo refers to it (knitting and crocheting) as knitteling. She has a speech delay and that is how she said it at 3 and I just never corrected her (bad mommy--it is just so darn cute). She always wants to "knittel" with me which means she wants a little ball of yarn and a crochet hook to play with.

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I just realized that I could tell you the funniest sayings of my children and you wouldn't find them funny. Miss-spelling seems not to work when translated.. anyway, I try it:


Breastfeeding is called "stillen" in german. "still" is also "to be quiet" - when our little son cried (for whatever reason) my daughter ask me to "make him still" by making the handsigns for breastfeeding.


What I found interesting is that at a certain time the children seem to say the function of a thing rather than memorizing the name. The headphones were the "hear well"s for a time and the hoover was the "suck it clean" - in german "Saubersauger" instead of "Staubsauger" (which means "sucks dust")

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Breastfeeding is called "stillen" in german. "still" is also "to be quiet" - when our little son cried (for whatever reason) my daughter ask me to "make him still" by making the handsigns for breastfeeding.


lololol. my kids always referred to my nursing the babies as "mommy's milk buttons" lolololol


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I am "yarning" when I crochet!

Some other things that the kids say different are

"lellow" - yellow

"espose to" supposed to

My mother still says two things that my sister couldn't ever get right.

"Corn on the knob" like a door knob.

"pasgetty" in stead of spaghetti

Oh yea, my youngest says Bidi for Mini (that's my mother)

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