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I have been blissfully isolated from most people the last few days. That could account for why I am in a pretty good mood. :) My house is getting quite clean, I have checked a NUMBER of things off of my list that have been nagging me. I need to go get dinner started, though.


Orange chicken. YUM!

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:frogI was in the frog pond, too. Or the goose lake...cause boy, are the geese on the lake noisy. Obviously they have no concept of a noise ordinance either, as they were at it all last night. I wrote out the pattern I was having trouble with line by line and it worked. I hate when they say stuff like 'lines 26-43, repeat lines 5 and 13'.


Today was a dentist visit...good to go for 6 mo! and picked up a few sale books at the library while I waited for mom. Then banking errands and off to visit Tim, he's doing well, hopefully he'll behave over the holiday weekend. After I check the 'ville and see what my friends are up to, I'll do some homework, and then crochet time!


We've had to reschedule :ttalkdinner to be on Wednesday instead of Thursday since my brother's ride is leaving Hanover, PA at 4AM :eek on Friday, and it's 3-4 hours in good weather to get him up there. We'd rather eat Wed., drive Thurs. and let him spend the night, and eat leftovers when we get home.

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Evening everyone :hug I have to second the pre holiday crazies, but I must say today and my weekend was much better days than last week. I did get to crochet a row and a half today. It did not satisfied that urge to crochet in me for I want to crochet more and more and more. :hook

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well everyone's been busy.. i haven't had a chance to do much on my shrug but I made myself a pair of fingerless gloves this afternoon my wrists and hands were cold... fingers are a little but they are ok as long as I keep the rest of my hands warm.. I did them with scrap and did a little creative adjusting to the pattern but they are only for me to wear around here while I crochet...

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well everyone's been busy.. i haven't had a chance to do much on my shrug but I made myself a pair of fingerless gloves this afternoon my wrists and hands were cold... fingers are a little but they are ok as long as I keep the rest of my hands warm.. I did them with scrap and did a little creative adjusting to the pattern but they are only for me to wear around here while I crochet...


Well now that's a good idea. Why didn't I think of that before :oops

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Good evening ladies,


I want to say Thanks for the support. I hope to help out everyone in their time of need. :hug My hubby did make dinner tonight since the goof:confused threw dinner out on accident. I found out my mother was in a car accident yesterday. The thing that bugs me is she got hit while getting the mail at her mail boxes. She lives in a community in the Shenandoah mountains and a girl going 45 mph in a 15 mph on a gravel road hits her. Luckily she thought the car looked familiar like my brothers so she hoped back in the car to say hi through the window when the car hit her four door truck twice! She is ok she got a ride in an ambulance and they've scanned her and said that she is fine but will be very sore. I am just so :tryme angry that this girl was going that fast down the street. I fell so helpless being in Utah when she is in Virginia.

Sorry more venting. I hope everyone is having a better day

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Ashley, I'm sorry to hear about your Mom's accident. I hope she won't be too sore for too long. And I'm glad to hear that your hubby fixed dinner since he pitched out what you had cooked.

I hope that the rest of your night is a great night, and I hope you have a terrific Tuesday! :hug:hug

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:ty all for the encouragement. They left a little while ago. After SIL talked to his dad the second time, it was discovered his fuel pump died too. We called a few auto places and discovered how much the part cost for his van, :eek. What a shock, it was more than we could come up with tonight. After DD cried to relieve the pressure, she walked next door to pastor's home, he made a few calls, took SIL to car part place, walked out with the new fuel pump, got on his knees in a puddle, took a rubber mallet and hit the tank, the van started and he told SIL don't turn it off and to follow him to a house around the corner. Within 1 & 1/2 hours the pump was in and van running. We all gave thanks, and as I hugged DD I told her I love you very much, but this is one time I am glad to see you go because you have a vehicle to go in. :yay

After reading some of the other posts, we all need a :ghug.

I know that this Thanksgiving we will have a lot to be thankful for....

I pray that everyone else will have a good turkey day too...

I don't know if it is pre Holiday crazies or what, but I do know that we are lucky to have a place like this to dump and vent....Thank You all again...

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Thanks Mel, but with all the stress I did accomplish frogging the last poncho I tried and used the yarn to make the squares (actually rectangles) for HAP. So now I can try another yarn and another poncho pattern, :lol. One more try, and if it doesn't happen for me, it's on to a purse pattern. Of course once I catch up on all the house cleaning I was supposed to do this weekend. Life is so full of surprises, sometimes it's one step forward and two steps back. But sometimes we need to step back in order to see the whole picture....:oops, sorry stepped on that ole soapbox :soap for a minute...

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Carol, I sure know what you mean about one step forward and two steps back. Here lately for me it has been one forward and about 4 back.

Step up on that ole' soapbox any time you need to. We all need to at some point.


It's time for me to say goodnight. I have to be up at 4:30 am. It is going to be a long & busy day, unless I get the call from my DD's school that she needs to come home. Seems like she is coming down with the nasty cold that is spreading like wildfire around here :sick. And to tell the truth, I won't mind leaving work early tomorrow.


Sleep well and happy dreams everyone :night

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Good Morning, ladies....

Whew...let's hope for a better day for everyone today!


I made lots of progress on a comfortghan van gogh RR last night...sat in Phil's home office and kept him company. He told me to bring up my :hook...and brought a chair over so I could put my feet up!

I only got up to go back downstairs when I ran out of yarn - 1 1/2 hours later!

At the risk of repeating myself from another post...I think I'll keep him:manyheart

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Good morning everyone. Hope you all have a better day today.

Ashley, I'm sorry to hear about your moms accident. I hope she isn't too uncomfortable.

Carol. I'm glad your dd and her dh got their van running.

Mel, I sure hope your dd doesn't get that nasty cold.

And Judy, Phil really sounds like a keeper!


As for me, no progress on the ME cardigan. Instead I made my oldest grandson a pair of mittens, and started a tote for me. I guess that qualifies as a ME project. I want to try felting and I thought a tote would be a good project for that. I had some variegated wool that I'm using.


Dh and I went out to run a few errands yesterday and on the way we passed Hobby Lobby. DH, good sport that he is, sat in the car, while I went in to "just buy a hook". 15 skeins of yarn and 2 hooks later, I came out. He didn't say a word about the fact that my hook required 3 shopping bags.

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Dh and I went out to run a few errands yesterday and on the way we passed Hobby Lobby. DH, good sport that he is, sat int he car, while I went in to "just buy a hook" 15 skeins of yarn and 2 hooks later, I came out. He didn't say a word about the fact that my hook required 3 shopping bags.


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And Cindy - I felted a dog blanket early in the year - love the technique! I have wool from my SP that I have waiting to be made into a tote soon! Might be one of the projects I take on our trip next month. Phil already "reminded" me to pack some yarn:D

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Dh and I went out to run a few errands yesterday and on the way we passed Hobby Lobby. DH, good sport that he is, sat int he car, while I went in to "just buy a hook" 15 skeins of yarn and 2 hooks later, I came out. He didn't say a word about the fact that my hook required 3 shopping bags.


:rofl :rofl :rofl

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Good morning ladies,

Thanks for all the :hug and :ghug. Right back at ya:2hug.

Carol- I'm glad that the van was able to get fixed I hope it says that w pefully your next poncho works out for you.

Mel - I'm sorry to hear your DD is sick. Best wishes sent your way.:flower

Judy- That sounds like a relaxing time with phil. I'm glad you got to have it. :manyheart

Cindy- That is silly of the store to give you three bags to hold your one hook in.:laughroll


I hope everyone a wonderful day and holidays. And I will be thinking of all of you to be safe and hooking! :hook

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Sorry got sidetracked and then forgot where I was :blush Anyway......


Good morning ladies :flower


Judy - I tell ya, that Phil is a special fella :manyheart


Carol - Glad they got the van running again :hug


Mel - Oh poor DD :hug It's getting to be that time of year. Hope everyone stays relatively well :manyheart


I almost finished my tote yesterday! :jumpyay Just another hour or two and it'll be all done. But don't start counting that two hours till after Big Daddy leaves in about 45 minutes :lol

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Good morning, everyone. :hug :hug :hug to all of you who had a rough day yesterday. I stayed busy all day yesterday but didn't have a lot to show for it. And didn't end up doing any crocheting at all.

Hope you all have a good day today. :manyheart

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Mel: oh poor baby, hope she feels better soon :hug

Judi: How marvelous that you have such a great relationship with DH

Cindy: isn't it fun how those bags mulitply so unashamedly?:lol

Ashley: aching all over is no fun, prayers to Mom's quick recovery...


Gave up on poncho (for now). Going to work on purse as soon as I finish this last HAP patch. Got some new handles in mail, so that pushed me over to the purse decision, :lol

Determined to make this a good day no matter what. Just doing laundry, a little cleaning and lots of crochet. Just cringe a little when the phone rings...

I want to attempt a felted project too, but so afraid of wasting yarn and a lot of work if it doesn't turn out right...

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