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Good morning ladies :flower


Krystal - Yes, the Vanna yarn is worth the hype, IMO :yes I love this stuff. If it was cheaper I'd use it for everything but the quilts. Those do best in the RHSS I think because of the sturdiness of it.


Tabby - I've heard several folks complain about the Vanna splitting. I haven't had that happen. Now Simply Soft splits on me like crazy :yes:lol


Well, managed to get 14 rows on my ME done yesterday :yay In the home stretch now. Under 50 rows. Hopefully today or tomorrow it'll be done.


Have a great day everyone :manyheart

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Hello! I have half of my squares (28) made and pieced together for my ME poncho! Today I am working on charity squares again, so I won't have time to work more on this, but I should be able to get back to it on Tuesday! :yes

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Tabby: Thanks for letting us know how the Vanna's is working out for you. I was planning on using Vanna's too for my ripple afghan since I liked the colors and the price isn't too bad. Though I hadn't known anyone who's worked with it so it made me a little nervous.

Glad to know that you've had a good experiance so far. :)

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Ashley, have they considered lactose intolerance? It can come after a stomach virus, and has the same symptoms of pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Poor Tim was about a year old when he had a 3 day virus that left him lactose intolerant for 2 years or more. Luckily, he outgrew it as he drank so much milk in his teens I threatened to get a cow and let him care for her.


Yes, the Vannas Choice is well worth the price, especially for a project for yourself.

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I'm in the process of whipping up a 3sub for our living room sofa - Sparkie insists on lounging across the cushions to visit with Phil (not technically ON the couch, mind you:D) and being a boy, his, well, his, um...you get the idea...it drapes across the cushions. I'm getting tired of cleaning the cushions, so I grabbed the first 3 skiens of DARK yarn I could and am already on the 3rd row... This is for ME....and a real necessity!! That's my excuse for starting yet ANOTHER project and I'm sticking to it!:lol

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Well, this is just sad. I know i'm going to run out of the silver blue color before finishing. I still have half of a ghan to do & only half of a skein. :eek I called my LYS & she has a ton of Vanna's yarn but not one of the one's i'm using in that list. :angry I will just have to get my rump to Joanns some time soon. Geesh, I should've worked the colors out better. :yarn


Oh well, life goes on. Back to the grindstone until I run out. :hook

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I was eyeing the Vanna yarn at Hobby Lobby yesterday, and thought it felt nice and soft. I liked the colors but I managed to resist buying any. I really, really want to finish a few of my unfinished projects by the end of the year, and buying yarn will not help that goal. There are few things I enjoy more than starting something new.


I forgot to mention yesterday that I found the bamboo handled hooks that Julie wrote about earlier this week at Hobby Lobby. I bought an I hook, but I haven't tried it yet, since its the wrong size for the baby ghan. They weren't terribly expensive, I think around $2.29.


I haven't done much on the ME cardigan for the past two days. I want to finish the pineapple baby ghan so I can donate it at the beginning of December. I've been contemplating adding a cap, booties and sweater to the blanket, since I will have enough yarn left over for that. Of course that would sort of mean starting a new project..... Oh what am I thinking? I will be lucky to get the blanket done. The rest will just have to wait. Its already almost the middle of November.

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Good afternoon ladies!! I hope everyone is having a great Sunday.


Boy, it sure was hard getting up at 3:30 this morning. At least the day went fast. I stopped at the store today on my way home, my grocery shopping is done and it is all put away. It is now ME time. I'm going to sit here, get caught up on the 'Ville', then do some crocheting. I won't be working on my shawl right away. I got an order for a scarf today, so I am going to start on it.


Speaking of my shawl, it most likely won't be mine after all. I think it will be going to a friend that is battling cancer, and I think she could use it more than me. I'm more than half way done with a triangle shawl for her, but on her bad days, I think a rectangle one will be easier for her to manage. Oh well, I'll get mine made someday :D

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Good afternoon ladies!! I hope everyone is having a great Sunday.

Speaking of my shawl, it most likely won't be mine after all. I think it will be going to a friend that is battling cancer, and I think she could use it more than me. I'm more than half way done with a triangle shawl for her, but on her bad days, I think a rectangle one will be easier for her to manage. Oh well, I'll get mine made someday :D

That certainly sounds familiar. My afghan only has 24 more rows to go, and it has turned out to be a magic:2magicafghan, Now you see it and now you don't. It is headed to Pine Ridge along with all this.









:lol I just hopes it sticks around long enough for me to finish it.

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You knwo I thought that this was going to be an issue for me too, but it's actually not. I can raise the hat a bit on my forehead if I need to, but when I was wearing my glasses earlier I didn't even have to do that, it didn't get in the way! :)

Well, then I guess I will have to try it. On my way to CPC to find a pattern...

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Afternoon Ladies,


I'm still trying to read all the last week's post. All the pictures look wonderful. I have to make the last 21 of 63 squares for my X marks the square "ME" ghan. I haven't started putting it together yet. I'm trying to decide if I will whip stitch it or single crochet it. Hope to have it done and post pictures by next Friday. I had today off and I've slept...crochet...crochet..slept. Have to get my hair done now, will check in later. Again, everybodys pictures look wonderful.

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John made it home from deer hunting at 1:30 and I've been down here asleep ever since. Needed some serious sack time I guess. The deer won. Hunters got nothing this weekend.

All those hats and bibs and blankets look gorgeous! Great job.

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John made it home from deer hunting at 1:30 and I've been down here asleep ever since. Needed some serious sack time I guess. The deer won. Hunters got nothing this weekend.

All those hats and bibs and blankets look gorgeous! Great job.


One year hubby, family guys and friends went hunting. No one shot anything, but two of them hit deer with their cars, and one got a partridge with the jeep. I told them why bother buying guns and ammo, just ride around the woods all day, you get more that way. Boy, were they mad at me!!!

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The scarf has been completed for the order I got today :dance

I don't remember the last one working up this fast :scrachin

Now I can get back to the shawl previously knows as Mine. Or I may start another one and hope it will end up being mine. Another option is to sit here and doodle for a bit. :shrug

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One year hubby, family guys and friends went hunting. No one shot anything, but two of them hit deer with their cars, and one got a partridge with the jeep. I told them why bother buying guns and ammo, just ride around the woods all day, you get more that way. Boy, were they mad at me!!!



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One year hubby, family guys and friends went hunting. No one shot anything, but two of them hit deer with their cars, and one got a partridge with the jeep. I told them why bother buying guns and ammo, just ride around the woods all day, you get more that way. Boy, were they mad at me!!!

I love it!!! :rofl :rofl :rofl

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I got a pheasant with my head one time... I was riding passenger in a car when a cat scared the pheasant ... it flew up and hit me in the back of the head... I got headache---pheasant got dead--- family got pheasant dinner...

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One year hubby, family guys and friends went hunting. No one shot anything, but two of them hit deer with their cars, and one got a partridge with the jeep. I told them why bother buying guns and ammo, just ride around the woods all day, you get more that way. Boy, were they mad at me!!!


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