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Ohhhhh...i knew she was evil Cara...its her plan to take over the world :devil



Shhhhh! You can't give away all my secrets at once! :wink

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Julie, I made a small swatch using the ripple pattern you shared...it looks good~ And TY to everyone who has been guiding my mixed up self!

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Julie, thank you for sharing the link for the ripple. I have been looking for a 'softer' ripple pattern. I wasn't up to trying to figure it out by myself. My math skills aren't the best in the world :blush:lol:lol

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Hey guys

I laid down but not able to sleep. Might go try again for a few minutes, but have to pick Cam up at 3, so can't take too long a rest .


For the ones doing the wave stitch ripple , just remember in case you want to make it wider-- don't add the 13, add 26. If you add 13, one side will end up going down and the other will end up going up, so you have to add enough to make 2 repeats, a down and an up .

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Hey guys

I laid down but not able to sleep. Might go try again for a few minutes, but have to pick Cam up at 3, so can't take too long a rest .


For the ones doing the wave stitch ripple , just remember in case you want to make it wider-- don't add the 13, add 26. If you add 13, one side will end up going down and the other will end up going up, so you have to add enough to make 2 repeats, a down and an up .


Glad you posted that about adding. I could just see me adding 13, not 26 and wondering why it was ending like that :lol:lol

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:lol, ok now I understand the fruit thingee

I do some writing sometimes and one of the stories (I haven't finished yet) is titled, "Who put the nuts in the fruit cake?"


:c9 I am in Afghan Heaven, received two very large boxes of yarn today, spent the whole morning sorting through them and putting them in their proper bins. I filled the equal of one and a half large bins. Now I have the yarn I need to finish this ghan and a whole lot more. And no scratchy Red Heart in any of it (:blush, sorry you RH lovers, but until you have 2 arms full of itchy hives, you won't understand my dislike of the RH Super Savers). I have Mohair, Angora, cotton, baby yarn, imported yarns and tons more.


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ooops, forgot to say hi and welcome to Tiffy.


Also, I am busy winding balls right now, of the odds and ends from the bottom of one box, mostly baby yarn, so won't be doing much ME crocheting this afternoon. But my hook will be flying once I am done.


Watch out Speedy, here I come. :lol (yeah right)

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I'll be watching for ya' :D


I had to frog an entire row and a half of a RR today. It's the one I had to set aside when I got all the orders for scarves. I had done the last row before putting it aside late at night.

Today I got halfway done with a row when I noticed that in the row before it, I had done the points wrong. Some were 2DC ch2 2DC and some were 1DC ch2 1DC. It was a 2DC row. So I had to take it all out to make sure it would lay flat.

Note to self---don't work on a RR when extremely tired :blush

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All I did for ME yesterday was sleep. I was going to read for a few minutes until something good came on TV, and woke up about 11...so I read some more and went to bed. This will never get my projects done, but it was worth it.


Sometimes that is the best thing! Last week I did that one evening - I was so tired I crawled into bed at 7:30pm and slept straight through unitl 5:30am and felt so refreshed :yes


DK - double knit - same as a number 3 yarn, light worsted.


Here's a great yarn weight link.



Ohhh so Caron Simply Soft would work for this sweater :clap I have just falled in love with that yarn since I started using it for my ME afghan I need to save the pattern before it goes away (and I begin cussing myself out for missing it...)

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The RHSS only works after it's washed - then it's soft....


Carol, what a yummy haul of yarn!! I was petting the cashmere and angora in the store last week - so nice:c9

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I loveeeee cashmere yarn....just cant afford it most of the time :(


Well i totally messed up today...im learning to knit and was happily knitting away on my first sweater when BAM i realize that i have done the whole row in knit instead of purl and now i don't know how to take the stitches out without losing everything i have done....i just want to cry :cry:cry it took me so longggg to get this far now i don't know what to do :think


Ok done with my rant!!!

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Hey, Shay, if you do drop a stitch you can use a crochet hook to bring the stitches back up and that way you don't have to quite as paranoid about messing it up as you back up. I hate having to back up. The only sure way I know is to go stitch by stitch back. Good luck.:hug

I now have 18 rows of my RR done and I'm really loving the way it looks. I am soooooo glad I broke down and bought those 2 skeins of bright yellow. It's definately worth it. :yes I'm now doing a blend of the bright yellow with the cornmeal. Not sure how many rows of this I'll do.:think

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Cindy, your solution to the cardigan fitting you is the reason I quit making myself wearables! My weight fluctuated for so many years that it was frustrating getting things to fit properly! Too much work involved making them to try it again.


I never learn. I have made two other cardigans and they were both huge. Now I have managed to make one that is too small. Unfortunately its too big for my daughter or she would happily wear it.

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Well, she'll grow into it, so I say to hold on to it for a bit!


(Hide it and give it to her for Christmas next year!)

She's 19, so I sure hope she doesn't grow into it! I would guess that it is a size large and I need extra large. See, all I have to do is loose about 20 mpounds or so!

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Evening ladies :ghug


Been a day full of stuff other than crochet. Did some sewing then DH insisted I go to the dentist with him :rolleyes I've done exactly one row on my blanket :(


All caught up now though so I'm gonna settle down with my hook :hook


Re: The Vanna yarn.....my blanket is gonna take about 7 of the Linen, 7 Dusty Blue and 1 Chocolate....BUT I'm making mine about 6 feet long and pretty wide (since I'm pretty wide :lol) because it's gonna be an actual blanket not a ghan.

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Good Evening all. Finally put things to rest, those little balls of baby yarn did me in, still have some white to do, but put it aside to do some wash, make dinner, and crochet a little. Got to row 40. Daughter kept calling and emailing all day. She is all hyped up about winning yarn on Ebay, so she would call to tell me, then email to send pics of what she won. :lol, it's a good thing I love her. Now I am just too tired to crochet any more.

So good night and will talk to you in the AM.

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hey thanks for all the warm welcomes guys. i haven't done much today, i got all caught up logging my stash into ravelry today. i still need to take pics of everything, including my WIPs. i'll do a few rows on my hoodie before bed tonight...

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Hi, ladies...getting ready for my WW meeting...monthly weigh in for me due this month, so I'll do it today and get it over with.

Hope to see you at the meeting, Kathy!


I'm working on baby washcloths (using cotton tots) and some hats for Baby Dean when he comes on Sunday - he has no hair to keep his little head warm! I don;t know how big to make the hats (want to send him home with at least a couple), so I'm playing with different yarns and hook sizes and we'll drive the poor kid crazy trying them all on!:D

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