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Super tired tonight, will probably be in bed early (at least early for me). Up to 32 rows now, struggling to find enough scrap colors to get to point when I start repeating colors.

wish some of my yarn would get here.

I got one shipment yesterday but it was almost all cotton, and not what I needed for this project. When I get to the shawls, tops and sweaters, then I will use the cotton, it is Paton's Grace, and so nice.

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Carol, most of my vintage jewelry either came from ebay or from my best friend/cosmic twin. She is a big collector and seller of vintage jewelry. My mom has 2 big jewelry boxes full (a lot of my grandma's is in there too) and she has told me it is mine whenever I want it.


Those brooches are all ones that I brought back from visiting Nancy (best friend/cosmic twin) in Florida this summer. I have another bag full, plus the ones I already had. I think I have enough that I could wear one a day for a month and never repeat :lol

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I haven't worked on my shrug in a couple nights but will tonight while I'm watching Hunt for Red October...love Sean Connery.. any way I did complete a me project.. I had an orphan skein of homespun it had no wrapper when I adopted it from the thrift store... I liked the color kind of medium grey and suptle purple color... I wanted to make a shawl but there wasn't enough... so I decided I'd make a scarf---FOR ME -- well I not only had enough for a scarf I had enough for a hat too... both --- FOR ME--- even though the grandgirl wants them and says I never make her anything (yah right) so I'll let you know how my shrug is going...

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Carol, I've had those laughing fits where I almost thought that "embarrasing moment" would rear it's ugly head, too - hasn't happened yet, TG!

You and Lisa are the second mother/daughter members that I know about here!

Thanks for checking out the comfortghan...I think that ghan is why the ripple blanket is looking so appealing to me at the moment:lol:lol


We are best friends, although it wasn't always that way :lol.

We crochet, sew, do plastic canvas, embroidery and just about all kinds of crafts together. We have a lot of fun and laughs, but we have our disagreements too, then we go home and wind up calling each other to laugh about that too!!!


I think that the reason I wanted to do a sharp crisp zig zag was I was tired of round stuff, shells, scallops, circles, toy animals, hats, flowers, even the squares are never really square, the corners always are soft until you put them together and they start off ROUND. :lol:lol

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Mel, those brooches are so awesome. They look like the kind I would pick out. Your scarves are great too.

The pattern I use for my preemie blankets is from "Leisure Arts Presents AFGHANS on the Double," copyright 1996 and the pattern is called 'Baby-Soft Rainbow.' The first time I used that pattern was a full sized baby afghan for a friend. I liked the look so much, I've been using it for the preemie afghans every since. I've done a queen sized afghan from that book also and there are several others that are on my WIM list. It's one of the best buys I've made recently and it was on clearance when I got it.:devil

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TY Krystal and Shaylen - I printed out the info from you gals onto ONE sheet of paper so I don't misplace anything. I need to see how this will go. I LOVE the random stripe generator!


I still have a small item to make this week...the prayer shawl is done...so I should be able to make a little progress on something for ME by the end of the week.


Good night, ladies:hug

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hey, i know i'm a little late, but i wouldn't mind joining you ladies on this. i couple of weeks ago i started a hooded sweatshirt pattern from bernat.com, and i've lost my drive to work on it...even though it's getting cooler all the time! i'm using patons shetland chunky in earthy. i made the kid's version for my goddaughter, and it turned out soooo cute! i HAD to make my own!

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I have been working on my shrug for the past 4 hours... I now have 55 rows done -- one side of front, side and starting on back... I figured out how to work my new digital camera and my #1 daughter helped me figure out how to post pictures... Yea me... I have to take pictures tomarrow when the sun is shining though inside is just too dark...

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Welcome Tiffy !

We don't call it losing your drive, we call it MOJO.

A lot of us have lost ours in here, but someone is always here to help you find it, so jump right in !


Carol - as for the FRUIT question, someone gave you the right answer, but let me mention the fact that we MAY have a few FRUIT LOOPS in the gang,too .


Not ME... but I think we all know who it might be ..............:D

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This is the pattern here or one like it...i even tested it to make sure and it is a wave.



Well after digging through my stash i have picked out enough colors that match my bedroom and my living room like she did...i have 12 that im going to use :P i placed them in the Stripes generator thing

and have been refreshing the page for like 2 hours...im starting to see stripes everywhere i look now :hyper even my potato's had stripes on them at dinner :lol but i have narrowed it down to 4 that i like,so we will see...now to figure out how wide to make it becouse i want it to cover my bed(King).I guess i will just chain till it fits my bed width :think.


Shay what a great program. I always have trouble trying to work out how many rows of what color and how many.

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Carol - as for the FRUIT question, someone gave you the right answer, but let me mention the fact that we MAY have a few FRUIT LOOPS in the gang,too .


Not ME... but I think we all know who it might be ..............:D



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Judy - I have been doing a lot of "curve" stuff on my daisy border, so if you need help with your pattern, let me know. Are you looking for a scallop, or more like a soft up and down curve?

Soft up and down curve, like the pic of the one Shaylen shared with us. It's really a noce look, IMO.

I'll play with the pattern sometime this week, making a swatch, and see how it goes.

TY for the offer of help! Sometimes it's the simple things that I have troule with:blush

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That wavy ripple afghan really is beautiful. I am tempted, but I absolutely cannot start any more new projects. Absolutely not!

I've got quite a bit done on the cardigan. I was laying awake in bed this morning trying to figure out how to make it just a little wider so it would fit me better, when the answer came to me...I will have to loose some weight!

I actually considered giving up on it and frogging it, but I hate to do it, since its coming along so well. I only have a few more rows to do before the body is finished and I think i will finish that part and then play around a bit and see how it looks.

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Cindy, your solution to the cardigan fitting you is the reason I quit making myself wearables! My weight fluctuated for so many years that it was frustrating getting things to fit properly! Too much work involved making them to try it again.

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My plans may have changed. I may try to find a pattern that I can use with my Vanna yarn. I have to go get exact amts of what I have & then see what I can get together. I want to pick a pattern that will really show it's beauty but maybe simple is better for that. I'm thinking possible a RR. :think I'll let ya know when I figure it out. I still have to finish up that fall ghan, it's starting to feel like the plague. :eek

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Welcome to the group, Tiffy :hug We're having lots of fun in here :yes


Tabby - Yes, I think you should make something just for you from the Vanna's. :yes


Julie - I know there's definitely a few Fruit Loops but it's the Grape Nuts that you've gotta watch for :lol


30 more rows done on my blanket yesterday :yay Seems I can get about 30 rows a day I guess :lol So that mean 3 more days if I stayed with just the blanket but today I really must start working on baby bedding :irk I started the blankets last week and they didn't work anything like I thought they would. I am not really much of a seamstress :P Anyway, enough of that. Have a great day everyone :manyheart

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Sounds like you guys are all busy today on projects-- We have a few saltine afghans on the horizon coming in for a landing soon !


Tab- good luck on choosing a project. I may start another rr too , not sure yet. I was gonna make a baby one for the charity thing, but didnt know if they'd want something that wasn't square-shaped. They wanted things that were small and would fit the little baby bed deals in the hopital, so I don't think the rr's would be what they want .


Cara- Grape Nuts ! You are FUNNY !!!

Some days I can qualify for both, a Fruit Loop AND a Grape Nut .

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