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Nite Judy


I agree about it being dumb about the power from Niagara Falls going cheaply to businesses. I had no idea that was happening.


I also agree about the venting...it seems like this is the time of year when we finally let out everything we have been keeping bottled up inside. We have a safe place to do it here, and we are all here for each other. We listen to each other, offer advice when asked for it, cry together, laugh together, celebrate together and enjoy the great people here. We all need to vent from time to time, and occasionally get up on our soap box. And I am so glad to have found this new 'family' and to know so many great people that don't mind the occasional vent, ramble or step up on the soapbox. :hug:hug

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Cindy, I know what you mean about every person having their own opinions about quality of life issues. With my 23 year old son in a non-responsive state since age 21, it's pointed out a lot of issues to his friends and siblings. My stepson and I have had some very deep discussions about what Tim would or wouldn't want, and we're on the same page now, but poor Mark thought we were going to have to fight over it.


I had to point out to his doctors with the advocacy of the head nurse that pain might be causing Tim's failure to heal from his bedsores, and that we wanted maximum pain relief even if it meant a higher risk of breathing complications. Someone else may want less risk even if it means more pain. It's something we shouldn't leave to our loved ones to decide for us.

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WDILT... life would be so boring without the ladies of the 'ville... mention beating Wendy's 2000 saltine score and some of these crazy folk turn it into a compitition.... what laughter you all bring to my life...

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Well, first of all ,I learned that I am a day late and a dollar short for YESTERDAY's WDILT, so I will have to list something I learned YESTERDAY before it gets away from me.


Today I learned that the old saying about worrying is true, that the majority of things you worry about NEVER EVER happen, so you are actually wasting time worrying for no good reason .


Today, I will take what i learned yesterday to say I am now taking one hour at a time .when the next hour gets here, I'll think about it .


Oh, and I learned that Cam could make me laugh if a tornado hit our house, an earthquake knocked the rest of it over and I was found nekkid sittiing in the rubble.

He'd make some wisecrack to make me laugh, and that would be all that mattered to me .:D

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Kathy....you're a wise lady...:c9


Julie, when DS was that age (5, I think is close to Cam's age) my mom died. I was understandably upset....and into the kitchen he walked with a pair of really goofy looking sunglasses, trying to make me laugh:c9:manyheart

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Good morning everyone. I've started a new me project. I'm making myself a tote out of the waves of color tote pattern. I am making it a bit bigger than the pattern though. DD asked me what I was going to use it for and I said a beach bag. However, I don't really go to the beach that often, so it might just be another tote to add to my collection.


Julie, my two dgs always make me happy too, no matter what.

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WDILT: I don't know if this counts, but here goes anyway. John went in to work early today so I was up in time to see the sunrise. It is/was AWESOME! The sun painted the sky in lovely shades of pink, then it turned to salmon, and now it is turning to pale apricot on the horizon as the rest is now pale blue. Soon it will be deep blue and the sun will actually show itself. Gorgeous!

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some of these crazy folk turn it into a compitition


I resemble that remark!


Today I learned that the old saying about worrying is true, that the majority of things you worry about NEVER EVER happen, so you are actually wasting time worrying for no good reason .

I have always been a worrier, too. I have found that keeping busy helps me to not let my mind wander into dangerous territory.



Yea, I guess those little"nippers" are what makes life so great sometimes, even under the worst of conditions.


Want a few "nippers" of mine? They weren't making life great this morning... JEEZ!!! They were all pokey and not listening! I think DH is going to be late for work.


WDILT: I don't know if this counts, but here goes anyway. John went in to work early today so I was up in time to see the sunrise. It is/was AWESOME! The sun painted the sky in lovely shades of pink, then it turned to salmon, and now it is turning to pale apricot on the horizon as the rest is now pale blue. Soon it will be deep blue and the sun will actually show itself. Gorgeous!



My kids love looking at the sunrise out our front window in the morning. My DD9 seems to be the notifier of when it's especially pretty.

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Krystal- that is certainly a kind offer of you to share your little nippers, but I b'lieve the one I have here at 3 everyday keeps me pretty well supplied . I'm a little too old to take on anymore at this point .

Maybe someone else would take you up on the deal --- anyone ??????

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I love the sunrise...but the way our house is situated we don't see much of it...saw awesome ones in Perto Rico, though:c9

I DO see fantastic sunsets...over the trees in our backyard...lots of pink, purple, and often some wispy clouds to decorate the skt along with the colors.

Wish I could translate those colors to crocheting...I am slightly color blind with less-than-vivid shades:P


Off to WW for my weekly pep talk - weighed in for the month last week...:D

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Krystal- that is certainly a kind offer of you to share your little nippers, but I b'lieve the one I have here at 3 everyday keeps me pretty well supplied . I'm a little too old to take on anymore at this point .

Maybe someone else would take you up on the deal --- anyone ??????


Are you insane? I spend half my day trying to herd cats....that's enough for me :lol



Linda - So what you learned today is that sometimes it's worth getting up early? :manyheart

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Is it too late to join this? I'm currently working on the Lavender Lace afghan (Herrschner's "exclusive" design). I think you can get a picture of it from here:




This is going to go on my bed when I'm done. It's supposed to be for me, but I have a feeling that my cat Franklin will probably end up being the true recipient <LOL>.

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Pam...Linda stole my exact words!:lol

Welcome to this (slightly nutty) group! And that's a really beautiful pattern you picked.


Tami - Welcome! What a pretty baby blanket! The pattern looks familiar.:think

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