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I finished the scarf for my future Daughter In Law today. If I didn't already have on made with that yarn, I would keep this one for myself. I spent the day crocheting....when I got done with hers, I grabbed some yarn and made myself another scarf. I have quite the collection of scarves. They work up so fast and are a great 'filler' project. When I got done with my scarf, I grabbed a skein of variegated and a skein of black and started making a 2 strand throw rug. I have 9 rows done so far. I will take pics when I have a little more of it done.


I'm heading off to bed. I'm not feeling too good right now. I'm not sure if it the fibro acting up or if I'm coming down with something. I hurt all over and even just having my clothes rub my skin hurts. It kinda feels like I do when I am getting ready to start running a fever. If I feel like this tomorrow, I won't be going to work. No way can I work feeling like this.

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Good Morning Ladies :rose

I'm still not feeling good, so I am taking the day off. I need to bundle up and go to WalGreens to buy a vaporizer. Maybe that will help a little since it is so dry in the apartment with the furnace churning out so much dry air.


Here is a picture of the scarf I made myself last night. I made this one a little wider and shorter than my usual scarves. I'm such a clutz I always end up getting my scarf tangled up in the bottom of my coat, and this way it won't go that low.




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Mel - I'm so sorry you're not feeling well, hon :hug Yes, stay home and rest up. The scarf looks great! I've seen that yarn but I've never actually seen anything worked up from it. It came out really nice!

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Mel~That is perdy, beautiful color. :clap



I made another scarf yesterday too but haven't uploaded the pic. yet. Jaden had me make it for a retired teacher that helps in the class occ. She was there when I dropped the other teachers gifts off before x-mas vacation & he put me on the spot. He said, "Mommy I want one for her now". He was so cute though, he really meant well. If he had his choice he'de have everyone in the school wearing one. :lol He's so sweet. :manyheart

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Hi, ladies!:hug


A sunny but brutally cold day here...going out in the yard in a minute for poopsicle duty:lol


No :crocheting yesterday...the day got away from me, but did get a kitchen cabinet decluttered. We should have paid better attention when our kitchen was remodeled 10 plus years ago: we have an impossibly deep cabinet with a thin door. The angle makes it so hard to reach inside or store big items that it drives me nuts.

Oh, well...at least its not the original kitchen with the tin cabinets (have to love what Levitt built with discontinued stuff:P)



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Morning ladies. It's cold here, too, but sunshiny and very little wind. It's supposed to start warming up tomorrow. My ambition evaporated when I finished the next to last Christmas present. I've been doing just putzy stuff for the last week. Worked on a quiltghan pattern yesterday and made the pompom for a preemie hat, but that's about it. Started another afghan this morning using one of Cara's new patterns, Becky's Blocks. I'm still using up left overs from other projects for it so not sure what it will look like when done. Wouldn't you know I picked black as the first color. Now I remember why I dislike working with really dark colors. I can't see what I'm doing. Yuck!!! Have a good day.

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Good morning. Its very cold here and snowing a bit, again.

Mel, I'm sorry you're feeling lousy, hope you feel better soon.


I have pretty much decided to frog part of the cardigan I'm making for myself. Now that I've figured out the sleeves, I don't care for the way the front looks. I'm going to try something different, but not until I finish the baby round ripple I'm working on. I may finish my snowflake afghan before going back to it too. At least the afghan is a me project.

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Krystal, the blue star will get there...though I did frog mine...:lol


Linda, have you tried the crochet hooks with the light in them? I've gotten used to them....makes working in dim light or with dark yarn a lot easier. I love the way black looks in some patterns, so I had to figure out something.

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Judy, I just bought one to try, but wouldn't you know, it's the wrong size for this pattern. It's an I instead of a J.

Then it looks like you were meant to make something with an I hook!!

That's the way I look at things...:D

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Judy, I got an I hook because that is the hook size I use when I'm making saltines. It's actually the size that I use the most on everything.

Cara, I finished my first block. It measures 12" square. The first and last row are the worst. The rest aren't bad. It's kind of relaxing for a change. You know that you are a bad influence on me, don't you? I was planning on working on some WIPs that have been sitting around for over a year. And what do you go and do but put up a new pattern I can't resist. And the WIPs are still sitting there waiting while I go to work on a new one. It's all your fault. :lol :lol :lol

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Cara,........... You know that you are a bad influence on me, don't you? ..... It's all your fault. :lol :lol :lol


My work here is done :bow


Wendy - Oh okay you must've put 25cm x 23cm on the happy house cal....that makes much more sense :lol I think the difference you're having is that 8 ply yarn instead of the 12 ply :(

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Evening all, been out all day finishing up stuff that didn't get done yesterday. Can't believe it, out for 2 days in a row. I will probably sleep for 2 days now, :lol. Got home made pea soup with ham that has been cooking all day in slow cooker for dinner, good thing too as I am pooped and not in the mood to cook. Still working on comfort shawls, but haven't had much time for crocheting. DD is coming this weekend to contribute more pink yarn (worsted) to me, she was helping make the squares but called it quits as she doesn't feel well. Sun shown all day but it was very cold. Not as bad as yesterday because the wind wasn't as bad.


Mel great shawl, you still amaze me with how fast you get things done...

Krystal, I am so eager to see your hooded shawl, I gave the one I made away before I remembered to take pics. Still not used to having a digital camera, and forget to use it.

Linda, anyone who can do work like that RR deserves every compliment she gets. :tup


Have a good night everyone if I don't get back on, gotta do some other stuff and then go eat. :hug

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Rest up, Carol...and enjoy the pea soup. I sure miss that - my mom used to make it from scratch when we were kids.

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Ooh I love Pea Soup. I make it in the pressure cooker. This is my version


One packet of green split peas.

One leek or spring onions

3 or 4 carrots chopped up

2 cups of rice

1 tablespoon of salt


Put all ingredients in the pressure cooker add water to nearly the brim.

Cook in the pressure cooker until done.

In the pressure cooker it takes about 30minutes to make.


We add a tin of cocktail frankfurts cut up into small pieces.

Easiest meal to make.


hmm Im getting hungry now, gotta go make lunch.

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Hi, and good night, Wendy and anyone else still hanging around...must get quiet for you here, Wendy, unless an insomniac or two shows up online!


Have a good one everybody:hug

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Carol, I hope you enjoyed your soup. It is soup weather here...I had some soup today. I didn't feel like cooking so just had some soup and crackers.


Wendy, your recipe sounds good. It would be a waste to make a batch of Pea Soup since I am the only one that would eat it and I can't eat much of it.


Judy, I hope you get a good night's sleep.


I spent the day lounging around and crocheting a little. Still feeling kinda bad, so took it easy today. I did venture out to get a new vaporizer and I'm hoping that will help me to feel better.


Here is a picture of the 2 strand rug I am working on. I was stash diving for some yarn and came across a bag of RHSS 'Fall' yarn. I honestly don't remember buying it. So I paired it with some black yarn and I love how it is looking. It is nice and thick.




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