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We're doing well here. 25 degrees when I looked about an hour ago. Didn't even realize it was that cold because it's a little warm in here and the heat is barely on. Just enough so it is actually heat. We have heat pumps. They look like window unit A/Cs but they heat and cool. Love those things :yes

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Judy have you been talking to dh? He suggested I try working on one project at a time just the other week. I am sort of trying to stick to that. I have been working on one big project and then usually a small one that will take less than a week. I don't think I can just go down to one WIP at a time though.


That was my idea for a change - not Phils;)

Oh, I have other WIPs, too...even a graph ghan that only has the starting chain done:D...but once I start it, put all the yarn together in a tote with the pattern and hook, I know it'll get done - eventually.

I just picked the "Friends" squares to do first because I might want to play with new patterns if I get bored with my favorite (which hasn't happened yet):hook...and give my good buddies a leg up on their ghans:manyheart

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I'd love to join. I do not know how to do pics. I hope that I can still join. I want to do a turtle for myself, but haven't decided on the pattern. I also want to do a shawl for myself. I saw a very pretty pattern on the 'ville that I might want to try. Thanks


Don't worry - I didn't do pics at first, either - but it's not hard. If I can do it anybody can!:lol

We'll just trust your ability to describe your work:D


So, what color will you be making your shawl??

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Good morning all

We have it pretty cold here today too. I don't know the exact temperature, but I'm guessing it's 20 something... really bad cold with a little wind and light snow . I made it to the next town over this morning and came back home. Roads were pretty bad, so may wait and try going further later today or later in the week, depending on when I get in the mood to get all bundled up and try it again.


I am trying to work with a better crochet system myself, as some of you were talking about. I know lots of you like working on a pile of different things all at once, but I seem to be like a horse with blinders on. I do better if there is only ONE project sitting there within sight .

I guess I like to TRY to be organized like that, but tend to go overboard when my brain thinks up 42 new CALs . :lol

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If the day ever comes that I am only working on one project at a time, that means there is something seriously wrong with me and I need an intervention :lol:lol

That's me exactly. I always have multiple irons in the fire. :lol :lol :lol

I'd love to join. I do not know how to do pics. I hope that I can still join. I want to do a turtle for myself, but haven't decided on the pattern. I also want to do a shawl for myself. I saw a very pretty pattern on the 'ville that I might want to try. Thanks

Welcome to the group, Melissa. :welcome I think this CAL will be around for a long, long time.

Good Morning Ladies :yawn

I had a wake up call this morning at 5:30 saying my DD's school was on a 2 hour delay due to the snow. So I got up and changed her alarm and tried to go back to sleep but the damage was done. So I got up and looked out at the winter wonderland outside. It sure is pretty, but is making travel a nightmare. I just got the call the DD's school is closed today :clap:clap

And today is my day off, so I get to stay in a watch the snow and crochet :crocheting

I remember that kind of day and that kind of weather. You can have it!!!

Mel while your watching the snow Im watching an egg fry on the pavement as its so hot here. Just kidding but really its so hot here that you could do that.

I don't care for your weather either, Wendy. I'd love to live in a place where it iw always in the 70s. That sounds perfect.

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Good Morning.


It's really cold here too. It says 19 & feels like its 6 with the WC. BRRR!! With chunky flakes of snow out there. They are pretty to look at but not so pretty to touch. We did go out to play yesterday & it cheered me up a bit but I think it's because I got to hit Doa with snowballs for 3 hours. OH YEAH! :devil:lol



I'm not very organized with my projects either but I won't go there........:P

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Think I'm gonna have to go back to the one WIP at a time too :( Okay, maybe two :wink It was fun for the past year to have more than one but I'm just no good at dividing my attention. :blush


Tab - Are you in a better mood really or just punch drunk from getting pelted with snow balls for that long :lol


Melissa - Welcome to the Fun House :hug


Julie - I'd wait for the thaw :yes


Good morning Judy :hug


Well, BD goes back to work today :( Part of me is glad so I can get stuff done. Not that he held me back. I just don't ever get anything done when he's home. Of course being sick for almost 2 weeks could have something to do with that. But the other part of me will miss him. We didn't really do anything while he was home. I just like having him here :sigh Oh well, there's always retirement in 20 years :lol

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Hi and good afternoon Cara, Shelly, Tab, Mel and Linda


I can't do more than 2 or 3 at a time, they keep calling me and crying because they need my attention...:lol, so I need to finish them. Also just don't have the room for extra totes and WIPS.

Hi and welcome Melissa, once you learn to put the pics on your pc, the rest is easy.

Do you have digital camera? If not you can load the pics from a scanner or have pics developed into a cd. You save them on your hard drive in a folder. Then the Ville has some pointers and instructions on how to get them on the web and into Crochetville.


The weather here is cold and very windy, but no snow so far. Lived in So. Cal for 7 years and when those winds come you can fry anything on the driveway....New York on an island most of my life, breezes were great in summer, but whoa come winter you know what season it is, when your nose keeps going numb...


Well enjoy your crochet days, I gotta run (well more like creep :lol) and get to PO, bank, 2 dr appts and Kmart. Real fun, right?

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Good Afternoon Ladies.

I just braved the elements and took some pictures we got (and are still getting). I was going to make a run to WalGreens to buy a vaporizer but after looking at the parking lot I changed my mind.







All are clickable

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Hi, ladies...been busy today, but came to check in.


Krystal, I heard there were 70,000 hardy souls at that ice bowl of a hocky game! I;ll take that indoors, thank you very much:D

We used to be big hocky fans...then the NY Rangers began losing, our favorite players left, etc. My first live game was in St. Louis in the 70's - I was hooked after that!


See y'all later - keep warm or cool, wherever you are. My Power Surges are quite content at this time of year - don't even mention Summertime to me!

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Mel, I have to agree about the hot vs cold issue. My former boss was always freezing and kept the office so hot sometimes I'd be dripping sweat on the keyboard despite my desk fan. Finally I told them if someone was cold I'd buy them clothes or crochet some; but if I took off any more, someone was going to be embarrassed, and it wasn't me! She turned the heat down for a while.


And I hear you on the parking. You spend hours digging a car out and then when you come home someone else is in your space and there is nowhere to park! I hated that when we had to park on the street, especially.

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Finished crocheting my 3SURR last night. And yes it is hanging over all three side of John and Kim's queen sized bed. It's big, it's heavy, and it's warm. Still have some tails to weave in, but wanted to show it off.


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Alaina, 3SURR stands for 3 strand ugly round ripple. I got the idea from those who were making 3SUBs, otherwise known as 3 strand ugly blankets. Hehehe!!! :lol :lol :lol

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Thank you, ladies. :bow That means a lot to me, coming from such accomplished crocheters. I don't know that I'd do another one with 3 strands, but I enjoyed doing this one. Especially since I get to keep this one.

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OMG Linda!!!! Definitely gonna have to change its name to the 3SPRR!!!! It's just gorgeous! I swear you're the only one I know that could've just reached in a bag and pulled that off :nworthy

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