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Crocheters against UFOs


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Wow, cupcake. you HAVE been busy. and the things you frogged are already morphing into other worthwhile things. very nifty.:clap keep it up.

a UFO, to me, is something that when i open the bag (because i can't remember what's inside) it makes me go :sigh:scared or :yuck .

knicknac..... no excuses. you gotta get the green afghan done. you deserve it, you're gonna love it, and you're gonna be so happy to have it done with. so, get moving.:kick so far, we've not had to get out the bat, but we will if we have to.:tryme

i learned a lesson yesterday. you can't work in dirt and plants all morning and then crochet with aran yarn on your lunchtime. even washing my hands didn't get all the crud off. guess i'll have to save it for home. i did get 3 hexes done last night before bed. i was so beat, i went to bed at 8:15. wasn't even dark out yet.:sleep

today should be fun. a plant and flower shop the day before mothers day and we got in a truck of new hanging baskets.:scared

everybody keep up the great progress.:cheer :cheer

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....were posted March 25, so they aren't even 2 months old, and I worked fiendishly on them for a couple weeks after that date. It just FEELS like it's been ages since I picked them up... http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/dafidsmom/album?.dir=e85b&.src=ph&store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//photos.yahoo.com/ph//my_photos

Dreemrytr - they are so pretty! thank you for sharing. You must have a lot of other stuff going on for you to describe the time gap as "ages"?


Me, I don't count it as a bonafide UFO until I have forgotten the pattern and stitch.... :lol

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I went through a 2 week hat phase and then got bitten by the felting bug. I'm almost finished with my 2nd bag, and have just one small finishing detail before I can throw it in the washer.... I'm sooo excited to see the final outcome. And YES, I guess I have been very busy to feel it's been ages since I worked on the baby afghans... I had to laugh at your requisite for determining a UFO... I DO NOT want to forget those stitches/patterns! They were soo hard, and took so long to learn in the first place! Why oh why would I want to go through that all over again? (question to self) Actually, it's just the one afghan now, since the other one is practically finished. The last two are easier stitches/patterns, which I'm not anxgting over really. Oh, and then there's the 2 mile-a-minute afghans... WHO ever came up with THAT term anyway???



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..... Oh, and then there's the 2 mile-a-minute afghans... WHO ever came up with THAT term anyway???Debbie
Wishful Thinking? :think Conspiracy by the yarn companies to get us to buy more yarn, since we'll use it up so fast? (like I needed encouragement to buy yarn, hah! :rofl) Frustrated track and field star? :eek The same people who measure how fast storms move? :scrachin:spin
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I frogged the rest of the ugly afgan.

I frogged a sweater.

I dyed some yarn with koolaid to make it look beautiful and smell great!

(Pix: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v217/karenrebecca/YARN/2dyedYarn5-14-06.jpg and http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v217/karenrebecca/YARN/DyedYarn5-14-06.jpg )


I also came to the realization that I have a tremendous amout of yarn. And that it probably would be in my best intrest to use some of the yarn that I already have.

I think I am going to make a cardigan with the strawberry colored yarn that I bought off of Ebay. But that will be a long time away.


I think I am going to frog the shrug that I have laying around here... somewhere...


I have had this blue varigated yarn for like... over a year. I have about 10 skeins of it in various spots around the house. I think I am going to make a round blanket out of it.


dang, I have so much yarn... It is almost overwhelming trying to have a purpose for all this yarn. Maybe I should just give the common yarn (acrylics and some cottons) to my local nursing home along with some crochet hooks with those comfort grips for ppl with arthritis. That would help me 'destash' and help brighten up someones day at the same time. :)


I am very tired and moody. But I thought I should give an update since I was admiring everyones accomplishments since the last time I checked in.



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patricia, you're so funny.:lol

karen, you have been busy.:yes way to go.:yay

i think it would be great of you to donate yarn and hooks to the senior home. i'm sure they would be tickled to death to get those goodies.:c9

i'm off to work to play in the dirt. i'll check in later.

have a great crochet day, everybody :cheer:yarn

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Hi, Karen! loved the Kool-aid dyed yarn - it looked luminous in the first photo! It never occurred to me the Kool-aid would also change the smell, too. How neat is that?!


I'm with Dazy in thinking the nursing home de-stash plan is excellent - it is so thoughtful of you to include comfortable hooks - your gesture of concern and kindness will keep them warmer than the afghans they make from the donated yarn!


I'm finding it remarkably difficult to let go of yarn, myself. I have way too much, but I feel so possessive about it - quite surprises me. I'm willing to give away stuff I've made, but not the yarn. Go figure. :think


well, haven't made any progress on my UFO, except to keep other projects from turning into UFO's. Does that count? spent a little time on eBay, buying quilting books - don't quilt yet, but use them for color and shape ideas. So now they're coming in, and I'm spending time browsing instead of crocheting. So many patterns, so little time! :D

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i've been a bad UFO-er. i've not worked on mine for over a week. :ohdear i think i need a :kick or maybe even a :tryme . anybody else making any headway?

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ehh... well... I was sick at home last monday and I crocheted a scarf :blush


Now, i have some gifted yarn that I am making a hand bag out of. :devil



UFO..... It is staring at me right now.... screaming to be finished.




I think Spring Fever has hit alot of us... So my words of encouragement are "do what you can, when you can." :yes



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yeah, maybe since we crocheted when it was too cold to go out, we can catch up when it gets too hot out and we have to stay in the A/C:lol . i'll keep plugging along.

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HAHA... thanks KnicKnak.


hehehe... that is what I was thinking, Dazy :yes


So... I am getting married in the fall and I want to knit/crochet a shawl to wear. It is just going to be an intimate ceremony with just me, him and the minister. Anyone have any good shawl patterns (knit or crochet) that they want to share? :manyheart

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Update: Since my first post, I have doubled the length of the curtain and found that I needed more thread so got that today. While working on it this week, I got to thinking about some organdy ribbon that I have several spools of and thought: I wonder if that ribbon would fit in the mesh of the curtain. Got it out and using a yarn needle weaved it through the mesh and tied a little bow. So now after I finish the crocheting, I plan to use the ribbon and randomly weave it through and put the bows in random places. I had no idea what I would do with the ribbon bought in error and not usable for the original purpose. So now the curtain is going great guns and I have found I can use up the ribbon (about 6 spools of it). I plan later to post the ultra simple pattern - need to get it written up yet. You other gals are doing good on your UFOs so keep up the good work and consider it fun time. That helps in keeping your mind on it. :yes:hook:clap :clap :clap

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sounds pretty. you're even using up ribbon that was kind of UFO-y. now it has a purpose. you're gonna clean out all your craft stuff if you keep it up.:cheer

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Hi all,


I just wanted to check in... I see you all have been very good about sticking to your UFO's or frogging those that will NEVER get completed for whatever reason. Keep up the good work :cheer:cheer :cheer ! CrochetJC, I'm especially impressed that you found a creative use for your ribbon. I'm anxious to see your curtains that you're working on. In fact, I'm interested in seeing EVERYONE's current works in progress (previous UFO's).


I finally finished my LAST project (never in the UFO catagory). Check it out on the FELTING AND FULLING board under Triple Washed Purple Bag (not sure if the link will work or not). Am back on track with the Gentle Ripple baby afghan, and I DID indeed need to refresh my memory with a quick perusal of the pattern. I've done another 5" on it, with about 20 more inches to go. I'm working on it exclusively until it's done :dance. Should be a breeze as long as I don't get distracted, AND as long as the weather doesn't get too warm. I'm finding working on it can really heat me up on a warm day :eek.


So I have lots more pictures to take and post so you can see all the UFO's on my list (and the progress I've made/am making on my Gentle Ripple afghan). I'd like to see more pictures too from everyone.



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oh boy. sherri's jumping in. can't wait to see what you're going to tackle first.:cheer

i'm having trouble with the warm weather, too. except my problem is that i can't stay inside. i love flowers and gardening and i'm having to kick myself to keep moving on my projects in the evening. this is the first year we've observed daylight savings time and it stays light till bedtime and i keep forgetting to come in.:lol

i'm going to go now and make a few hexes for my lapghan. :hook

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Hi KnicKnac,


It's a second marriage for both of us so it definately wont be white. :lol


I have some strawberry colored yarn I want to use. I have 10 skeins. it is 90% wool & 10% vinyon. 145yds per skein... 1.75 oz. It's a light worsted weight yarn.


I am thinking of wearing an ivory or cream colored dress or pant suit (without the jacket). We are getting a photographer even though it is just going to be us and the minister. The place where we are getting married has a beautiful yard with a gazebo on a hill. SOOO pretty durning the fall.


I hope you have some ideas for a shawl for me :manyheart

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The yarn your choosing Karen sounds very pretty! I really fell in love with this particular shawl:




I really like this one too, I imagine it would be beautiful in the color you chose:




That might help you get started!

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Hi gang. I've had the button for ages, but finally managed to work on a crochet UFO (and FINISHED it the same day!). :bow Here's a link to it, but if you clicked on the finished stuff in Home Decor, you've seen it already (sorry, it's all stretched out):



My goal for 2006 is to finish all knitting and crochet UFOs, :rofl so now that the biggie (knitted afghan) is done, more of these should get done quickly. Although I'm currently working on another knitted UFO, my take-a-long is a crocheted bag from last years' Bag-a-Long. :waving I managed to do some work on it last week. Last year, progress came to a dead stop when I misplaced the remaining skeins. :( Now everything is together again and I'm more than half done.


Anyway, I can see many others are making great progress! Keep it up!:clap



Who thought it was about time she used some of these smilies.:sheepjump

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Way to go, Stephanie! Beautiful colors on your finished 'ghan, simply lovely. It's knitted? Wow - now that's dedication (takes longer, right?) Bet it drapes beautifully, too. You are so brave to put your 2006 goal in your signature - I'm cheering you on :cheer :cheer :cheer to make it!

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Okay, first, true confession. I've been so stressed this week, that I went and bought a bunch of thread and some thread hooks. I've been wanting to give thread a try, so I actually started a simple doily pattern. I tell myself this is necessary because I have 2 friends who just bought houses, and I want to makes housewarming gifts for them both (probably dishclothes for one and coasters and placemats for the other). Love how we justify these things, don't you!


But, I did actually dig through my UFO/WIP stack, and drag out something that's been sitting for a few months untouched. Luckily I keep everything together: pattern, yarn, and hooks, so I don't have to do too much remembering. I had planned to finish up this particular afghan (Seaside Treasure from Afghans for All Seasons, book 4) and use it for my May Charity Blitz project. But, I found out yesterday afternoon that a friend of mine in Florida, who hasn't been feeling well, has lung cancer. I don't know what the prognosis is, although she has started chemo, and is finally on some good pain medications. So, being that she's in Florida, and this is a very Florida type of pattern, and the color is a light mint green, which is a very Florida type of color, I'm instead going to put in a lot of effort to finish this up for her in the next couple of weeks. It's made of join-as-you-go motifs, and I had one strip completed. I made 3 more motifs last night, and now that I can remember the pattern (the first one took forever), I think it'll go quickly. Each motif only takes me about half an hour.

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