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Anyone else overwhelmed.....

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Is anyone else overwhelmed by the thought of christmas already? I am. I already have two blankies on the hook for my nephews and have a third nephew I haven't started anything for. I found a great doily pattern with roses that I would like to make for my Sister in Laws (there are 3) . I want to make the roses in their favorite colors. Then I am trying to make a table runner for my table for christmas and of course ornaments for my tree--snowmen, snowflakes and some angels maybe. And, I plan to make some of Darski's clothes for my stepdaughter. We plan to get her the dress up Dora doll. Then there is still MIL to think about. I will have to make her something if I make the SIL something. She loves my homemade things. And my little boy will expect something handmade too. Hubby wants a scarf.


Every year I promise myself not to get bogged down and spend my time racing to finish everything on time. Yet here I am again. And I really would like to finish my pineapple afghan that I started for myself and my placemats. I had a bunch of ornaments made, but ended up raoking most of them, which I admit was way more fun than keeping them. I guess I could skip the doilies altogether and just buy them a gift. But , my family tends to look forward to what I will make for them next and you guys certainly understand the "want" to feel appreciated when you make someone a nice gift.


Just wondering if anyone else felt this way and hoping someone could tell me what in the world to do about it. I love crochet, but rushing and being bogged down can take some of the joy out of it for me. :think

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I guess you better get hooking :lol:hook Yep, I started in earnest yesterday organizing the things I have and what still needs to be made...

..While not crochet, I'm making tissue holders today.. very quick and easy but a nice gift...


........good luck with all your ideas.... slow and steady wins the race!:turtle

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Leanne -


That's exactly what I did yesterday - made "the list", figured out how many gifts I need to make, and what supplies I'll have to buy. I think I have everyone covered with my stash. Now, like you, my problem is time.


I got out a calendar, to see how many weeks I have til Christmas. Not enough! For me, it's going to require a lot of self control(which I something I don't have).


IF - that's a big "IF" I devote 2 hrs every evening during the week, and 8 hrs on the weekends, I can "probably" get everything done(gulp).

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That IS a lot...at least you've got nearly four months to get it all done.


I guess maybe I should be feeling a little overwhelmed, but really, I'm not. I'm making the Sunflower Afghan from Mary Maxim for my grandparents, and it's a good thing I got started on that one early, lol. I'm doing a couple more homemade Christmas gifts this year, but they aren't all crocheted, so it's not too bad.

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I'm going to be cutting back on crocheted gifts this year. Last year, I had way too many projects to do, and then I got shingles in November, and right after that I got a mumps-like salivary gland infection, and by the time I was better it was Christmas, so as a result, most of my promised gifts didn't get done. And, i got so stressed about all the stuff I had committed to making that I burned myself out on crocheting and I am just NOW getting back into it. I'm going to try to finish what I started last year, but I don't plan on taking on more than a few crocheted gifts. I found out the hard way that if you take on too many projects even a great hobby like crocheting becomes a stressful JOB. :(



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The best thing to do is to take stock! What can you really accomplish? Get the calendar out and set due dates for those things. Which projects are really wishful thinking? Perhaps these could be birthday gifts for next year? Your hobby should bring you peace and happiness, not stress and exhaustion! Keep this in mind when you start thinking of Christmas gifts for others. Also, one year I made "Crochet Certificates" that said "good for one __________." I gave myself a year to make good on the coupon!

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WHEW!!!! I'M GLAD I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE OUT THERE FEELING THE CRUNCH OF CHRISTMAS TIME JUST AROUND THE CORNER(AT LEAST MY CORNER IT'S A KNOCKING!!!!):eek:lol I can't even begin to list all the things that I need to get done by Dec. 23rd.!!! I know I do have to crochet 5 afghans for sure, ooops make that 6, I just remembered, I'm going to make my dh an afghan in his favorite football team's colors(Pittsburgh Steelers)!!:hook

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um...I've saturated the local community around here. Those who can "never have enough blankets" I've taught how to crochet. So I'm screwed on that front as well.


So here I am - very READY - and nobody to make for.


Feel fortunate.

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I'm feeling it. I just learned to crochet last Christmas, so now everyone expects crocheted gifts. I've finished an afghan for my mom and am working on ones for my grandma, grandpa and great aunt and uncle. I'm also trying to make six 8-pocket totes for the women in my family. It's a good thing it's such a fun and rewarding hobby!

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um...I've saturated the local community around here. Those who can "never have enough blankets" I've taught how to crochet. So I'm screwed on that front as well.


So here I am - very READY - and nobody to make for.


Feel fortunate.


I can help you out. I'd dearly love a prayer shawl in peach.. the support color for endometrial cancer.

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I'm making everyone slippers and getting small presents to go with. Like my sil likes mystery novels so I'll get her a book. My MIL likes flavored coffees and biscotti so that's what I'll get her. Make your list ahead of time of what you want to buy and stick to it. Better yet, I send my my husband to the store with the list. I impulse buy, he doesn't. Good luck.

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Last year I was still finishing sewing projects on Xmas Eve and waiting for painted things to dry on Xmas morning!!

I've only been crocheting for a few months and of course, everyone expects something crocheted this year. ARRRGGGH!!!

I had promised myself that I wouldn't let the pressure get to me this year and I would start my gift making earlier.......ha! We're already into September and I haven't even worked out "THE LIST" and I have a load of WIPs for craft swaps I'm in that I'll need to get finished and sent off before I can even start on the family stuff.

I think this year it will be a small homemade gift with a little something store bought mostly e.g a couple of crochet/knit washcloths with my handmade soaps in a store bought basket for my SILs.

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I'm not overwhelmed. When I didn't have any projects I finished using up my cotton cone of yarn and made more dishcloths, plus I have some from last year (it's a great quick and easy project to do when I need to relax or have nothing to do). I finished some slippers last month for my aunt who wears them out, but loves them because her feet get cold at night (done with 2 strands, so super quick). I have a few doilies to make, but usually do easy ones and I only need a few and have a few done all ready. If I commit to an afghan and it's getting close it's going to be a double stranded quick one. I alo have cut back on what I give. I figure with the time and love involved, even a small item is worth more then a store bought one and luckily my friends & relatives appreciate the items.


I think one year I finished early (maybe last year) so I was able to do some charity items, a bunch of winter hats with my left over yarn (it gets cold here:wgrin )


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I'm not feeling too stressed over Christmas this year. I was going to make a ton of crocheted gifts but I'm cutting way back. I just don't think it worth it to get stressed out over something that is supposed to be fun.


Besides I've gotten really picky with who I make things for. Too many people don't appriciate the hard work and that is really demoralizing too.:(


Right now I'm making a Christmas Goose quilt-gan for my MIL. I have 864 little 2 1/2" granny squares to make :eek


If I'm still sane after that I'll see about what else I'll make. :)

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