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my craft room

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I need a little help. I have been stenciling craft related words on the walls of my craft room, and now I can't decide if I need more words or if it is good. Here is pics of the 4 walls








I will be adding a chair to this corner. I was also think I might put words that relate to relaxing on this wall. What so you all think

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I think you are a very lucky lady to have an entire room devoted to just crafts!:) Wish I could be so lucky!


Looks good and if you add too much it might look crowded vs. open and enjoyable but would agree that that last wall needs just a little something.

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what is "patten"? I haven't heard that term yet, is it for knitting? I love the "O's! They're so fun! What a nice room!!! I have a pony room with shelves on two walls for my collection, and then my unused scrapbooking stuff is in there, and then my tubs of yarn... a girl needs more than the largest room in the house to herself! lol!!!

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what is "patten"? I haven't heard that term yet, is it for knitting? I love the "O's! They're so fun! What a nice room!!! I have a pony room with shelves on two walls for my collection, and then my unused scrapbooking stuff is in there, and then my tubs of yarn... a girl needs more than the largest room in the house to herself! lol!!!



DARN IT. I know I would spell something wrong. I meant Pattern. I guess I will have to figure out a way to fix it. Thank you for pointing it out.

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oh no! *feels bad* I kinda thought that maybe... but then I thought maybe it was just a term for something I didn't know...


hey! Did you use the oil based little tubs of stencil cream paint? If so, get some dish soap and see if you can wash it off... I stencil and I've found that if you catch it early enough you can wash it off... gosh it's worth a shot...


I'm so sorry, I feel bad that I kinda pointed it out...

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I agree that that last wall needs something :think But I don't know what.

I think stripes in the room would add color and pizazz :P But that's just me. I would love stripes on my wall, stripes somehow make me feel more creative and cheerful in a way :D

But that means a whole lot of extra work :scared

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oh no! *feels bad* I kinda thought that maybe... but then I thought maybe it was just a term for something I didn't know...


hey! Did you use the oil based little tubs of stencil cream paint? If so, get some dish soap and see if you can wash it off... I stencil and I've found that if you catch it early enough you can wash it off... gosh it's worth a shot...


I'm so sorry, I feel bad that I kinda pointed it out...


Please don't feel bad. Thank you for pointing it out. I have showed a few other people the room and no one else said anything.


But does any one have any suggestions on what other words I should use on the forth wall ?

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I love your room and it looks like you have the same kind of knitting machine I have, what other types of crafts do you do, scrapbooking, decopage, flower arrangements, or you could paint that wall a pastel and maybe put other types of craft words on the other walls in smaller letters.

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you are doing such a beautiful job! :cheer I guess it just depends on what you like. I am someone who like lots on my walls so I would add a couple of small pictures like a spool, skein of yarn, etc. You can make your own stencils by getting card stock and printing a picture of what you want and then cutting it out and using outline to paint with.

Let us see when you are all finished!

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Could you add a quote that encompasses your attitude about crafting? Or maybe a quote that simply lifts your spirits when you see it? My favorite is "We can do no great things, only small things with great love." --Mother Teresa It works as a nice reminder when I'm working on a project to put love into it...since I'm bound to put mistakes into it! By the way, it's a great room, and I love the words you've picked. Enjoy your new space!

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I don't know if you use all the crafts I mention but here are some ideas: sew, lace, doily, stitch, wool, cotton, fabric, quilt, clothes, paint, stencil:P, creative, imagine, handcrafted, love, skill, accomplishment, content, productive, design, useful, beautiful, yarn (I know you already have that one but who doesn't need more yarn?:lol)

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If it were me I would add at least one more the wall that had crochet on it. Probably above the word crochet. Not sure what word I would add though.


For the relaxing wall I would use words like create, dream, relax, etc.

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I love your craft room!!!!! My craft room is 12 by 10. How big is yours??? I've always loved murals!!!! In my master bathroom, I had wanted a mural of a window looking out to the ocean with a lighthouse and a sailboat. But instead we put up glass shelves!! Great job on what your doing!!

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I love the room....fabulous idea. Maybe for the blank wall that you want related to relaxing how about: meditate, breathe, relax, stillness, quiet, mood, loop de loop, wool, stitch marker, cotton.

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Thank you all. the sewing machine was my Grandmother's and all the sewing thread came from her also. I am trying to get back into sewing and quilting. My main craft is crocheting. And now that I have a room I am going to start to use my knitting machine. I am not sure how big the room is but it suits my needs, I also have a fold away table behind the door so I can pull it out when it is needed. I love the word you all have provided to me I think I will have to decide on a few later and put them on the blank wall. I am also thinking of putting a saying over the door to the closet (not shown in the pics) just now sure what saying yet. Thank you all for your wonderful comments and advice.

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It is a Fabulous room.


What about a "finished" wall. Items that you have crafted. IE: Doily, Afghan, Dolls, Quilts, Shrugs, Dresses, Layettes, booties, hats, slippers, etc etc etc.. whatever you make!



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My craft room runs the full length of the house and has a fake fireplace, a rolltop desk, a comfy chair, (soon) a daybed, and the hubby doesn't come up there b/c the ceiling is low (he's 6'4") so that is where I burn my candles b/c he is allergic to fragrance. I haven't done much decorating b/c I tore my ACL and haven't been able to get up stairs for 3-1/2 months. Just now recovered enough from surgery to do something up there!!! My craft room will have a Mary Engelbreit theme.

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Your room is wonderful. I agree with the comment about using a quote or saying on the 4th wall. Something that when you read it it brings you peace or relaxation as opposed to those words actually appearing. Good luck with it.

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