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Land Sakes, Slim! You're fast! That's one right purdy saddle bag there. You done good partner! Will we be seein' ya round these parts still or will you be mosyin'? Hope you'll stop in ever so often.


Little Britches :cowgirl

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Slim - Why that's a mighty fine looking saddle blanket you made thar :yes I think I'm turnin' mine the wrong way.....I thought the stripes went all horizontal not vertical :think Guess they do go that way though now I looks at the pitcher :yes

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Slim-nice navajo afghan ! Very pretty .Was the other half to sleep or jist pretendin ?


Pretendin', but just barely. He had just arrived home after travellin' all night from Washington (state)

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Land Sakes, Slim! You're fast! That's one right purdy saddle bag there. You done good partner! Will we be seein' ya round these parts still or will you be mosyin'? Hope you'll stop in ever so often.


Little Britches :cowgirl


I reckon' I'll be around for a while. Cain't get rid o' me that easy. And don't go callin' m' husband a saddle bag :D

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Thank ye kindly, Miss Oakley and Squanto.


I reckon it's a matter o' personal preference whether the stripes are horizontal or vertical. I just did mine the way I figured the pattern was wrote. But I could be wrong about that.

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I was talkin' 'bout the blanket. Didn't mean any offense! :)


I reckon' I'll be around for a while. Cain't get rid o' me that easy. And don't go callin' m' husband a saddle bag :D
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Wow slim! Really love them thar colors!


Squanto~ I love the new color order, it looks real good!


CJ~ Great job! you guys are so fast on the draw thar.


Bull~ That little fur ball critter is so cute! You really will have that pattern everywhere before your done!


I haven't touched mine since last week. Doing some catching up on my graph this week. I'll probably take the navajo with me to Memphis this weekend and work on it there.

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:lol Thanks for the invite! I wish I could, but... I am trying to stick to small projects for the next few months. Got a baby-in-arms who gets picked up waaaaay more often than my crochet. I've been "working" on the current item for weeks.:blush:hook


Plus, I just read some more about Bass Reeves, and there's no way I could measure up! He was amazing! http://www.theoutlaws.com/lawman2.htm

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That there is a might fine blanket you have for that man folk of yours! :hook

Looks great - I am getting near the 1/2 way point - blanket gets heavy for my lap - sitting in the tepee its getting humid again so I might have to put this on the back bonfire and work on something else for a while :yarn


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Alright, pardners....


Y've worn me thinner than my brother Frank's drawers after a long haul...


I'm gonna be startin the bag for my little'un today. I just finished that big run to West, got it done faster than I thought I would. Now I can move onto sumthin else, and I've decided that's the one fer me. I kin git er done b'for she heads off for some lernin in a few weeks.





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