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^^^^Smoke Signals ^^^^^^^


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Why Bill ye shur no how to make aneebodee smile. Thems are both some funnee anctydotes. :yes. Thems things shur are ugly. I don't think I'd be wantin none of thems in my gulper either :no


And what a funny sign on yer church. Them churches shur have some great sayings.

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Wild Bill that one o' yer best stories yet! :rofl :rofl We used to play with them thangs when we was young 'uns too. Would get up high and slam 'em down on the concrete and they'd "explode" everwhere :lol :lol


Thankee all fer yer kind comments on that there neck roll o' mine. I'll start on the other piller here the first parta next week :yes

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Hi all. haven't posted in days. I am still working on the jacket, but I'm gonna make it longer than the pattern. Have half a diamond to do, then start on the sleeves. Will post pic tomorrow.


Sorry no cowboy speak - too tired.


Laughed myself silly on this thread :laughroll :laughroll :laughroll


Great job to all who posted pics. Love the color combos - really like the one with chocolate and turqua.


and Cara - the neck roll looks great, I didn't see any lumps

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Not makin fun of the feller, because he's no longer with us, and you aint to speak ill 'o the dead, but he had him a voice that could crack winda' glass right outta Miss Kitty's saloon .


As a matter 'o fack, he SOUNDED like Miss Kitty, only her voice was much more manly .





I'm a sure glad he neva came around to calling then. Them thar wind'ers are a mighty expensive. :lol


:think He sounded like me only different? :think

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Karen Howdy. wow you have done heaps on your ghan.


I have finished 3/4s of both sides of the bag, done the handles and now Im doing the pocket. I wanted the handles and the pocket done just in case I ran out of the brown. The pocket is so cute to do, its only 25 stitches wide. Im not sure whether to line this or not. What do you all think.

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Mornin Crazy and Ned


Sounds like yer both a'makin some progress. I need to get busy on mine this weekend and see what I kin get done up too .


Ned- I think the linin' would be up to you. It's actually a nice thick weave, so I doubt things would fall out of it ,unless you crochet loosely, or if you'll be usin it to carry heavy stuff like yer horseshoes .

Jist what are you gonna carry in it ?


If it's yer GOLD DUST, ya might not want to let that out on here.

There's a few of these'ns that'd knock you off in yer sleep to git aholt of yer gold dust.

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Hey there Julie. yep you got it, its fer me gold dust. hmm cant let yer git hold of it. Have ta put a button hole lock on this here thing. Was thinkin of givin this to ma little lassie who is gonna turn 13 next month, minus the golddust of course. I need that fer me yarn buying ya know but then agin Ive been doing lots of bartering lately, gittin to be a bit of a habit now.

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Aww Shucks,

finished the back, front and one sleeve and sewed her together and the sleeve is WAAAY to tight. Looks like it needs a gusset to make it fit right. I jest don't love it enough as a sweater to fix it. So I'm gonna turn it into a bunch of pillahs for me church's silent auction in November.

but, it was fun workin on it during me vacation. Now I gotta get back to work on monday.


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Aww Shucks,

finished the back, front and one sleeve and sewed her together and the sleeve is WAAAY to tight. Looks like it needs a gusset to make it fit right. I jest don't love it enough as a sweater to fix it. So I'm gonna turn it into a bunch of pillahs for me church's silent auction in November.

but, it was fun workin on it during me vacation. Now I gotta get back to work on monday.



Well durn it if that don't beat all :( Ah'm real sorry the sweater didn't work out fer ya but at least ya can rescue it by turning it into somethin' else :yes But most important, you had fun :hug

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Well I've hit a stump in the road.... Made a mistake somewhere and I can't seem to figure out where I'm doing it wrong... (Got too few stitches in one row. I ripped it all out, and re-did it, but it's still wrong... dag burn it!!) Oops are we allowed to say that on here? :blush Maybe I need a long nap (that sounds right)....


I am gettin' further along, though.


Sorry to hear about your sweater, Cat. Maybe we all need a nap. :morcoffee Or more coffee!!


Little Britches

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Hi all, just posting my pic



I'm making the jacket. have 1/2 a diamond to do, then will start arms. I'm making it a little longer than pattern. I likr things to fall to my hips and not my waist.

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I've been working on my navajo this evening. I've gotten to row 69. :cheer I'm not sure how many diamonds but I know it's not at the halfway mark yet. :no I wanted to take a pic. but someone took my batteries for the x-box controller & I didn't feel like getting them. MEN! :lol



Have a good one. I'm off to get the kiddos to bed early. :manyheart

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Howdy out there all you Buckaroos ---


I hope yer all standin on the prairie with the wind a blowin in yer hair and the buffalo off in the distance .


I'm a thinkin about headin into Dodge City fer a few days, but aint made up my mind jist yet.


Last time I was there, Sherriff Dillon told me that town wasn't big enough for the 2 of us,and last i heard , he was still there .


Maybe I ought to head to Deadwood, but I've lived there my whole life so it's not very excitin .


I hear they might git a good poker game agoin over at the Hitchin Post Hotel and Eatery . I shore could go fer a winnin hand right now and a big old steak dinner with all the trimmins, maybe even a piece of pie for dessert, but I'd hafta win big at the poker game to git all o that .


Guess I'll just sit here and ponder it awhile first and see if'n i kin screw up the nerve to sneak on into town after that last little fiasco .


I wasn't trying to ROB THE BANK, I was jist waitin my turn in line ,got bored and decided to polish up Ole Bess ( my 6-shooter ) to pass the time.


Gotta git onto the saddle blanket again. Days are growin shorter and a cool wind is blowin in, so it'll be well needed here afore much longer.


Here's a toast of RotGut from me to you --

May your horse never lose a shoe,

May you never have a run-in with an outlaw


May you never spit into the wind .


~~Wild Bill Hickock~~

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