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^^^^Smoke Signals ^^^^^^^


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Well gals,


Started mah day having some yahoo feed me radioactive scrambled eggs! Yep, radioactive. Then they took pichers of my gut. Totally weird things going on in the big city!


Then I had me another livestock git sick and had to fetch the vet out agin. All fixt up now but boy howdy am I tired :P


Gonna hit mah bunk fer an hour or so then rustle up some chow before settlin' in with mah hook :hook

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Oh no Bull them livestock are giving you some greif this last few weeks. I'm glad you got them all fixed back up. Them big city doctors shur do lots of strange things. I shur they got their reasons though. Hopefully them tests come back good. Enjoy yur rest and we'll see ya after while.

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:eek dbc belongs in the row BELOW !

Yep.. now that ya-all tell me.. I see it clear as day , in them thar directions. :sigh


Let's see ?... at 285 ch to start..and 58 rows complete...:bang

I'm not thinking froggun is the way to go.

Ya know ? It doesn't look that bad...:think

Gona hafta do some figurun here...


Most imprartant !

THANK all of you for such a great welcome. Sorry I didn't get back till now.. keep havun to work outside of the homestead ya know..


Love all the pictures ! What a talented group of cowpokes .:cheer


So.. my NEWS:

I have finally recieved my invite to http://www.ravelry.com/..

been a figurun how stuff works..

Have now correctly entered our Navajo blankie.. it links to the pattern, and I have my one beginning picture up.

So.. when you join.. adding your pictures ..they will all link together !!!


I copy and pasted the pattern name from the pattern Julie gave us in the first post here. That way they all link together. Named things like.. "My first Navajo".. it's lost.

We can get the next new fad going over there too. They will be tireing of the current most popular blankie-a-longs ( grannies and ripples) by then..

More Navajos in the future !:jumpyay


(p.s. maybe luck will hold and Sitting Bull will show up over there too? Great exposure. :wink ) Oh.. and there's a Crochetville group too.

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Sal, do you have enough yarn to just start over and forget the old one? (That's what I'm doing, because I didn't do mine in the back rows only....) But mine is also only fifteen rows into it or so. I hope it'll work out fer ya..


I am back to row one. :blush At least I can hopefully not make any of the mistakes I made the first time around. (Pay more attention to what I am doing.)


Sitting Bull, were you serious? Radioactive scrambled eggs? I hope everything will be all right.


I'll try to post another picture after I get past the point I was to begin with...


Little Britches :cowgirl


P.S. My hubby has been wantin' to buy me a cowboy (girl) hat, after joining this CAL, somehow I kinda want one now, too.

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Hey, I had that radioactive scrambled eggs test, too. It was either radioactive eggs or oatmeal.... both are on my "YICK" list, so it was a choice between the lesser of two evils.


At least after eating those, you get to lie there (and sleep :lol) for a couple hours!

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Hey, I had that radioactive scrambled eggs test, too. It was either radioactive eggs or oatmeal.... both are on my "YICK" list, so it was a choice between the lesser of two evils.


At least after eating those, you get to lie there (and sleep :lol) for a couple hours!


Yep I fell asleep too :lol

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Howdy, pardners. Ah'm workin mah way back down ta town. Got sum new medersin and it done threw me fer a tailspin. Had ta get up in tha hills ta get mah head on straight agin. Think things are calmin down a bit, so ah hope ta be back here reglar afore too long.:yes

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Tell Ah shore hope they fix up that potion they got ya on. Them ol' doctors make ya feel worse than when ya done come in sometimes :P


Yeah head on out up ta th' hills we'll still be here when get on back :hug

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Sal, do you have enough yarn to just start over and forget the old one? (That's what I'm doing, because I didn't do mine in the back rows only....) But mine is also only fifteen rows into it or so. I hope it'll work out fer ya..


I am back to row one. :blush At least I can hopefully not make any of the mistakes I made the first time around. (Pay more attention to what I am doing.)



Hey there Lil' Britches , :hi


Sorry to hear ya run inta troble too. Hope your well on yur way to better by now.


I sat and stared at this thing.. did a couple rows the right way now.. and I've figured it's good 'nuf.

See.. I did ever thing right 'cept the db c ..I put it in the front loop of'un the same sticth 'stead of the one below.

Figurun I gotta an entire 1.72 pounds of this humungus thing done.. I'm not a going backwards now.

( yeah.. I weighed it.. 'cause my tep mesur thing is furter away than the mailun scale ):rolleyes


Yes.. Ya CAN change horses in the middle of the stream...best way to fool them ol' possie fellers anyway. :cowgirl

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Mornin Ya'll

Sounds ta me like your all goin like gangbusters on these here projecks .


I had me a little run in with some of the younguns and had ta git out my 12 gage to put the fear o' somethin into 'um . I tell ya what, gang, ya think them younguns are a pain in the bottom end to birth, but that's only tha beginnun. They kin shore rip out the old hart and stomp it flat ,to boot . That's why I had to git my gun out, to run 'um all off til they learn some sense. I'm beginnin to think it aint happenin in MY lifetime.


Also had another trip to the Doc. Bull,I'm shore glad they didn't feed me any of that there stuff they give you. My guts are already bad, so they don't need no more pitchers of them, now they just wanna pick on some other body parts.


I think the next time I'll buy me some' o that Dr. Fixers' Elixir when the side show rolls through town.


My ole Aunt Bess got 'er some o that ther stuff, and once she got used to seein everthing DOUBLE, she kinda got to likin' it. Seemed to calm her nerves down a might , but I hope it don't make me see double. One of each o' my family is enuff to scare the bejeebers outta ya. I'd hate to have 2 of 'um, or I'd probly just ride my horse off'n the cliff someplace.


Slim- I shore like that there badge you come by. Did ya get it legal-like or didja take it off'n that sherriff that got gunned down over in Deadwood ?


Britches - I shore do like that there tintype ya showed us. You're a right perty thing once you get cleaned up a little. Last time I seen you, it kinda looked like ya hadn't been anyplace with runnin water in quite a spell .


Will try to git myself back on the trail here this week. Got my grandson, LITTLER BRITCHES , here with me agin to git him off to the schoolhouse and pick 'im up ever noon, so it kinda cuts inta my day, but it's ok. That boy is the apple of my eye .


Ya'll have a good 'un and I'll try harder to check in with ya'll now .

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Howdy ther Bill. Ye shore were missed yesterday. Yep them youngun's shore can take up alot of yer day. Especially gittin them to the schoolhouse and home. I found last year that bringing a small project wit me to the schoolhouse gave me some extry time for crochet while I was waitin fer them to come on out ta go home. I hope ye enjoy your time with your littler britches.

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Well....I was plugging right alonng on this blanket, and had gotten to row 16...when I laid it out on the floor to see how it was looking. Imagine my surprise to see the edges gradually getting shorter!! :eek I dec'd to frog it row by row and count my stiches....I had to frog the whole thing!!! :blush Ick. Guess I'll be startin over this week-end. Won't have any time during the week.

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Well....I was plugging right alonng on this blanket, and had gotten to row 16...when I laid it out on the floor to see how it was looking. Imagine my surprise to see the edges gradually getting shorter!! :eek I dec'd to frog it row by row and count my stiches....I had to frog the whole thing!!! :blush Ick. Guess I'll be startin over this week-end. Won't have any time during the week.

Bummer! Glad you caught it when you did,though!

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Mornin Ya'll

I tell ya what, gang, ya think them younguns are a pain in the bottom end to birth, but that's only tha beginnun. They kin shore rip out the old hart and stomp it flat ,to boot .


Slim- I shore like that there badge you come by. Did ya get it legal-like or didja take it off'n that sherriff that got gunned down over in Deadwood ?


Wild Bill - My younguns are still perdy young, and I'm still living in the fantasy that it gets easier as they get older. I know it ain't true - everbody says so - but that's why they calls it a fantasy. A mama can have dreams, right?


As you kin see, I lost m' badge. I shot the sheriff - but I did not shoot the deputy! That's m' story and I'm stickin to it.

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Sorry ta hear that ya gotta do the froggin thing there Winema. That shore do make fer a frustratin time. But it shore are easy ta get er wrong iffen ya ain't careful as all get out. :yes Ain't touched that thang o mine in a while now. Bin working on a plot on tha train thas due in sometime this here week. Bin sayin as it's bout due fer a long time though an still ain't seen it. They calls it an iron hoss, but Ah never did hear o no hoss made of iron. Seem pretty worthless ta me, iffen it cain't go out on the range ceptin whar them iron rails goes. But they is callin it progress. Ah here tell it caused a stampeed over in Dodge City a while back. That shoer don't sound like progress. :no

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(*Can I tell you how much fun I'm having reading this thread? :yes *)


Well, y'alls sound chipper this mornin. As fer the youngins, well.... Some things is gittin easier... some's gettin harder. None o' them diapers anymore, and fer that I sure am thankful. Was gittin frustratin always havin to take care o them bottoms of the youngins... But the bigger youngins seems to think theyze bigger than theyze britches. Wanna take 'em out back a the woodshed some days...


Well, time to take the little'uns to the swimmin hole so they learn themselfs not to drown...

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Good morning all,


I made it back safely from my camping trip and now have the wagon all cleaned out - it rained buckets :rainon us when we were getting ready to pack up so almost everything (except my yarn) got all wet - us included :sigh


But I did manage to get some work done around the :fire I'm up to row 43 now and it's looking real purdy. I'll get a picture up soon (when I get home from the range (I mean work)

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:yawn Mornin' gals


Ooh I only go tme 2 more rows done on mah pilla yestirday. But today's lookin' a mite better so fer. Livestock is perking up, just regular old corn flakes fer breakfist instead o' radioactive eggs and nice an' quiet here at the campsite. :yes


Think I'll have me a little hook time afore naptime. Us older cowpokes need our rest. Tain't in no hurry ta git nowhere these days :lol

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Cant fer the life of me figee out how to post a pic. I got it out of me camra an onto desktop among other places. just can't figee out how to get it onta this post. Any suggestions. It's a kodak easy share camera if that helps.


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Well Cat, have ya got ya sum place online where you kin store yer photos? Like a blog or Flicker or any of them? You gotta upload yer photo to the web then link it here on the 'Ville. Least thas how I git mine on here.

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