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Update for Jordan


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Same day back surgery??<img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/wha.gif" /> Yikes, what's next? Glad he's home & doing well, and sometimes it's easier to recover at home in your own surroundings.


Julie, hope things are better at your house too!!



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Can I beg you to do my extra square? I thought I could, but Rick is still not feeling well, and I would not be surprised if we were back up at the doctor today. In either case, I'm too nervous to sit and stitch. I'm so sorry. I'd rather know that somebody else can do it, rather than keep putting it off myself.


I may or may not be back up here this afternoon. Hopefully he'll feel better soon.

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Rebecca and Chelle, you both made me cry a little today. Thanks for coming to my rescue and making me feel better. We've got the MD appt. for tomorrow, bloodwork and things, and so we will see what's going on very soon. :worried I really appreciate your helping out, Rebecca, I needed the help. Thank you!




Chelle, how's your hubby doing today?

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John is still in much pain, and now his back is crooked! His upper back/shoulders are off to the right while his lower back/hips are off to the left. He was freaking out earlier this morning when he saw it and laid flat on his back on the bed. I kept telling him to call his doctor. He finally called and the doctor said it's normal and is most likely muscle spasms, so it's not his spine being crooked - it's the muscles pulling his back like that (hopefully the doctor isnt just saying that you know?). If it's not straight by Friday afternoon I will make him call again. He has pills for muscle spasms which will hopefully help!


Julie, I hope everything goes well for you tomorrow and that they fix him right up.

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Thank you all. :)) We went and had his blood drawn this morning, and as the MD didn't tackle him and rush him to the hospital when we came in the door, I'm feeling a teeny bit better than I did first thing this morning. The results will be back sometime tomorrow. Now it just depends on how much of a panic they are in when they call us. :worried

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I took a picture of the squares received so far - we only have 6 squares left and this afghan is already huge! Great job girls!! There will be one more row at the top added to make it 4 across and 6 down.




It's looking great! I believe Tiff's squares are on the way already and Rebecca is finishing up a couple more squares for the lapghan (thanks Rebecca!!). I have not been able to find a teal yarn yet :( I think that would be the best color to either border the squares with or join the squares with. Of course it will be a group decision :) Anyhow, I just wanted to show you all how it's growing so far.



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YAY Chelle! It looks really good! :)h Teal probably would be the best thing, but I haven't seen any either. I'm happy to donate my skein of old RH, but it isn't near enough to edge and join the squares. :thinking1

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there is a beautiful teal in jiffy. i know it's different.....but it's the only one i have seen :shrug


i know i'm behind:wha

my wrist (tendonitis) swelled up and i have been taking it easy on the crochet -

i get a guaranteed 1 1/2 hours of crochet time m-f.... but it's in the car, so i don't like to take things that i will be changing yarns.....(if you saw the inside of my suburban-you'd understand:U ) anyhow, that's why i've gotten the scarf for the swap done first.

so anyhow... i've been doping up on anti-inflammatories (that doesn't look right:p ) and will be pulling off my wrap today. it feels better. we'll see. i only have about 4ish inches to go on the last one.


hubby is off today and monday, so that should give me the time to make sure all of this is done.

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All those squares look great together!!!


This week I found what I consider a "true" teal (of course, after my squares are mailed lol!) in Bernat Super Value. I bought a skein to make DS a hat. It looks to be the same texture as the RH.

<img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/ilexmi/tealyarn.jpg" />


The color is a little off in the picture but it's sitting next to the Orchid and the Dark Plum if it gives you an idea.

If you think that would be a good color, let me know how many skeins you'd need and I'll send them to you <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/mail.gif" />


If you like the color I used in my Waldo square, I should be able to get more of that as well.


How are the various Hubbies today???



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:cheer :)h :cheer:clap :)h :yay2 :yay :wow

:woohoo :woohoo :woohoo


I think our squares look GREAT together!!!


Thanks again Chelle... for doing the joining!

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