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Mailing Crochet - safe?

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last week I mailed two packages with crochet in them and they appear to have made it to Toronto - almost a week ago now.


Someone suggested that you need to put an itemized list on the outside of a parcel for international items. Quite honestly, I thought that it would be a little too tempting to tell people that the parcel contained crocheted doll clothes. (I know that non-federal employees collect and deliver mail for sorting facilities) so, I just listed the contents as crochet items.


I am just curious as to whether parcels that say they have crochet get 'disappeared' in the mail system?


(we had a situation in this area, several years back, where someone who collected mail from boxes stole all the mail. it took four 24 foot transports to remove all the mail from her home. she was relieved to get caught because she could no longer function in her own home:eek This has made me more than a little paranoid about mail in this area)

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Wow, sounds to me like just a case of an unstable person there. Hopefully that won't happen again! I wonder if you could even just mark the package as doll clothes, or handmade items, or something more benign like that, because an untrained eye wouldn't know the difference in crochet anyway.

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I listed the contents as "crochet stuff" I believe. I mailed two packages but only one has a tracking number...


I have been concerned since I mailed them... just one of those intuition things I think.


I haven't read many posts here about mailings that don't get through. I will be so grateful if these two make it but I guess I won't be betting the rent money on it happening.


:eek Just because I am paranoid doesn't mean that they are not out to get me :eek



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I'd fill out the customs label as "doll clothes", not specific enough to be tempting IMHO. When I can afford to, I send things with a tracking number, or at the very least "delivery confirmation". Overseas sometimes feels like more of a gamble... there isn't always a contract with the foreign postal system (package sent to Venezuela took 4 months to reach the person after crossing the border!) .


I've found the US, Japan, UK and Canadian postal systems to be fairly reliable, with various mileage depending on where else things are going. Venezuela got it there "eventually" and intact...

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I have a tracking number, that is how I know where the one parcel is supposed to be.


When they asked for a value... what do you say.


In one way it is Priceless.


by the world standards it is Worthless.


Life is never boring when you crochet. :wlol

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i always put a confirmation on any packages i send. And I insure it I just pick a price i think my stuff is worth...it doesn't cost that much to do both i think it's like $2-3 tops


I would have put clothes or doll clothes for the description of the items.

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I ship to Norway on a very regular basis (my best friend lives there) and I have never had a problem over the past 10 years. And I've shipped things like lotions, pictures, books, candles, the whole gamut.


She & I had discussed this once, as far as value, etc., to put on the package, and we decided that since everything is technically "used" once it's purchased, the value we put on everything is 1 USD. Or, in her case, 7KR. :) I typically list everything in it, but since it's usually her b-day or Christmas gifts, I have to keep it vague so it doesn't ruin the surprise for her. So, if I cross stitched a picture, I would put just that: a picture. The only time we're more "perfect" in what we put down is cosmetics/toiletries. You have to really watch what is and is not allowed (I can't ship nail polish remover to Norway, for example). If I have 5 books, they're 1 USD each, total value 5 USD. But, in a soon-to-be-outgoing package, I have a set of 6 placemats and matching coasters I crocheted. They will get a "set of linens" for the description and 5 USD for the value. Does that make sense?


I would say you're just fine putting "Crochet items" or, as mentioned, "doll clothes". They don't need specifics, and if there is a concern at Customs, they can and will open the package. Hence the warning to really watch what is and is not allowed! :lol If you're really worried, though, talk to your friendly postal worker at the Post Office. Ours here are great about answering my questions!

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I would just put down a nominal fee of 3-5 dollars, only because if you have a high amount sometimes people are tempted to open it on the need to inspect premise. or you could simply put down yarn or thread ( as that is what it truly is) the problem comes if they lose the box then you don't get the full value of what was in there because you listed it for so little. i think there is a tracking number on the customs forms, maybe you could find it that way??

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I know where it is... it has been sitting in Mississauga for days now... according to the report.


It is supposed to take about 6 days for mail to be delivered to the US. This is Day 6 and that parcel is not moving and has not moved (really) since the day I mailed it.


Which I why I got to wondering if it "went missing". I wasn't sure if crochet would be a draw for the ungodly or not.

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Over on Etsy I have seen people suggest using the term "handmade items". They said that most countries think that handmade items are below them and aren't worth the time to open and inspect. They consider them to basically be worthless. They also mentioned that when you ship to other countries, most people are charged a customs fee when they pick up their items. This fee is based on what value you write on the customs form. They suggested when mailing to family and friends, it's fine to use a low amount. Others were worried about using a low amount for actual etsy orders. They were worried that customs might open the packages and then both ends could get in trouble if the perceived value didn't match the value listed on the customs form. I very rarely have foreign orders, therefore I don't have any actual plan on how to handle this. I have heard that international orders are notoriously slow...

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<<I know where it is... it has been sitting in Mississauga for days now... according to the report.

Darski, I mail to the States frequently. The tracking number is useless after Mississauga. I've had packages that said 'Mississauga' for a week before suddenly, it was in the central US having been delivered to its final destination!

Then, there was the time I was shipping to the east coast US, the package hit Mississauga, then suddenly...ALBERTA??? That was a mistake (obviously), but it still got to its destination in under the two weeks they allow (regular surface).

Although usually, it takes a package 7-10 days (again, regular surface) to pretty much anywhere in the States from here (very southwest corner of Ontario) there is the odd time when it does take almost 2 full weeks. That's usually a more rural location. For some reason, it takes longer getting *from* the States *to* me. I had an airmail package that was sent to me, it took almost a month from Pennsylvania. The woman who sent it paid extra to get it to me faster. Surface would have been a week or two faster.




As for being safe, it's probably as safe as anything. I have had only one package that went missing, and I was told there was a possibility it had gotten received, but mixed up with the numerous other parcels that person received.

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When I ship outside the US, I mark it as a gift and then in the description section, I say crocheted item. Seems to get there ok.:hook

I have shipped to Australia, England and Norway.

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i live in canada but hail from the us so i receive a lot of mail from the us and the best idea is to be as vague as possible with things (i have even marked "misc crap" before) as long as the price on the value isnt too high or too low (think a big box with a value of 1 dollar etc) they usually wont inspect, and with the delay it sounds like it was tagged to be inspected. but the only thing i have ever had stolen in the mail was i once mailed off a winning lid from a soda bottle to the claims dept and a few days later i got the envelope back empty- return to sender and someone has slit the bottom corner and shaken he lid out. i was 12 and it broke my heart that people were that sneaky

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I mark packages as gift... but only if it really is a gift, such as our exchanges. I put a nominal figure of $10, said 'handmade bag and craft supplies' on the custom form. If I were selling on Etsy or eBay, I would not mark it as a gift.


I didn't think we could get tracking from the US to another country. Is that correct, or is it possible to get tracking. I did not insure the package I just sent a few days ago.



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Hopefully your package is still moving along and not stuck as it appears to be.


Believe it or not there are special formal import requirements in the US for textile items, regardless of value. Perhaps next time call it a 'handmade craft item' as already suggested. 'Gift' might be too vague for import purposes I think.


I'm not sure about the cost difference, but if you're worried about the post office, UPS is good about tracking internationally. (as are most common carriers, but UPS is probably best for small packages).

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I should have clarified, my friend & I always ship via the Mail, as she has a PO Box and using UPS or FedEx is super-expensive.


GrannySquare - on the customs forms, there is a spot to mark if it is a "gift" or "merchandise", which is what most people are referring to. We then have to list what is actually in the package. So it's not "Gift, value 1USD" it's "item, value 1 USD" that we list. Does that make sense? :)


I've never tracked my packages to Norway. I suppose there is the stamp and bar code on the forms I fill out and get a copy of, but I've never had a problem. Maybe I'm just lucky? :lol

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UPS is good about tracking internationally. (as are most common carriers, but UPS is probably best for small packages).

for the love of all things holy never ship UPS to any other country they will charge you an arm and a leg and also want you to sign over your first born child! they are a private brokerage and they are fast and they do offer tracking but they are crazy expensive, even if it is a gift. and usps offers tracking on international packages, it is actually the customs form number you track with, not sure if everyone knows that

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I am doing my best brain dead imitation for a whole lotta reasons today but I just want to clarify...


I live in Canada and mailed this at my local (main) P.O.


it was sent almost immediately to Mississauga (via K-W) and it has been sitting there since then.


I would think that customs issues would only come into this if it should ever get to the border and start trying to make its way into the US.


The really funny part in all of this is that one of the items in the parcel is a Posty's uniform for Dora. :rofl


There is irony still alive in the universe.

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Darski, love the irony!

I'm willing to bet it's almost to its destination, I still say, given my experience with the tracking, it is not sitting in Mississauga. I have yet to see tracking that lets me know when it first gets across the border, or to any station other than the final recipient.



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I mail granny squares all over the world and never have had a problem. I write on the label yarn square and value $1. You could have just put clothing. They don't really care. The lower the value, the more I feel no one will mess with it. If it is soft and squishy it can't be a bomb!!!

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Ok I don't know about the whole insurance or listing thing and I am pretty sure that that's not what you were asking about, but I do know that when I sent my huge 17 lb package to coolhockeymom it made it to one destination and then it never updated until it had been delivered. That is the post office for you. I wouldn't worry too much about it until it has been a couple weeks.

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it made it to one destination and then it never updated until it had been delivered. That is the post office for you. I wouldn't worry too much about it until it has been a couple weeks.


This is exactly what did happen. I just got a notice saying it got delivered successfully. I can breathe now :whew



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WOO HOO That's a relief huh? Yeah you always give it time cause the post office never updates. Actually with the big package I sent it just kept saying it was accepted at Virginia Beach and then 2 days before it was delivered it said it was somewhere else and then after it was delivered it updated. I am happy it made it.:D

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