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What to make?

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Im sure this probably has been discussed before, but Im not sure what to search under..


My question is.... what do I make with tiny scraps of yarn? I *could* make one big project and be stuck with a million ends that would need to be weaved in.. but Im wondering if there is anything small to make? The scraps arent just a few inches long... They are 1-4 yards each... Any clues? Patterns?


Ive been needing some potholders.. Should I just make some and deal with the different colours and the ends? This would be the most practical answer

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cat toys and stuffies.

or you could just crochet over the ends as you work, then not have so many to deal with.... :hook good luck!

or you could make a magic scrap ball.....just tie all your ends together and roll it up. :lol

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How about Yo-yo's? I just discovered this and it's perfect for those little scraps that you don't know what to do with. http://www.geocities.com/cdjsimon/simple_yoyo_square.html


If you know how to knit, there is a great scrap afghan you can do and never sew in an end! It's a called the Mindless, TV watching afghan. I don't have the link next to me, but if you're interested, I'll find it for you.



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Here's the url for it:




I'm interested in the answers to this post. I have so much scrap yarn in every color. I would love to find some patterns to use some of it up.


Here's a site that has a pic of it:




Scroll down to see it.

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There are a couple of request in the "charity" section of this forum that want donations of "grannies daughters". If you would like to donate some, this is a good way to use up these scraps.

I belong to a Home Extension group that is involved in some community service projects. One is for afghans/blankets for our local Linus organization and one is for our local pet shelter. I hate wasting those tiny ends of yarn. What I usually do is just knot the yarn scraps together and do just one big granny square, all the while crocheting over the knots. I keep on adding scraps as they become available from left-overs of other projects, until I think it is big enough for donation (or you can keep it for yourself). It ends up as a colorful "blankie" for the recipient.

I, personally would only use cotton yarn for potholders as I think the acrylics are more likely to singe near heat.

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Siminsc: I looked up that scrap knitted circular afghan. Boy is it beautiful. I hate to

admit I gave up on those little scraps and have been throwing them away but, no more. This afghan looks like it would be fun. Thanks for the url.

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Siminsc: I looked up that scrap knitted circular afghan. Boy is it beautiful. I hate to

admit I gave up on those little scraps and have been throwing them away but, no more. This afghan looks like it would be fun. Thanks for the url.

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I use any that are less than two yards for snuggles for the animal shelter. I just tie the ends together and make a couple balls worth. Then I use two balls and crochet together in a simple rectangle pattern. The shelters are always needing something for the animals to lie on instead of cage bottoms or concrete floors.

I use any over two yards for Circles of Hope , I am making blankets out of them for our local Domestic Violence shelter.

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I use my yarn winder and tie the pieces together. Then I make blankies for my dogs and leave the ends alone. Dogs don't mind the ends sticking out and they love their blankies. :)



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I make ornaments with mine. Either crocheted the whole thing and stuff it, crochet around or wrap around a styrofoam form (balls, stars, teardrops, etc)

Also, like others have said, tie the ends together and make an afghan, I'm doing that next.

Good luck! :hook

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I thought that just making little square in a solid color, add a black boarder. Sew together. Would be a super nice afghan. Great for charity or yourself or kids. Could do the granny square or a solid square.


Could also do a variety of squares to practice stitches and either put together or donate.


I don't think this was menionted... The warm up america squares are wonderful to make. 7x9 inches. Some Micheals stores have baskets for them, or you can mail them.

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I've been using a knitting spool and making a long cord out of my scraps. Then I've been using a Q-hook to double crochet a mat for my chis. The floors get cold in the winter for them.

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I'm taking all my ends and scraps longer than a few feet and winding them into a big ball.


When it gets a bit larger than my head, I'm going to make my mother a shawl for bluegrass music festivals. Whether or not I sew the ends in - I'll probably sew an inch or two for security - it will fit right in.


That's the great thing about parents who tend to wander off to that sort of thing! You can make them the most random things and no one will look at them or you funny, they'll probably just ask what stitch you used...

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Im sure this probably has been discussed before, but Im not sure what to search under..


My question is.... what do I make with tiny scraps of yarn? I *could* make one big project and be stuck with a million ends that would need to be weaved in.. but Im wondering if there is anything small to make? The scraps arent just a few inches long... They are 1-4 yards each... Any clues? Patterns?


Ive been needing some potholders.. Should I just make some and deal with the different colours and the ends? This would be the most practical answer



there is a charity making grannydaughter for a local abuse shelter

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I made a bedspread using up my scraps, I made up the square using the yo yo for the center and finished it off like a granny square.

hope this picture comes through I am new at doing this. some of the yo yo's have two colors or more because what I started with ran out so I just went for another color.


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I've been using a knitting spool and making a long cord out of my scraps. Then I've been using a Q-hook to double crochet a mat for my chis. The floors get cold in the winter for them.


What a fabulous idea!! I just might have to try this!



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I've been using a knitting spool and making a long cord out of my scraps. Then I've been using a Q-hook to double crochet a mat for my chis. The floors get cold in the winter for them.


I just started doing this, after reading your suggestion. I don't have a knitting spool, so I'm just knitting I-cord. I knit yo-yo's until there just isn't enough yarn, then I add that to my I-cord. You can really use up every scrap of yarn!



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  • 1 month later...

aah, i thought about how this might turn out -- using those knitting nobbies to create a cord suitable for Q-hook crocheting. Glad to see more than one person is on this! pics??


soo... what do you do? knit the cord as you're crocheting one yo-yo, then break off to finish as each yo-yo is finished?

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You people have GOT to stop! Just kidding. See...I've been very conservative in buying yarns the past few years and I have mostly done large projects, so there is little or no yarn left over. So, I have no stash and no scraps. And all this chat of scraps and stashes makes me want them so I can be creative with them too!

Seriously, just kidding and storing all these ideas.

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I recently finished a knitted scarf for a wonky friend as a Christmas gift. She loves tropical colors and themes. I didn't necessarily use scraps for this (because I did go out and buy about 3 more colors) since I was going for a specific look ... but you could combine pleasing colors together. I just pulled off about 8' (or was it yards? LOL) of each color (I think I was working with 9) and tied them together, then wound them into a ball. I didn't worry about the ends - in fact I added more of them after the fact to the finished scarf. It may not be something for everyone, but for some it may be the perfect thing.



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I've heard of something called a "magic ball" where you tie together a bunch of ends and make a big ball, and then use that to crochet or knit something. I was thinking of trying it, as I have an obscene amount of stash...

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