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"Bold Boxes" Afghan


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I started making this on a whim one night. It wasn't even on my WIP list until I was about half done with it! :lol


I was bored, and I didn't want to work on my other WIP because I intend to do that while traveling when we start out for our new home in about a week. I had some yarn stored back that I hadn't shipped off yet, so I decided to go ahead and play around!




It's really just standard granny squares and rectangle granny squares put together into strips. It could probably use some ironing, too. I sort of played the border by ear, since I had no idea what I had wanted to do with that. I think that what I did do turned out nicely, but you can't see it well enough in the photo... It's about 52x42 inches. It's made with RHSS in "Real Teal", "Dark Orchid", and white.


There's a larger photo of it in my crochet blog, if you wanna see a closer picture.

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