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What can $20 buy you?

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So I've been drooling over everyone else's amazing yard sale/flea market yarn finds and was convinced that down here in Florida it wasn't meant to be for me, but alas, I WAS WRONG!!!


I went to a few garage sales this morning and hit the MOTHER LOAD!!! WOO-HOO!! :cheer:clap:cheer Lookie lookie at what I got for $20!


There are a TON of items in here that haven't even been touched!!! I didn't even take a picture of all of the "squares" that are completed as well as a bunch of old UFO's that can be frogged! I will go through this all this weekend and the stuff I cannot use or don't want I will list for trade on here but quite a bit of it I'll keep for myself!!! I just had to share!!!!!











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Wowowowow! I am always looking too but I never find loot like that! Congrats! Barb

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Can I come play too? I'll even bring my own hook :lol !

I think you could be busy till you are 100 years old, with that treasure you found! Lucky you! You should get a chest to put it all in and call it your booty. I guess it was your lucky day! Congratulations! :cheer:clap:cheer

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Whoa! Donna! Man, that is some motherlode! Congratulations!


I hate garage sales...look what I'm missing out on.:( :(



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could you make the pictures into clickable thumbnails for those of us on dialup pleaseeeee.. thank you.

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Just so I know what I'm looking for, what is the garage sale ad code for "You won't believe the bargain waiting here for you yarn junkies"? I'd like to keep my eyes open for it in the classifieds here :)

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