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Harry Potter Hounds!


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As a lot of you know, July will be a HUGE month for Harry Potter fans. My two dogs are getting into the act, but not until I get our friends from Dogster their requested scarves! Here is a Gryffindor scarf made for one of our Dogster friends, modeled by my own lovely Gretta. She's usually groomed much better than this, but was still drying out after her bath so disregard the wild hair. She's tangle free, but looking wacky! I used RHSS and a "G" hook and sewed one end of it up into a loop, so that way the scarf is adjustable but will easily stay put.






Thanks for looking!

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Thanks everyone! That particular scarf is actually for our lab/husky friend who's bigger than her, so it's a little long for Miss Gretta. I haven't actually made hers yet :blush...I figured I'd get the requests from friends done first. They saw the one I made for my dachshund at the last HP party we went to and really wanted their dogs to be in on the fun!

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Gretta's getting her suburban 'do redone as soon as my clippers come back from getting repaired in Phoenix. I used to work full time as a professional groomer (sad, I know, that my dog gets so shaggy!), but I procrastinated sending them in and now they're being slow about getting them back to me. She's about two weeks overdue now :blush.

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Gretta's getting her suburban 'do redone as soon as my clippers come back from getting repaired in Phoenix. I used to work full time as a professional groomer (sad, I know, that my dog gets so shaggy!), but I procrastinated sending them in and now they're being slow about getting them back to me. She's about two weeks overdue now :blush.

My mom (who was a hairdresser) would always say that a good beautican never had time to do her own hair so they tended to look a little less done up than others. Maybe it is the same for you, you worked so hard that Gretta suffered a little :D . Love the scarf. If I thought my sisters airedale would wear it, I would make him one. We are HP fans also!!

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I think that may be true...my Mom always told me that the cobbler's children were the last to get shoes, and my pups are always the last to get the big-time style. We still do the basics regularly, but as for the rest LOL! Now that I'm part-time, I'm only at the salon a few days a week and am totally slammed! Poor Gretta LOL! She hates looking like a snuffleupagus.


I finished another scarf as a gift for a large sheltie--Here my dachshund shows off his modeling skills. This was made for a 22-inch neck (and Rondo's is only 9!), but I thought he rose to the occasion!:




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That is an awesome idea! I have one for me but i should make one for my puptart. Though not exactly sure he'd actually bein Gryffindor house. Hufflepuff perhaps...


Gretta (the cocker model) is actually a Hufflepuff! I'm still debating whether to make her that one or stick with the highly-recognizable Gryffindor....but since Rondo will have his, I think she can get away with Hufflepuff!

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So cute. I hadn't thought of a HP collar for our dogs! That would be cute a dog HP party. Everytime I watch the first one I think of Fluffy as my friends dog, she has a black lab (one headed).

Unfortunately my female is probably a Slytherin, she's very bossy and thinks she's #1, etc., LOL But still pretty (and knows it) and can love and was a wonderful momma. Our male I'm not sure, bossy and knows it, but is friendly to other dogs. So not sure on his scarf.

Thanks for sharing the wonderful idea!


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Oh, you should definitely do that! I have a slytherin scarf for myself (what can I say, I love green and silver!), but I made Gryffindor scarves after the first movie came out for a lot of my friends. You will get SOOO many looks and compliments! The dog ones work up fast...I think it actually takes longer to sew in the ends than to crochet the scarf! I completely made the one for the lab X while watching the Chamber of Secrets!

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That is too cute. My dd loves HP I made her scarves, purse, book cover, a blanket and a matching pillow. I crochet my dp (dear poochie) regular scarves, but now you have inspired me to crochet her a HP one. DD can't wait till July, and is hoping she doesn't have to work. You did a great job:cheer

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