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The worst Friday 13th

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I'm sorry, but I just have to vent a little. This is the worst Friday the 13th I have ever had. First off, I broke a hook. No real big deal really. I'm working on a baby round ripple just for the fun of it. No deadline-no sweat.

Then I go with hubby to the doctor to get his biopsy results. Yup, positive for cancer. He has prostate cancer. Now he needs to have a bone scan and a CT scan to see if the cancer is localized or has spread.

After those results, we will have to make a decision on course of treatment.

Then to top it all off, the dog decided to knock over the waster can and drag the contents across the kitchen floor.

Thanks for letting me vent. :ohdear :ohdear :ohdear

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I am sorry that you have had such a bad day.....I hope that DH gets good results on his next test. I am sorry that the dog made a mess, I have cleaned that one up myself. Go buy a new hook and you will feel better.

Have a great weekend and enjoy every day as it comes!!!

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My dad had prostate cancer a few years ago, we all froze and expected the worst - I think its the word cancer that makes you scared.

My dad had a course of radiotherapy & he recieved the all clear not lot after the treatment was completed.

He had blod checked regularly but he's better than ever.

I wish your DH the best of luck with his treatment & I will keep you in my thoughts

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That's all you can do....take one day at a time. The hook is replaceable, and the mess the dog made can be cleaned up. Pray that things work out for the best with Hubby. :hug

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I'm sorry, but I just have to vent a little. This is the worst Friday the 13th I have ever had. First off, I broke a hook. No real big deal really. I'm working on a baby round ripple just for the fun of it. No deadline-no sweat.

Then I go with hubby to the doctor to get his biopsy results. Yup, positive for cancer. He has prostate cancer. Now he needs to have a bone scan and a CT scan to see if the cancer is localized or has spread.

After those results, we will have to make a decision on course of treatment.

Then to top it all off, the dog decided to knock over the waster can and drag the contents across the kitchen floor.

Thanks for letting me vent. :ohdear :ohdear :ohdear



I am very sorry about your News yesterday. That must be horrible. Prayers are coming your way. :angel :angel :angel

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I'm so sorry to hear about your husband, idagammy. But I do want to mention that prostate cancer is one of the least agressive cancers and is almost always very treatable. Natuarally I understand you won't take this lightly, but God willing, he will be well again soon! Much love and some prayers going your way...

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