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Annie's Attic Soft-Step Floral Slippers


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I had a lot of yarn left over from my 63 square afghan, so I used some to make a pair of slippers. A while back I had saved a really cute pattern from the Annie's Attic free pattern of the day web page. I guess it was originally from this book: http://www.frugalhaus.com/scripts/prodView.asp?idproduct=567




The main yarn is Red Heart SS in buff, but the flower is made from some mystery yarn my sister gave me.


These are sooo soft and cushy, like walking on pillows. They're stuffed with two layers each of 1 inch thick poly foam.


This was a great pattern to work on. It was clearly written, with only one little mistake that was easy to figure out, and I loved that there is a definite right and left foot.


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Thanks, everyone.


Cupcake, it's funny but they aren't slippery in the way slipper socks usually are for me. Instead they're kind of slippery on the inside. What I mean is that the poly foam allows my foot to shift from side to side so it's not as stable as I'd like, but it's not that bad. Plus, with our hard floors these little pillow slippers are more comfortable than going barefoot. I wonder if regular foam rubber would've been any more stable. Probably not. If I make another pair I might try just using one layer of foam instead of two, though.

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Oh my goodness, those are adorable!! :manyheart You did a wonderful job on them, they don't have that "home made" look at all! :cheer

I :bheart them!



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