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Acceptable Crocheted Office Wardrobe?

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Hello Dears!


It looks like I may be back in the workforce after being a SAHM for 7 years (:cheer me) and I do have your basic black pants and skirts for office wear, it's still kinda limited and I wanted to know what crocheted wearables are acceptable in the workplace. I am assuming it's more of a business environment than business casual and I don't want to :eek people if I show up a little more casual than I should in my crochet wear.


I am making the VS skirt in a light olive color mid-calf and my knockoff skirt from last year are good bets for office wear, but I want to know what crocheted tops would be acceptable. I am thinking cardigans and four-frou type tops but would like for you ladies who work or used to work outside the home to give me a little heads up.


Thanks in advance!!! :ty

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I think it's going to depend on the office where you work on whether it's business or business casual. A crocheted top with a regular skirt would be fine in either setting.

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I think bolero-length sweaters (as opposed to shrugs) would be okay. I was wearing a brown knit bolero with short sleeves here in my very casual office yesterday over a cotton sleeveless tank. Cardigans never go out of style for the winter. Crocheted tanks or shells with a very tight weave under a jacket or sweater would work, too. I think neutral colors would be best and most business-like if it's a formal atmosphere. You can always accent with a bold scarf. Tunic length tops over tanks and shells might work. I think I'd stay away from fancy or lacy stitch combos and go for sleek stitches. Less distracting and more professional. Unless the job is in a creative field, where you can use bolder items. Good luck! patty

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Don't forget, a crochet scarf works great too, as many women still wear silk scarves with their business and business casual wardrobes. I'm lucky, I work in a prety casual office (SW designers) or in power plants, so I can 'get away' with a lot... Like my 'denim' poncho I wore yesterday.

I agree, it depends on the office though.

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Yep depends on the office and the position. I'm a secretary/assistant and I can get away with my crochet sweaters, vests and on occassion ponchos (if I feel like wearing those, they're not my favorite right now). However if I was in a higher position I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing crochet items unless they were tailored more. I do have to wear a dress or skirt, so it works fine with those. My blue homepsun Coming HOme poncho looks great with my jeans skirt.


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I have been wearing some dressy looking sleeveless tops with a crocheted shrug and dress pants since the weather has been nice and warm this week. :hook

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One of my attorney's wears all of these beautiful crochet jackets to court. She always looks so well put together and so prefessional. She has heavy long sleeved mid thigh and calf length ones for winter and short waisted and hip length 3/4 sleeve ones for summer. The winter ones are heavier weight yarn and the summer ones are light weight yarn. They are all button down front, which gives them a more professional look. Most of the winter ones have full fold over collars and some of the summer ones are just rounded around the neck with no collars. I know that someone has to be making them for her because on the occasions when she has taken them off I notice there are no tags inside and you can just tell they are not machine made. I am so jealous. It is my goal to be able to make something like that for myself. I have trouble with armholes though and get discouraged. Good luck with your new job!!

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COMPLETELY depends on what you wear it with...AND your position in the company.

In my organization...the VP level people wear business suits...PERIOD. I can't see any of them in anything else. I'm the next step down...So...If I were giving a presentation to anyone higher than me...I'd be in their attire. But generally I try to be fashionable and professional without the stuffiness of a suit. I've done crochet...a shawl, and a scarf...I haven't escalated to a jacket, but only because I am not that skilled yet. If I made a nice crochet jacket...I'd be appropriate to wear it. I've seen a few Nurse managers wearing crochet sweaters...and I have to say they were very nice....and appropriate. I think the administrative assistance should dress in the same fashion as Managers and Directors...but not necessarily in suits, unless they have an important function.


I think Healthcare tends to be conservative...so...it would really depend on the organization. I'd say...don't get daring on your first day...you'll be uncomfortable enough as it is without worrying about your attire.


PS...some people can wear anything and look professional...I had a woman that worked for me...she was in her 50s, and originally from Panama, She had a fashion sense that blew me away...she came in wearing a black leather suit!!!! She looked superb! And completely professional. I'd look like a $2....well...anyway Good luck with the job!

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As long as you do not intend to wear stuff featured on the Not to Wear Crochet site, you will be good. I wear all my crocheted skirts to work. I get complements all the time at my office.

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With Spring finally arriving, I think today's free pattern on Annie's Attic, Spring Green Cardigan, would be a lovely addition to an office wardrobe. I've also seen some women take ordinary tank tops and add crocheted collars and sleeves to them to pretty them up. I hope this helps.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Congratulations on the new job. I'd play it safe at first, and see how others in similar positions dress. And if you're wearing crochet tops with holes, watch where those holes fall when you're wearing it. You don't want any 'wardrobe malfunctions'.

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watch where those holes fall when you're wearing it. You don't want any 'wardrobe malfunctions'.



Yes I'd wait and see what is appropriate. Of course something as nice as Annies Attic free patter today would work anywhere. If you can crochet something that looks more store bought, it would be appropriate in just about any situation (I feel mine don't look store bought, very hand made, but that's fine with me and my position).


Of course crochet purses or bags would be fine to bring if you want a little crochet around. And if you work in a place where you are allowed some holiday decorations or other desk decorations you may be able to crochet those too.


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Although I crochet a lot of wearables, I don't really wear them to school/work a lot. I wear them more on my free time. However, the key idea here is you should not cover yourself from head to toe with crochet clothings, regardless of how gorgeous they are.


You can pair your VS skirt with a nice top, or you can pair your crochet top with a sharp pair of pants and look very professional. SnB has some nice top patterns that are feminine and work-place appropriate.

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