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Slightly used sweeties

Should previously loved dolls be used for charities?  

155 members have voted

  1. 1. Should previously loved dolls be used for charities?

    • Absolutely, those kids need a doll
    • Well, you could do that; I guess
    • Ew! how clean would this doll be?
    • Don't even think about it. ucky, ucky pooh pooh

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EBB - I've safely washed "surface wash only" stuffed animals on gentle cycle, in a pillow case (keeps the eyes from getting scratched) using cold water wash and rinse.


You want to make sure they are stuffed with polyester fiberfill (the tag will say so, and should say "all new material" - some old stuffed animals from the 1970's and earlier were stuffed with sawdust).


Where you run into trouble is the dryer. I've lost fluff on a few by drying at too high a heat. If you are in doubt, dry on air fluff.


But when your cat pees all over your stuffies, nothing but the washer will do, sadly.

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Here are a couple of CPK's I rescued and fixed up! The kids that got them were so happy!:manyheart






That's sooooo cool and original!!

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Ladies please calm yourselves. I should have explained a little more. I do believe giving from the heart can be giving some of your used items - because sometimes that is all you have. I get that. Did not mean to sound bitter its just that i have seen to many people give to get rid of things vs actually giving from the heart.

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Ladies please calm yourselves. I should have explained a little more. I do believe giving from the heart can be giving some of your used items - because sometimes that is all you have. I get that. Did not mean to sound bitter its just that i have seen to many people give to get rid of things vs actually giving from the heart.

This sounds a lil more reasonable :) But I still think if you're having a clean out it is better to give than to throw it all in the bin. Agreed there are things which need a bin, but those things that are still good then why not donate them? It may not be happening for the "right" reasons, but at least it is happening. No wait, I take that back! If they're thinking to donate rather than trash then it is the right reason. They took the time to think of and offer to a charity.

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If the doll/toy is in good shape and clean I just don't see what the problem is. It would be wonderful if every child could have his/her very own brand-new toys, but that's just not always possible. There are an awful lot of people out there willing to give what they have, but what they have isn't always the money to shell out for multiple brand new toys. There are limits to how 'used' something can be obviously, but within reason, charities should accept & appreciate what people have to give.

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There are an awful lot of people out there willing to give what they have, but what they have isn't always the money to shell out for multiple brand new toys.

Exactly!!! :yes Money has always been tight for us, and my kids have often been the recipients of charity. But there are times - such as when moving or just having a general clear-out - that the kids want to get rid of some of their toys, and it seems to me it's better to give them back to charities rather than just toss them. Some of them, obviously, wouldn't be much good, but I figure if the charities can get some use out of them, why not?


But of course, that's my opinion only.:devil

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I am a person who would love to learn to "reborn" dolls. I do not mean the designer one that you see on Ebay that go for hundreds of dollars (I think the people that do that are extremely talented and deserve a nice price for their work). I would want to "reborn" dolls that are much more common. Wash them out, paint them, give them a new lease on life. Then give them to a charity. I admit right now that I would most likely get these dolls from a thrift store. But I think that would be wonderful.

I have done the same as chrisdfriend. I have fixed up CPK dolls and donated them to charity. But I think I would like to try to do the whole taking apart and remaking the dolls. It would be a lot of work but it would feel good I am sure.


Darski you have inspired me to seriously look into "reborning" a doll.

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I am a person who would love to learn to "reborn" dolls. I do not mean the designer one that you see on Ebay that go for hundreds of dollars (I think the people that do that are extremely talented and deserve a nice price for their work). I would want to "reborn" dolls that are much for common. Wash them out, paint them, give them a new lease on life. Then give them to a charity. I admit right now that I would most likely get these dolls from a thrift store. But I think that would be wonderful.

I have done the same as chrisdfriend. I have fixed up CPK dolls and donated them to charity. But I think I would like to try to do the whole taking apart and remaking the dolls. It would be a lot of work but it would feel good I am sure.


Darski you have inspired me to seriously look into "reborning" a doll.


:manyheartGo for it!!!!


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A clean, loved doll needs a home too. I can't think of a better learning experience than to ask a child to adopt a doll that still has more love to give. A true life lesson

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If the doll is clean and in well condition, I see no reason why it can't be re-gifted. 'Specially if it is languishing for love...


Dolls need to be loved.

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I think this is an awesome idea..

as a mom of 5 who have had to have help.. i truly believe my kids would LOVE to have something like this.. so i have to believe that others would love them too..

Which is why i have a teddy bear drive for kids.. either here or in afghanistan.. i have had an enormous amount of support!

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I have a free day tomorrow so I am going to check out a couple of thrift stores to see if I can find some suitable dolls for sharing. When I get something together, I will approach a couple of people about places to place them.


I was thinking of posting pics of dolls I find available at various levels to let people say aye, yes or no. just a visual aid thingy.


Might be interesting.

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Well I went to the thrift store yesterday and I found 2 dolls :yay that I am going to clean-up. One really needs to be totally redone, I think I will try to "reborn" that one. The other just needs "customized" so that it will be nice. When I eventually get started I will have some pictures. I plan to start Saturday, but with my kids it may be Sunday. :manyheart



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When I was a young girl some girls in our 4-H club made me a gift for Christmas. They gave me a big box of handmade Barbie clothes and accessories. I did have a Barbie, but we could never afford all of her fancy clothes. I got a wedding dress, and evening gown, a doll bed complete with a soft flannel mattress, and a ton of other things. I will never forget Cathy and Susan because of that box, and I bet that was 25 years ago. The doll clothes are still at my Mom's house, where all the kids who come to play get them out. Someday if I ever have a daughter I hope that she will enjoy them as well.


Keep in mind that you don't just have to go to the thrift stores. Often you can get great dolls on great deals at wal-mart or dollar stores. You can easily expand thier wardrobes and make a simple doll an amazing gift.


I do understand why they limit toys to new/unwrapped. We do a toy drive for toys for tots each year at work. Even though it says new/unwrapped toys, we still get a bunch of junk that should have gone to the garbarage. I feel bad when we hand those over to the Marines. :blush Like hey here is the stuff from our incredible generous customers(and most of them are!!!), and by the way could you also take these bags of ratty, dirty, used and broken toys that I don't have a place for that we got from our customers when missed the point entirely.



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I think it's a good idea, esspecially if the dolls look brand-new. Sometimes, kids get gifts like dolls from relatives, and they don't even know the child doesn't play with dolls anymore.


I think we can share our talents and make a child smile.


Some kids may only get a refurnished doll for a holiday and just love it. While some kids get so much, they don't even appreciate what they get. So it just depends on who receives the doll.


Doll clothes can be so much fun to make and can really help "save" a forgotten doll sitting in a thrift store. We should try to save as many as possible.



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Well I went to the thrift store yesterday and I found 2 dolls :yay that I am going to clean-up. One really needs to be totally redone, I think I will try to "reborn" that one. The other just needs "customized" so that it will be nice. When I eventually get started I will have some pictures. I plan to start Saturday, but with my kids it may be Sunday. :manyheart


I love this. Have a great time doing a great thing.

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while growing up i was very very poor and i could not afford barbies (tust me i was VERY poor) about the time i was four my father found a random black trash bag outside the house. we thought it was..you know ...trash. but once we opened it we found a slew of beautiful dolls. there were so many. none of the dolls had clothing except for one or two barbies some were missing legs and some were hairless but we were content with them nonetheless. the fact of the matter is that when children receive such a selfless gift it really means something to them. and in turn those children learn the art of selfless giving themselves. in any case i certainly am grateful for the gift we received that day and i know you can find some grateful children in need as well.

God bless-

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I myself don't see anything wrong in donating a used doll. If it is in good shape and had some new outfits, I believe any little girl would be happy to get that doll. You have a big heart. God bless you

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I know there are some charities that will take used toys and they clean them up and make them like new. Sometimes it's for healthy children and other times they rework the toys for children with disablitlies who cannot play with regular toys because the parts are too small. However, many charities I know request that all toys be new and in their original packaging. Personally, I think sounds as tacky as the people who donate junk. After all, how many of us who have had older siblings, cousins, friends, etc. have not been given used toys or clothes? The Angel Tree insists that all toys by new, but it is obvious when some moms take advantage of someone else's genorisity. They are only allowed to have one gift selection on the tag, and when a 2 year old asks for a $50 Winnie the Pooh toy, I assume that is a mom filling out the card. I pick the cards when the child asks for something general like any doll, a watch, etc. That way, I can pick something nice but affordable for more than one child.


I know there are some kids who are just thrilled to get anything. My cousin's school used to pick 2 needy students and give them $100 to spend at Wal-Mart, and a parent from the school would take them shopping and out to lunch. One year, my aunt and uncle were choosen to take a 6 year old girl and a 7 year old boy. The girl was thrilled because she had never been in a Wal-mart. Even at that young age, she understood the value of money and was overly practical about what she spent her money on. She fell in love with a 101 Dalmations nightgown that was $10, but thought it was too much. My aunt was determined they were going to get it since it was the girl's favorite thing in the store. The little boy asked that she not go in the dressing room with him, as he did not own any underwear. You can guess what her first purchase for him was. My aunt and uncle said they didn't realize how self centered their boys were until that day. Here these kids weren't even allowed to buy toys with their money (the rule was this was for clothes and neccessities only), but even though they past all the toys, it did not faze these kids as they were thrilled enough with Wal-Mart clothes. I doubt there are many kids who have money who would be okay passing the toy aisle.


If a charity won't take your used stuff, you can donate it to the nursery in your church or to a doctor's office. With as many kids who use the toys at those places, things get easily lost or broken. My best friend's mom had 3 kids, but after all of them outgrew a toy, she very often gave to their church's nursery because it was not in the church's budget to buy new toys for the children.

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I know there are some kids who are just thrilled to get anything. My cousin's school used to pick 2 needy students and give them $100 to spend at Wal-Mart, and a parent from the school would take them shopping and out to lunch. One year, my aunt and uncle were choosen to take a 6 year old girl and a 7 year old boy. The girl was thrilled because she had never been in a Wal-mart. Even at that young age, she understood the value of money and was overly practical about what she spent her money on. She fell in love with a 101 Dalmations nightgown that was $10, but thought it was too much. My aunt was determined they were going to get it since it was the girl's favorite thing in the store. The little boy asked that she not go in the dressing room with him, as he did not own any underwear. You can guess what her first purchase for him was. My aunt and uncle said they didn't realize how self centered their boys were until that day. Here these kids weren't even allowed to buy toys with their money (the rule was this was for clothes and neccessities only), but even though they past all the toys, it did not faze these kids as they were thrilled enough with Wal-Mart clothes. I doubt there are many kids who have money who would be okay passing the toy aisle.


This is an amazing story and we need to remind ourselves of the abundance around us. We also need to remember that not everyone is living in that abundance and those of us who can share should do so.

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Oh please! If you want to give to charity you can spend a little money on something new!! Used dolls are great for garage sales. No excuse that you cant afford it. Put a little money aside. Charity comes from the heart not from something you just dont want anymore.


At 19 years old, my new baby and I left an abusive relationship. We went from a hospital to a domestic violence shelter with the help of the state police. While the police were very helpful until he was found and arrested, it was the ladies at the shelter that saved my life. I had my son, my car, his diaperbag, and the clothes I had on. We started out our new life with my son sleeping in a used bed, playing with used toys, and me wearing used clothes.

I know that I now sometimes take for granted the life we have now, but I will never forget that somebody gave those things. They could have put them in a garage sale or somewhere and made a little money with them, but they didn't. They gave them freely while expecting nothing in return and helped me keep my sanity. I couldn't go to work, had no maney, and no way to replace anything I had to leave behind.

Many times, over the many years since then I have taken bags and bags of clean things to places like these just praying that I could return the favor. Even in times of wondering how I would make it myself. For some of us it the love that matters, not the money.

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Another place you can donate gently used toys is the Child Life department of your local hospital, or the therapy department of the hospital or a therapy center. I know my daughter's therapy center always needs toys to use with the kids.


They don't so much need dolls as much as things like Fisher Price baby toys, stacking rings and all those horrid electronic toys with big buttons that cost an arm and a leg and that you sell for $5 at a yard sale.


Which reminds me that I have a toybox full I need to haul over to All Children's next week...

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Question for you, Would TY beanie babies work for you? My DD use to collect tons of these things. Most are stuffed into drawers in our guessroom. I wouldn't mind sending a few your way for you to add a crocheted outfit to and give away. I know I have like 200+ of these things. After reading this thread, I am going to do some research and donate to a battered woman's home some of these. But figured I would offer anyone here a few for there area. I really have soo many, I would flood this area beyond belief. Each beanie baby represents an "A" my DD got in elementary school. When she starting having trouble, we started bribing her. As you can see by the number we have, it worked. :lol Now I will let her chose the few she wants and give the rest away. Oh, and they are in like new condition as she prized them so much back then, no one was allowd to touch them.

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Question for you, Would TY beanie babies work for you? My DD use to collect tons of these things. Most are stuffed into drawers in our guessroom. I wouldn't mind sending a few your way for you to add a crocheted outfit to and give away. I know I have like 200+ of these things. After reading this thread, I am going to do some research and donate to a battered woman's home some of these. But figured I would offer anyone here a few for there area. I really have soo many, I would flood this area beyond belief. Each beanie baby represents an "A" my DD got in elementary school. When she starting having trouble, we started bribing her. As you can see by the number we have, it worked. :lol Now I will let her chose the few she wants and give the rest away. Oh, and they are in like new condition as she prized them so much back then, no one was allowd to touch them.


I did a quick search to see what these are and I really appreciate your offer but they look too small for me to work with the. i need Big babies that can handle WW yarn on larger hooks.


I would encourage you to share them though. They could be very welcome by some little people


Probably shouldn't mention this but you might get a good penny or :2cfor them on :ebay

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Question for you, Would TY beanie babies work for you? My DD use to collect tons of these things. Most are stuffed into drawers in our guessroom. I wouldn't mind sending a few your way for you to add a crocheted outfit to and give away. I know I have like 200+ of these things. After reading this thread, I am going to do some research and donate to a battered woman's home some of these. But figured I would offer anyone here a few for there area. I really have soo many, I would flood this area beyond belief. Each beanie baby represents an "A" my DD got in elementary school. When she starting having trouble, we started bribing her. As you can see by the number we have, it worked. :lol Now I will let her chose the few she wants and give the rest away. Oh, and they are in like new condition as she prized them so much back then, no one was allowd to touch them.



Not to butt in, but these are GREAT to donate to your local children's hospital. My daughter loved going in the toy bin and choosing a special toy on days with difficult treatments and spinal taps, etc. Or your local fire department/ambulance service uses these for kids in trauma situations. Just a thought.


btw, love the doll ideas and more power to you Darski!



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