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I think my cat is mad at me - I got home to find she took what was left of my blue yarn ball (enough to do another two rows on an afghan) and placed it into a half full glass of soda :-)


Bad enough she stole my N hook right out of another afghan, so I'll have to buy another one of those, and another ball of yarn now.


I think we need some cuddle time - maybe she's jealous of my crocheting?

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haha, sounds like my puppy... every time I crochet when she's around, I have to alternate between crocheting for half an hour and playing with her for half an hour or else she'll steal my yarn and hook when I'm least suspecting it!

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My husband is convinced that I'm the reason our cat is neurotic. I have several balls of yarn around the house and he's not allowed to touch them, which is his instinct!


Buy your cat her very own ball of really cheap acrylic!

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Maybe kitty wants you to make him/her something....like a kitty blanket, a crocheted hide-a-way or even her very own sweater or hat or something.

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:lol That is cute A kitty who is jealous of crocheting. That is one for knitty gritty.

I wonder did you ever find your hook?

You will have to play more with the kitty. :yes

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I have two cats, and most of the time they couldn't care less about my yarn but I found out the hard way that one of them has a fetish for eyelash yarn. I woke up one morning to find it wrapped around my living room furniture, the kitchen chair legs and then it disappeared downstairs. Now everytime I sit down with my yarn I catch him with his head in the work bag. I'm sure he's looking for more eyelash, lol.

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Lol it reminds me of when I tought my mate to crochet and she had been working on this cushion cover for weeks bless her she went out and her new greyhound "played" with her crocheting there was this tangled mass of wool. She did find it funny though. I have an old cat who is in his twenties who likes to eat wool only to throw it up in front of my fella to upset him.

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My cat is always trying to steal my hooks. I think she figures if I can play with them so much they must be great toys. If they are such great toys why am I not playing with her with the hook? :cat:hook I have to keep the hooks put up even if I am just going to the kitchen for a drink. I come back and the hook might be under the couch with Zoie staring at it because she can't reach it.:ohdear


I don't let the cats mess with the yarn. My old cat nearly sufficated because he played with the yarn and started swallowing it. It was still attached to the skein. He swallowed so much he couldn't get air nor could he get rid of the yarn. I came home just in time to pull it out of him. That was scary, his eyes were all glazed.


:badidea So I think balls of yarn for kitties is not a good thing!

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Serenghetti and I have an on-going war with my yarn...and I give her her own yarn ALL THE TIME...it's all over the house...there is enough of her own yarn to make her own kitty ghan (like she needs another one, I've made her her own bed, she has 3 kittyghans, scads of toys and more yarn to boot...) but she wants what I'm working on at the moment...always...beast...see my siggie...


Meanwhile, I'm chuckling over the blue yarn in the half glass of soda...I'd be laughing, but I'd be mad as a wet hen...

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my cat "baby" is like that, she will get annoyed with one of the others then act like its no big deal, then days or even weeks sometimes, she will go out of her way to poke them with her claws extended, like yesterday, coast was walking lazily to hubby when she ran up to him and poked him:lol :lol he of course didn't think it was so funny, but i swear if cats could laugh outl:lol :lol she would be i don;'t know what i would do without my fur babies. i would be soooooo lost without any of them:no :no just the thought makes me sad:eek

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