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death by crochet hook?

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Well.. I can now understand why airlines don't allow crochet hooks! My nanna came in today and told me one of my friends grandmas put a crochet hook RIGHT THROUGH her hand today!! Apparently she dropped it and as she picked it up it snagged on something and went right through her palm. I'm not sure how that happens.. but it did.


Lucky for her she was at the craft group our senior ladies have at the hospital, so they took her straight into the docter. His comment was apparently "bugger!". He had to cut the hook then pull it back through her hand :eek Coming from someone who the worst thing they've done is put an embroidery needle threaded with 2 strands of floss through her toe eye end first, it HAD to hurt! She has that papery skin too, you know the kind you see on the much older person where there are purple patches which on someone 20yrs younger would be a mere bruise? Poor poor Mrs Delamotte. She's going to be fine.. but the poor crochet hook is gone forever, in 2 bits no less.

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:lol I don't understand why they had to cut the hook. Seems like if it has passed through just finish the trip and push it the rest of the way. You will still have a hole in your hand but you'd have a whole hook too!:lol:devil
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:lol I don't understand why they had to cut the hook. Seems like if it has passed through just finish the trip and push it the rest of the way. You will still have a hole in your hand but you'd have a whole hook too!:lol:devil

you sadistic lil.. :rofl

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Goodness - I hope Mrs. Delamotte heals up quickly.

I know this is going to sound terrible but I've always thought about "death by crochet hook" when I'm crocheting in the car (my husband is driving of course). God forbid there's an accident and I get stabbed with my hook. Well, if I have to go - that's the way I'd want it - "death by crochet hook".

Debi Y. :hook

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That poor lady :( I'm glad they got it out. When you think about it, the hook on the end would stop it from being pulled back out and the other end is much wider so would cause more damage being pushed through. Was it by chance a small steel hook? That's the only thing I can imagine would be small enough to stab into someone... I've done that to hubby just playing with him.. he wasn't impressed :D

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she was making teatowel toppers, so it could have been anything up to a 3mm. I don't think I've seen Mrs D work with thread, but the thicker cotton we call 4ply she does. It may have been one of the other ladies hooks even. Mrs D is one of the more mobile of them all. Just ouch, I can't get past ouch!!

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My hand hurts just thinking about this!! I'm probably one of those klutzes who would end up doing this to herself too :P I hope she heals quick! :hug


As far as airplanes, I've been taking my aluminum hooks (I don't use anything smaller than a D) on planes for almost 2 years now. No problems, I can even take my snips! (Actually, a TSA guy said I could have scisors with up to 4" blades!! :eek) That's in the US, and I've had no problems with Canada or Mexico either. I haven't gone outside of North America though....

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I did that to myself several years ago.

The number 7 steel hook went right into the side of my hand. It didn't hurt but it did look odd hanging out of my hand. I pulled it out myself because I knew how small the hook really was. Doc at the clinic gave me a tetanus booster and soaked my hand in iodine. Now that hurt!


I still use that hook. But I never try to grab it if it falls, and I always put it away when I'm finished. Don't want anyone sitting on it. Yikes!


Sure hope the dear gets well soon.


Michelle in Southern AZ

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:lol I don't understand why they had to cut the hook. Seems like if it has passed through just finish the trip and push it the rest of the way. You will still have a hole in your hand but you'd have a whole hook too!:lol:devil


If it hadnt gone thru very far, and the hook end was the short side, the doctor would have pushed it back thru where it would have the shortest trip thru. That's probably why he cut the hook off and pushed it back thru.


puncture and impalement injuries are not to be messed with. If it went thru an artery or a nerve, she could have had severe problems...

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i sat onto a tapestry needle, it stuck into my leg a good 1/4 to 1/2 inch, i almost passed out. we were in the car and i had to leave it there until we got to where we were going so hubby could pull it out. i still get queasy thinking about it.


although when you said death by crochet hook, i thought of the night hubby peeved me off so much i threw an aluminum K hook at the back of his head. I missed...

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wait, in the us they let you take scissors and hooks on the plane?? :eek they wouldn't even let me keep my plastic nail clippers i got from paris :angry stinkin plane-people!! lol


.....my hand is twitching at the thought of the small metal hook in my bag....

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I totally understand the car worry, I also crochet while we travel and use a size 10 steel hook, I put the hook in my mouth when I am cutting threads and I make sure it is sideways when we are driving, not the end......I also worry about a wreak and it stabbing me, but not enough to stop crocheting while we travel.


Sorry about nanna, hope she recovers quickly and is back to crocheting...

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Oh, that poor lady!! I hope she heals quickly and this doesn't stop her from wanting to crochet! When people get older it's so important for them to have something to occupy their time, and crochet is such a great way to accomplish that. It would be sad if she gave it up because of this.


I have a great boss who loves handcrafted things, and there are many, many nights when it's really slow in the office here, and she not only doesn't care if I crochet, she often encourages me to because she loves seeing the finished projects. She has a nine year old granddaughter and a four year old grandson that I, not having children of my own, love to crochet things for.


Well, we went through a spell here where one of our desk clerks had quit, and we didn't have anyone to fill in for us so we could take our days off. We decided that in order to be able to take our days off PLUS make a bit of overtime, we would pull a sixteen hour shift one day a week so that the other full-time desk clerk and I could still have our days off. I crocheted for almost the whole shift in an attempt to stay awake. It ALMOST worked.


At about 8:00 one evening, I heard a tapping sound. I had fallen asleep in the chair (it's a tall chair, kind of like a bar stool) behind the desk. A guest had come up to get change for the vending machines and was tapping his finger on the desk to try to wake me without scaring me! :lol

I gave him his change and thought about what I had done! I joked about it but what if I had toppled off the chair and impaled myself on my crochet hook?!? Everybody laughed when I said that but the more I thought about it, it's entirely possible for it to happen! Fortunately we hired someone to fill in at the desk for our days off so I no longer have to worry about it, but hearing about this poor woman made me realize that what I had halfway joked about and what everyone had thought was funny when I said it could really happen!



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Oh my, that poor lady! And crochet is supposed to be such a genteel art, too! (Sorry, it was irresistable!) Really, this could have been a very serious accident and depending on how quickly Mrs. D. heals, it still could be for her. You know, I'm forever sticking my hooks into my hair. It's long and buns, braids and even ponytail bases are so handy and it's (usually) easier to find there than when I set one down somewhere. I supposed that's potentially dangerous, too.

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Poor Mrs. Delamotte! I bet she was a thread crocheter - those hooks have ALWAYS looked treacherous to me.


Actually, when I first saw this post, my first thought was "Oh, poor Crochetfool! She finally went up in smoke!"

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although when you said death by crochet hook, i thought of the night hubby peeved me off so much i threw an aluminum K hook at the back of his head. I missed...


I've had to fight the temptation a time or two. I know I wouldn't miss. :devil

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