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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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I'm still working away at the PS and the first filet piece. The center star of the PS is done and I've started on the cream fills between the star arms. I should take a picture for you ladies, maybe later today :D

:cheer You can do it! Looking forward to seeing your work-in-progress


:waving Nicole. Have a good day.

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Here's the PS so far. I'm using Caron pounds in Kelly green, light green, Royal blue, light (sky?) blue, a dark purple and cream. I tried the green ombre and it just didn't work. So the purple got added in, and I think it's working okay. To make it bigger I added a second round of the dark green and it's on my queen size bed. I don't think I'm going to have much trouble making this big enough for my parents queen :lol


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Here's the PS so far. I'm using Caron pounds in Kelly green, light green, Royal blue, light (sky?) blue, a dark purple and cream. I tried the green ombre and it just didn't work. So the purple got added in, and I think it's working okay. To make it bigger I added a second round of the dark green and it's on my queen size bed. I don't think I'm going to have much trouble making this big enough for my parents queen :lol


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Here's the PS so far. I'm using Caron pounds in Kelly green, light green, Royal blue, light (sky?) blue, a dark purple and cream. I tried the green ombre and it just didn't work. So the purple got added in, and I think it's working okay. To make it bigger I added a second round of the dark green and it's on my queen size bed. I don't think I'm going to have much trouble making this big enough for my parents queen :lol

Wow! That looks great! Thanks for uploading your picture so quickly. Have a good day :)

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:sun......... good morning all.

Sun is shinning here today.


I have several things to work on today. I know I should just work one thing at a time until its done .. but I want to work on everything a little bit to get them all closer to done.


I have a toddler sweater that I’m knitting right now… its my trial sweater for this pattern… if it comes out nice.. I’m making one in my size… :U




I need to re-package a Dishcloth Round Robin box today and mail it off!


Okay……. Off I go to get a refill on my :mug!

have a GREAT DAY!

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:sun......... good morning all.

Sun is shinning here today.


I have several things to work on today. I know I should just work one thing at a time until its done .. but I want to work on everything a little bit to get them all closer to done.


I have a toddler sweater that I’m knitting right now… its my trial sweater for this pattern… if it comes out nice.. I’m making one in my size… :U


I don't know of anyone with only one WIP anymore - even Cara has come over to the dark side:devil

The sweater looks gorgeous....I love wearables inknitting....and that yarn is the best to work with!

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Here's the PS so far. I'm using Caron pounds in Kelly green, light green, Royal blue, light (sky?) blue, a dark purple and cream. I tried the green ombre and it just didn't work. So the purple got added in, and I think it's working okay. To make it bigger I added a second round of the dark green and it's on my queen size bed. I don't think I'm going to have much trouble making this big enough for my parents queen :lol


It's looking great Val :clap

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Good morning ladies :flower


How's everyone today? :D Today I'll be picking my next WIP. I'm thinking that I'll just start the quilts while I think about the others :lol


Have a great day everyone :2hug

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Good morning all! Cara, that's beautiful and Hailey will love it!


Mary, have you tried a water bottle? Ciera and the cats don't like getting squirted so when they're doing something they shouldn't be out comes the water bottle.


I'm still working away at the PS and the first filet piece. The center star of the PS is done and I've started on the cream fills between the star arms. I should take a picture for you ladies, maybe later today :D

Priszm, your PS is gorgeous! Beautiful work.

:sun......... good morning all.

Sun is shinning here today.


I have several things to work on today. I know I should just work one thing at a time until its done .. but I want to work on everything a little bit to get them all closer to done.


I have a toddler sweater that I’m knitting right now… its my trial sweater for this pattern… if it comes out nice.. I’m making one in my size… :U




I need to re-package a Dishcloth Round Robin box today and mail it off!


Okay……. Off I go to get a refill on my :mug!

have a GREAT DAY!

Tam, your work is lovely.


I was going to say good morning, but I see that it's already afternoon. Where did my morning go? I'm working on a pattern for a crocheted thread butterfly this morning. I'm not sure if it's working or not, but I think so. The main problem is going to be the millions of tails I'll have to hide since it's worked in lots of little bitty motifs. There will be 10 little pieces joined together and then a border. :eek


This weather is making my joints hurt like mad. It's not fun getting old.


I think I need some hot tea or cocoa. Hope everyone has a good day. More later.

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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


Mary, have you tried a water bottle? Ciera and the cats don't like getting squirted so when they're doing something they shouldn't be out comes the water bottle.


I'm still working away at the PS and the first filet piece. The center star of the PS is done and I've started on the cream fills between the star arms. I should take a picture for you ladies, maybe later today :D

Oh! Gracie loves water in her face. She loves everything. :lol I tried it with Zoe when she was young and she just grabbed the nozzle on the bottle. Pennies in a tin can worked for her, though. :D


Here's the PS so far. I'm using Caron pounds in Kelly green, light green, Royal blue, light (sky?) blue, a dark purple and cream. I tried the green ombre and it just didn't work. So the purple got added in, and I think it's working okay. To make it bigger I added a second round of the dark green and it's on my queen size bed. I don't think I'm going to have much trouble making this big enough for my parents queen :lol

It's wonderful, Val! Your kitty seems to like it just where it is. ;)


:sun......... good morning all.

Sun is shinning here today.


I have several things to work on today. I know I should just work one thing at a time until its done .. but I want to work on everything a little bit to get them all closer to done.


I have a toddler sweater that I’m knitting right now… its my trial sweater for this pattern… if it comes out nice.. I’m making one in my size… :U




I need to re-package a Dishcloth Round Robin box today and mail it off!


Okay……. Off I go to get a refill on my :mug!

have a GREAT DAY!

Hi Tam! That is going to be so pretty! You guys who knit almost make me want to start knitting again. :lol


Good morning ladies :flower


How's everyone today? :D Today I'll be picking my next WIP. I'm thinking that I'll just start the quilts while I think about the others :lol


Have a great day everyone :2hug

What is your "next WIP"? Are you working on fabric quilts? :think It's cool and cloudy here again and I'm loving it! I hope Waco is having the same. :manyheart


Hi Linda! Can't wait to see what you come up with for the butterfly.


Hi to Judy, Dusti and Nicole. :)

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Hi Judy ~ Yes, the parents and MIL are okay at the moment...always subject to change, though. :lol Thank you for asking. :manyheart

I know how it is to live with that hanging over you every minute:hug

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It's turning out to be a bad news/good news kind of afternoon. Bad news: I couldn't get Kim in to get a haircut today. :( Good news: I can get her in at 11:00 tomorrow morning. :) Good news: we had a great early supper at Captain D's. :) Bad news: I don't have enough of the TLC Essential in persimmon to do the wings of the shawl for mom. :( Good news: I picked up a skein of RHSS in carrot and it's a perfect match in color and yarn weight and texture. :D


Now, now Judy. It seems like all kinds of things give me inspiration for new designs anymore. And I think the butterfly is going to be a very pretty one and totally different from any of the other butterfly patterns I've seen on line. :manyheart

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Hi Ladies! :)

We've been home since around 3 today. Sadly I can't say the visit was all I had hoped for. Lots of fun was had but then there were somethings I just would have rather not happened. I'm gonna go on my soap box for a minute, sorry guys. I just know you all care and will listen to my rants.


First, the car ride over was easy, Alex slept all but a half hour or so of it, and wasn't fussy when he was awake. We were able to spend time with my older sister, and Brady(our nephew) and Audrey( the niecey! ) Audrey was sleeping most the time but oh well. And Brady was PRETTY fustrated that Alex was trying to play with his toys. Everything to Brady is "MINE" and "NO" just part of the 2s I guess. Then we went out for dinner with Dad, and my other sister, whos bf came along too. It was my fav place to eat too so it was yummy. My mom met up with all of us after her shift and then we pretty much went to bed not long after. Sadly for me Alex woke up at 2 that morning and the only way he was going back to sleep was on the bed with me, so you know I didnt sleep well. I think its the whole no mattress in the play pen thing. SOOO the next day me and mom were lazy til Dad got off work, then we drove North. About 5 miles from the Arena Alex threw up, and he has never truly done so, but it was about 2 1/2 meals worth, just allllll over. Normally I would have lost the cookies myself but I felt so bad for him. Combination of crazy back roads and cheesy puffs or something. So we got to the place and my grandparents were there and Alex was pretty outta it, and distracted by the hockey and people, and all my grandma kept saying was "does he ever smile?" "he sure likes to ignore me" Blah blah blah. I was ******. My baby does smile, a ton, and he cries, and hes not always happy and also, for crying out loud the kid just lost almost 3 meals all over himself. Shes stupid, I swear(there is ALOT of family drama involving her) Basically, my dad, and his sister, whom are successful and all that, aren't really in the light, its the two siblings that have illegit kids, divorces, jail time, drinking issues, eating issues, ect that are perfect. I could go on and on. Not to mention she complains a ton about never seeing Alex but then she refuses to drive to us to see him. Whatev. Then we got home and Alex woke up it was almost 12 and he was just SCREAMING bloody murder til about 1:30 and again, wouldnt sleep in the crib. Ugh. But other than those things, it was good. Oh and the fact that my fav Red Wing was missing, ugh, I would have drooled to see him. No crochet time was had, kinda sad, but after chores and house cleaning tomorrow you bet your butts there will be time :lol

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Hi Ladies! :)

We've been home since around 3 today. Sadly I can't say the visit was all I had hoped for. Lots of fun was had but then there were somethings I just would have rather not happened. I'm gonna go on my soap box for a minute, sorry guys. I just know you all care and will listen to my rants.


First, the car ride over was easy, Alex slept all but a half hour or so of it, and wasn't fussy when he was awake. We were able to spend time with my older sister, and Brady(our nephew) and Audrey( the niecey! ) Audrey was sleeping most the time but oh well. And Brady was PRETTY fustrated that Alex was trying to play with his toys. Everything to Brady is "MINE" and "NO" just part of the 2s I guess. Then we went out for dinner with Dad, and my other sister, whos bf came along too. It was my fav place to eat too so it was yummy. My mom met up with all of us after her shift and then we pretty much went to bed not long after. Sadly for me Alex woke up at 2 that morning and the only way he was going back to sleep was on the bed with me, so you know I didnt sleep well. I think its the whole no mattress in the play pen thing. SOOO the next day me and mom were lazy til Dad got off work, then we drove North. About 5 miles from the Arena Alex threw up, and he has never truly done so, but it was about 2 1/2 meals worth, just allllll over. Normally I would have lost the cookies myself but I felt so bad for him. Combination of crazy back roads and cheesy puffs or something. So we got to the place and my grandparents were there and Alex was pretty outta it, and distracted by the hockey and people, and all my grandma kept saying was "does he ever smile?" "he sure likes to ignore me" Blah blah blah. I was ******. My baby does smile, a ton, and he cries, and hes not always happy and also, for crying out loud the kid just lost almost 3 meals all over himself. Shes stupid, I swear(there is ALOT of family drama involving her) Basically, my dad, and his sister, whom are successful and all that, aren't really in the light, its the two siblings that have illegit kids, divorces, jail time, drinking issues, eating issues, ect that are perfect. I could go on and on. Not to mention she complains a ton about never seeing Alex but then she refuses to drive to us to see him. Whatev. Then we got home and Alex woke up it was almost 12 and he was just SCREAMING bloody murder til about 1:30 and again, wouldnt sleep in the crib. Ugh. But other than those things, it was good. Oh and the fact that my fav Red Wing was missing, ugh, I would have drooled to see him. No crochet time was had, kinda sad, but after chores and house cleaning tomorrow you bet your butts there will be time :lol

Oh, Erin, what a time you had of it. Family are sometimes the pits! :hug :hug :hug to you and Alex. Hope he is feeling better now that he's home. And hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.

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Erin....:hug:hug I hope you have a good night.


It's turning out to be a bad news/good news kind of afternoon. Bad news: I couldn't get Kim in to get a haircut today. :( Good news: I can get her in at 11:00 tomorrow morning. :) Good news: we had a great early supper at Captain D's. :) Bad news: I don't have enough of the TLC Essential in persimmon to do the wings of the shawl for mom. :( Good news: I picked up a skein of RHSS in carrot and it's a perfect match in color and yarn weight and texture. :D


Now, now Judy. It seems like all kinds of things give me inspiration for new designs anymore. And I think the butterfly is going to be a very pretty one and totally different from any of the other butterfly patterns I've seen on line. :manyheart

I'm looking forward to pics!!:cheer

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