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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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My day's been a washout :lol Everything that could go wrong has. Mainly my newish microphone is lousy :lol That and a million other little distractions have resulted in zero accomplished. I knew I should've stuck to my saltines :lol

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Hi everyone! Erin, I got your package today and thank you!!! It's beautiful!


Mindy, where in Central FL are you? I'm in Brandon, so hi neighbor!


Glad they are making them to you all okay! I haven't received any back since the first time so thats a good sign.


Dusti, Alex is still a terror, 3 total have broken gums, 4 & 5 are almost there. Sadly I think when he bites down its a big wake up call for him :eek

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My day's been a washout :lol Everything that could go wrong has. Mainly my newish microphone is lousy :lol That and a million other little distractions have resulted in zero accomplished. I knew I should've stuck to my saltines :lol

Oh, Cara, how frustrating! :hug


Erin my card and gift arrived today. Thank you so very much. It's adorable and will come in handy. I put the second set of squares in the mail today while we were out, Erin. They said they should arrive in 3 to 4 days. It was later in the day when they went out than the last set.


Mary, hope that headache goes away quickly and stays away.


I got the top, batting, and backing all pinned together this afternoon with Kim sitting on a stool supervising. I would have started sewing on it, but John locked the keys in his car (the back-up set were in the glove compartment) and we ended up going over to where he was to let him in the car and then on to supper out at a local buffet. I'm tired tonight. I think I'll go to bed early tonight.

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Mindy K. - I hope to see you around here more! We love new members. :yes


Tam - Thanks for the hugs and prayers. It's starting to sink in a little better.


Linda - Kim's quilt is gorgeous! :drool Hope you were able to get to sleep early. :hug


Erin - Sorry to hear about Josh and the bug you all are fighting. :yuck I worked in a nursing home and assisted living during high school and college. You're definitely right about how some people take better care of the residents than others.


Cara - Thank you for the hugs. I got the entire story from Nicole this afternoon. We found out that her mom was having problems with her liver for two and a half weeks before she even told anyone. By the time anyone else found out (she was retired), she was already very yellow looking. The doctors fixed the gall bladder problem, but her liver wouldn't react to drugs. She was septic already by the time she saw the doctor. They couldn't get it under control and all of her organs started shutting down. Basically, it was a liver failure that went on too long and it ruined the other organs.


I'd love to have some of your business cards! :hook I'm so glad you're feeling better! :cheer That's really cool about the audio books!! I've never been any good at listening to them....I block them out too quickly. I do enjoy listening to a mellow voice though...even if I don't retain the info. :lol


Judy - That's so cool that you sent another person our way. We sure are lucky to have Cara and the 'Ville.


Mary - I sure hope your headache stays gone. They are the worst! Thanks for the hugs.


Dusti - Thank you! I did do some damage control. I don't think I've accomplished must the last two days, but I'm doing what I can. :yes Pizza in the shape of teddy bears?!?! That's precious. :manyheart



Not much going on with me over here...I worked a little late today. I managed to crochet a very little bit when I got home. Now I'm having a late dinner (instant ramen noodles...don't think that can really be called dinner :lol ) and planning on going to bed once I get my hair dry. Have a great one everybody! :hug

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Good morning, everyone. It's gray and overcast here today so far. We had some rain last night and looks like we could be in for more today.


Nicole, it's good to have you back. Sorry work's being such a pain. Or should I say one of your co-workers is being such a pain. Hope that improves. Hugs to you and your friend Nicole. :hug Sounds like your friend's mom put off going to the doctor for far too long.


I'm planning on working on the quilting of Kim's quilt today for a good bit of the time. Have to do some folding and putting away of laundry, too. And cooking and general other stuff.


Have a great day! :manyheart

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Good morning ladies :flower


Just a quick flyby this morning I'm afraid. Today's my day out :dance Hey, when you only leave the house once a week it's exciting :lol


And we have lots to do today so I'd better get going so I can get all caught up. I only have an hour and a half before it's time to go :yes


I wish you all a very happy day :2hug

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:hi everyone!

its beautiful outside today........... now if I could just shake this cold... I would feel beautiful inside today! :U


I have fallen behind again on my quilt'ghan.......... *sigh*

but I dug it out and hope to get a saltine or 12 done today......... :hook






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Hi Ladies. :) Thanks for all of the well-wishes. No headache since yesterday, thank goodness. The last time I had a real headache it was viral meningitis and I spent 4 days in the hospital. That was about 5 years ago.


Tam! It's good to see you here again. :manyheart


Cara ~ I hope you've had a wonderful day out. :yes


I hope everyone is okay and doing lots of crocheting or quilting. :crocheting My first baby RR is about 16 inches across right now. I think I'll start the other one so I can go back and forth...I'm already tired of purple and white. :lol

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Tam - Hope you feel better soon :hug


Mary - Oh dear! I think after meningitis I'd pain if I got a headache too :yes Glad it's better today :hug


I had a great time today. We did go play bingo on the cheap. Where else can you have that much fun for 5 bucks :lol Didn't win though :no


Then I bought yarn :blush I went to get the holiday yarn for the GB boy. It's now $3.97 a 3.5 oz skein! :eek I almost passed but I really think it'll make a big difference in the ghan :yes I just have to break it gently to BD that it cost more than I said it would. Well, that and the fact that I bought 3 skeins of the Debra Norville yarn they had on clearance for $1.97 too. :2blush But what's a girl to do when faced with a bargain like that? :lol Oh well, I'll take the "look" as long as I get to keep the yarn :devil

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Mary, I'm so glad you're feeling good!


I know what you mean about the colors in the RR getitng boring. I broke that up on my blue one (just put on my blog) by changing the stripe pattern...

I'm going to use more than 2 colors next time.

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Hi Ladies. :) Thanks for all of the well-wishes. No headache since yesterday, thank goodness. The last time I had a real headache it was viral meningitis and I spent 4 days in the hospital. That was about 5 years ago.


Tam! It's good to see you here again. :manyheart


Cara ~ I hope you've had a wonderful day out. :yes


I hope everyone is okay and doing lots of crocheting or quilting. :crocheting My first baby RR is about 16 inches across right now. I think I'll start the other one so I can go back and forth...I'm already tired of purple and white. :lol

I'm glad the headache is gone with no repeat of last time. That would be ultra scary! The 2 color RR I did was monotonous, too. I got very tired of the two colors. 4 works much better for me.

Tam - Hope you feel better soon :hug


Mary - Oh dear! I think after meningitis I'd pain if I got a headache too :yes Glad it's better today :hug


I had a great time today. We did go play bingo on the cheap. Where else can you have that much fun for 5 bucks :lol Didn't win though :no


Then I bought yarn :blush I went to get the holiday yarn for the GB boy. It's now $3.97 a 3.5 oz skein! :eek I almost passed but I really think it'll make a big difference in the ghan :yes I just have to break it gently to BD that it cost more than I said it would. Well, that and the fact that I bought 3 skeins of the Debra Norville yarn they had on clearance for $1.97 too. :2blush But what's a girl to do when faced with a bargain like that? :lol Oh well, I'll take the "look" as long as I get to keep the yarn :devil

Glad you had a good time out. At least you got the DN yarn on sale. :lol :lol :lol


I started quilting Kim's quilt today. Every time I got poked with a pin Kim cocked her eyebrow at me an gave me the "again....." look. Before I do another large quilt I'm getting more of the bent safety pins for holding it in place. They don't come loose before I want them to and they don't poke me! I'll struggle through this one as is. At least it isn't as big as the oriental one I'm working on.


We took Rosie and John to a German restaurant here in town for John's birthday, which was today. Very good. We all brought our desserts home. No room for them tonight.

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Linda - Oh that's what those bent safety pins I keep seeing are for :oops Never dawned on me :lol


Well, as it turns out BD didn't seem to care about the yarn. :D I was feeling mighty guilty but it seems to have just washed over him :lol Knowing him he's counting himself lucky that that was all I spent :lol

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Linda - Oh that's what those bent safety pins I keep seeing are for :oops Never dawned on me :lol


Well, as it turns out BD didn't seem to care about the yarn. :D I was feeling mighty guilty but it seems to have just washed over him :lol Knowing him he's counting himself lucky that that was all I spent :lol

If I hadn't been told what they were for, I would never have figured it out. And I tried them on a small piece I was quilting and didn't like them. However, on a big piece they are wonderful. Live and learn. :lol


It's really overcast today. I'll be working on Kim's quilt some more today and maybe on the oriental one, too, to give me a break from manhandling the big one. The "quilt as you go" method is looking more and more favorable/desireable as I have to manhandle the bulk of this 60" by 60" quilt around. The though of doing it with one that's 108" by 104" is becoming truly daunting.


I ordered raspberry ganache cake for dessert last night. I have just demolished the tip of it. I think that will be enough for this sitting. It is goooooood! Something that deserves to be savored. Or as the waitress described it, "Death by chocolate." Yummy! :D


Hope everyone has a good day. The bow deer hunting starts tomorrow here in Georgia. Three guesses as to where John will be for part of the day and the first two don't count. :lol :lol :lol Scoping out one of the local properties that he hunts on!

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Morning everyone! My brain still hasn't woken up yet, Linda I first read that you guys went to a German Oriental restaurant for dinner. :lol I was trying to figure out what the heck German Oriental was like.


As for the RR's, I understand where you ladies are with the 2 color ones. And I'm actually dreaming of doing one with the Lion holiday homespun. It's a good thing I got my Joann's coupon commotion flyer with 11 40% off coupons in the mail recently :lol

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If I hadn't been told what they were for, I would never have figured it out. And I tried them on a small piece I was quilting and didn't like them. However, on a big piece they are wonderful. Live and learn. :lol


It's really overcast today. I'll be working on Kim's quilt some more today and maybe on the oriental one, too, to give me a break from manhandling the big one. The "quilt as you go" method is looking more and more favorable/desireable as I have to manhandle the bulk of this 60" by 60" quilt around. The though of doing it with one that's 108" by 104" is becoming truly daunting.


I ordered raspberry ganache cake for dessert last night. I have just demolished the tip of it. I think that will be enough for this sitting. It is goooooood! Something that deserves to be savored. Or as the waitress described it, "Death by chocolate." Yummy! :D


Hope everyone has a good day. The bow deer hunting starts tomorrow here in Georgia. Three guesses as to where John will be for part of the day and the first two don't count. :lol :lol :lol Scoping out one of the local properties that he hunts on!


Nope, don't think we need the three guesses :lol The cake sounds to die! :drool And I'm gonna have to pick up some of those bendy safety pins. I'm in a Yahoo quilting group where the ladies told me to get about umpteen million safety pins and pin the top/batting/backing sandwich together to quilt it so it doesn't shift. :yes

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Morning everyone! My brain still hasn't woken up yet, Linda I first read that you guys went to a German Oriental restaurant for dinner. :lol I was trying to figure out what the heck German Oriental was like.


As for the RR's, I understand where you ladies are with the 2 color ones. And I'm actually dreaming of doing one with the Lion holiday homespun. It's a good thing I got my Joann's coupon commotion flyer with 11 40% off coupons in the mail recently :lol


That speed reading will get ya every time :lol I got that flyer too. Take a real good look at the coupons. They're not general 40% coupons :no Like one is 40% off any notions and another is 40% a cut of fabric, etc etc.

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Good morning ladies :flower


It's a great day....sort of :lol It rained all last night :dance It's actually feeling fairly cool this morning :yay


I've spent the morning dealing with trying to switch our homeowners insurance from our current company to my BIL the insurance agents company. It's turned into a mess. Their underwriter is giving him grief because our house is so old (84 years old). We just ended up apologizing for wasting his time and told him we'd just keep the company we have. I feel really bad about it because BIL could really use the business :sigh


But time to just move on and let it go. :yes BD fixed my microphone problem yesterday. I really shouldn't be allowed to set up my own gear :blush It works now so I'll probably spend the majority of the day recording his aunt's books today :yes That'll make me feel better. I find reading aloud very Zen...sort of the way I feel about sewing saltines together...very relaxing :c9

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And I'm gonna have to pick up some of those bendy safety pins. I'm in a Yahoo quilting group where the ladies told me to get about umpteen million safety pins and pin the top/batting/backing sandwich together to quilt it so it doesn't shift. :yes

The first time I tried them it was on a small project and I didn't much care for them, but on a big one they are wonderful. The same thing with the clips like you use in your hair. They are really great for keeping the top/batting/backing sandwich edge together and they do NOT slip, so the edge stays really nice for stitching. I just finished going around the quilt one inch from the edge and the clips did a fabulous job. I see more of those in my future as well as the bent safety pins. :D


Erin, the book is "The Donor" by Frank M. Robinson. Watch out for the ending. It sent chills up my spine. :eek

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