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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Nope. But for black & white yarn I have seriously thought of it.



I always check the prices on ebay, some people are reasonable, like the ones who combine orders for shipping(thats where they price hike!!) we will see... im in need of cotton tots, which I haven't seen on sale for a while now and I use it for my baby washcloths :think

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Happy Friday, everyone. :)


Erin ~ Little Alex is adorable...those big eyes are just too cute. I hope your skin is much better today. :manyheart I haven't bought any mill end yarn, but someone here must have tried it!


Norma ~ Welcome! I know we're all looking forward to seeing your projects. :hook


Linda ~ Your pink squares are gorgeous. Can't wait to see your quilt progress. :)


Val ~ I'm not much help on the colors, but I know whatever you decide will be great. Is this for a Christmas present? I know you've told us, but I can't remember. :blush:D


Cara ~ Sorry about not winning, but it sounds like you're having a ball! :yes It's a little cooler here after a fast moving storm came through last night about 8. Lots of wind and rain, but no damage thank goodness.


Hi to Nicole, Judy and Jessica. :)


DD just left. She surprised me and came over after her OB appointment. Her DH went back to work and she came to give me our first sonogram picture of the baby. :c9 Sure can't see much yet, but I had happy tears just seeing it. The Dr. could hear the heartbeat and said everything looks great at this point.

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Happy Friday, everyone. :)


Erin ~ Little Alex is adorable...those big eyes are just too cute. I hope your skin is much better today. :manyheart I haven't bought any mill end yarn, but someone here must have tried it!


Thanks, hes cute 95% of the time. ;);) Right now hes standing up holding on to a chair sounding like a demon child with his noises. Its really kinda scary :eek


Norma ~ Welcome! I know we're all looking forward to seeing your projects. :hook


Linda ~ Your pink squares are gorgeous. Can't wait to see your quilt progress. :)


I can't wait to see them in my mail teeheheeeh


Val ~ I'm not much help on the colors, but I know whatever you decide will be great. Is this for a Christmas present? I know you've told us, but I can't remember. :blush:D


Cara ~ Sorry about not winning, but it sounds like you're having a ball! :yes It's a little cooler here after a fast moving storm came through last night about 8. Lots of wind and rain, but no damage thank goodness.


Hi to Nicole, Judy and Jessica. :)


DD just left. She surprized me and came over after her OB appointment. Her DH went back to work and she came to give me our first sonogram picture of the baby. :c9 Sure can't see much yet, but I had happy tears just seeing it. The Dr. could hear the heartbeat and said everything looks great at this point.

Thats really good news for her at this point. Once 13 weeks hit she should be safe and sound. Then the hard part really comes...getting fat ... :D:D


Soooo far today Ive been to walmart, got some goodies, but mostly just returned all the cans. I don't know if its just lazy or what but Josh won't return them, he just assumes throw them away. :eek It makes me mad!!! :angry I dunno HOW much money hes just tossed in the trash. MEN. So now its become my job, and unless its a grocery day, I told him Im pocketing the dough for it then. He agreed. We seriously had like 20 bucks worth. :D Walmart is near a Dollar Galaxy, and they are going outta biz. So I went in there...really not a ton left in there at all. I managed to find some cool plates, for like desserts or toast, will probably go get 4 more so I have them for company. Got some cards, and bows, bags, hmmm, paper cube, index cards and a holder...I think thats all, but I think Im wrong. It was all 2 for $1 so I barely hit the $10 mark. Like I said, will have to get more of the plates before its too late.

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I always check the prices on ebay, some people are reasonable, like the ones who combine orders for shipping(thats where they price hike!!) we will see... im in need of cotton tots, which I haven't seen on sale for a while now and I use it for my baby washcloths :think

You still use the soft cloths for the little guy?



DD just left. She surprised me and came over after her OB appointment. Her DH went back to work and she came to give me our first sonogram picture of the baby. :c9 Sure can't see much yet, but I had happy tears just seeing it. The Dr. could hear the heartbeat and said everything looks great at this point.

That's wonderful:c9

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You still use the soft cloths for the little guy?



That's wonderful:c9


no I do however make them for baby gifts. Alex pretty much gets whatever washcloth or towel is in mommys reach ;)

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DD just left. She surprised me and came over after her OB appointment. Her DH went back to work and she came to give me our first sonogram picture of the baby. :c9 Sure can't see much yet, but I had happy tears just seeing it. The Dr. could hear the heartbeat and said everything looks great at this point.

Oh, that's wonderful, Mary! Such happy news.

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no I do however make them for baby gifts. Alex pretty much gets whatever washcloth or towel is in mommys reach ;)

Boys often need the good scrubbing only an old washcloth can give;)

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Welcome to the thread, Norma!


:flower Hi everyone!


I'm officially on vacation until 9/8!!!!!! I was supposed to be going to Gulf Shores, Alabama, but that fell through. My best friend's husband got fired and they can't justify spending the money. So, I'm going to find some kind of trouble to get into. I'm thinking of going up to Chicago for a Cubs game if they are playing at Wrigley this week. Or I might go to the lake (my family owns some land) with my kitties. There are so many possibilities!

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Welcome to the thread, Norma!


:flower Hi everyone!


I'm officially on vacation until 9/8!!!!!! I was supposed to be going to Gulf Shores, Alabama, but that fell through. My best friend's husband got fired and they can't justify spending the money. So, I'm going to find some kind of trouble to get into. I'm thinking of going up to Chicago for a Cubs game if they are playing at Wrigley this week. Or I might go to the lake (my family owns some land) with my kitties. There are so many possibilities!

Enjoy your vacation time!:)

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I'm officially on vacation until 9/8!!!!!! I was supposed to be going to Gulf Shores, Alabama, but that fell through. My best friend's husband got fired and they can't justify spending the money. So, I'm going to find some kind of trouble to get into. I'm thinking of going up to Chicago for a Cubs game if they are playing at Wrigley this week. Or I might go to the lake (my family owns some land) with my kitties. There are so many possibilities!

Have a wonderful time, whatever you decide to do.


I finally got the pieces all ironed, so now it's show and tell time.Hopefully I've got them in order so you can see a combined closeup of the center panel, then the squares that go on the points, and some of the 4" blocks in the top half of the V that comes in to the side of the center panel.









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Have a wonderful time, whatever you decide to do.


I finally got the pieces all ironed, so now it's show and tell time.Hopefully I've got them in order so you can see a combined closeup of the center panel, then the squares that go on the points, and some of the 4" blocks in the top half of the V that comes in to the side of the center panel.


Nuts. I forgot to upload it.

Oh, my! How beautiful:c9:c9

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The center panel just about goes from one side to the other of a double bed currently. If I calculated everything right it will be about 108" by 104" when it's done. :eek That's about queen size, I think. :think At least the batting for the king size is 120" by 120" and this is quite a bit smaller.

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Linda, it's beautiful! :yay I love your colors and fabrics together!


Nicole ~ Have a great vacation. Be sure and give us updates on what you decide to do...maybe lots of crocheting? :hook


Val, I know your parents will love it. What a wonderful Christmas gift! How is your new toy? ;)


Gracie just crawled in her crate for a while, so I think I'll crochet. Our weather has been gorgeous and didn't even reach 90 today. :cheer So I've taken her for two long walks and she is worn out. :lol

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DD just left. She surprised me and came over after her OB appointment. Her DH went back to work and she came to give me our first sonogram picture of the baby. :c9 Sure can't see much yet, but I had happy tears just seeing it. The Dr. could hear the heartbeat and said everything looks great at this point.


Awww :manyheart I've got tears in my eyes too after reading that :manyheart I'm so happy things are going well :hug

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Nicole - Enjoy every minute of your vacation! :hug


Linda - Your quilt looks fabulous! :clap


The LC is done. :yay I tried to get fancy with the border but after frogging half a dozen times I decided simple was best :lol


I'll try to get photos tomorrow :yes

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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


The LC is done. :yay I tried to get fancy with the border but after frogging half a dozen times I decided simple was best :lol


I'll try to get photos tomorrow :yes

Congratulations on finishing! You are amazing! :hook

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