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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi Everyone! I'm wondering if any of you know an easy crochet shawl pattern for someone who's new to crochet? I'd really like to make one for Riley's Grandmother. She's the one who's currently having a cancer scare (she was in remission, not sure if it's actually cancer again or not)


Julie ~ Your new yarn is so colorful and lovely!!!


Tonight starts Relay for Life in the next town over. My grandfather is a cancer survivor and my whole family is going out to walk with him for the survivors lap.


I hope your Relay is a successful one...ours is end of next month...

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Hi everyone, we are watching Germany vs Australia in the World Cup games...Germany's ahead 2 - 0...we have our German flags flying, along with the Stars and Stripes...we were happy with the US yesterday tie the game against England...


Just for giggles, during half time, I turn the channel over to one of the spanish speaking channels just to hear how excited the announcers are (and they are EXCITED!)

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Hi all,

Julie- That is col that you could get on the ville from your Kindle. And since you started the granny stripe from attic24, are we still doing the ripple game? I saw the granny stripe and thought it looked fairly easy- and then mindless once you get the first two rows done.


Linda- I'm glad you had such a nice visit and probably by now you are in the air on your way home- safe travels


Tab- glad to hear that Darius is feeling better!!!! And good luck surviving all those Back to the Futures!!


Tammy- that is great news about Michael! Tell him we are all rooting and praying for him!!!


Sherri You will not regret getting either a Nook or a Kindle! And like Julie mentioned- she uses an Amazon gift card to make purchases. I use a B&N gift card! They also have the feature where you can preview a book before purchasing.


Cindy- Corchet is great for re-using yarn- frog and you can start something else!! good luck with the cardigan!


Marisa -hope the rain is holding out where you are- it is raining here in NJ!


Judy= thinking of you as I'm watching the Yankees!


LeAnna- that is so funny- watching in spanish!! I find the constant humming of the Vuvuzela's (cheap plastic toneless horns) to be very annoying while watching the world cup! It was really bugging me yesterday so I had to put the tv on mute!!! What is up with those things??


I got out of work at 12:30- came home and then DH and I worked on the pool- Since we hadn't opened it last summer, there's lots to do to get it ready for this year. But it's coming along nicely- and then the rains came- so that was that! But most of the leaves and dirt that had settled in the bottom are now gone and I think by next weekend it will be ready for swimming.


I am tired and think I'm going to take a quick cat nap to get some energy to crochet a bit!


Hope everyone is having a great day!

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Hi LeAnna -

Yea, lots of people really are into soccer ,and it's becoming a lot more popular here also. I've never watched a game, but Cam played on a team this year .That is the first time I have watched soccer,so don't know a lot about it as far as rules and which teams are best .

It was fun watching all the little kids playing it though .



Joanne- yea, the B&N gift cards would work out for the nook too, I never thought of that. We no longer have a credit card ( I hat having them,because I use them too often and then end up owing too much ,so we swore to never get one again,so I buy the gift cards, put them in my money account at amazon,and all I have to do is click and buy me a book without leaving the yard . HANDY DANDY .


Sounds like you will have fun cooling off once your pool is ready to use !

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Forgot to answer your question regarding the ripple.


I guess technically ,you could say I am still doing a ripple. I have the baby rr I was on, and it should be done soon,and I have the BROWN one that is laying here looking at me .

SOooo...... I have 2 ripples going ,but I chose to use my pretty bright colors on the straight granny -- it is mindless, as you said ,so easy to keep track of and no counting or anything,so it's a fun one.


I leave the other ripples laying here looking at me so Iwill pick one up and do a little more on it once in awhile .


I just get bored with ones that I make for someone I don't know, in colors I don't like .... hard to keep on task with them .


The baby one isnt bad though,since it will go for next year's reunion raffle.We usually have new babies each year or someone pregnant with one,so I'm sure they will be needed and wanted down there .

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Thanks for the clarification about the ripple! I think I want to try the granny stripe too, but not tonight. I guess I would have to pay attention to the counting of the initial chain and then doing the 1st row--after that mindless.


I do want to try a ripple though, but my brain is usually so tired when I get home that to me it's more work if I have to pay attention to a pattern- those things are better left for the weekend- and you see how much crochet time I got this weekend!:lol:lol


Didn't get a nap- and now it's too late to nap! Think I'll work on the granny square ghan after I make lunch for work tomorrow and set up the coffee pot for the morning!

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Hello ladies,


The party was nice and although it poured here in Philly, it only drizzled in Delaware :D It was still pumping when I left, but I was just ready to be home. I'm working on a sudoku puzzle now and want to get some :hook in tonight since I haven't done any ALL weekend and most of the past week.


Tab - they were running the Back to the Futures yesterday too. My uncle had it on when I went to visit for a bit :( I'm also not a big fan of them, but can endure the first one easier than the rest.


Joanne - Glad to hear you got a lot done on the pool and your almost able to use it!!! And, I also set me coffee pot up the night before, and I have an auto start on it so can set the timer and wake up to the smell of fresh coffee :D I love it!!!


Tam - Great news that Michaels levels are coming down a bit :clap I will continue to keep him in my prayers :hug


Julie - How's your new regimen going? Are you getting outside and some walking in with all this rain?

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Hi everyone, I didn't get to visit my grandbabies yesterday instead I went to see them today straight after church, so I'm home now. I end up having to stay home with my husband yesterday for on the week-end I don't have a full time aide to take care of him and my son was out of town. It was okay I did run to the store, knit and crochet a little and spent a huge amount of time reading. I want to finish the book I'm reading so I can begin on a new one. My ripple is looking good and so far I have completed four row and I like how the colors look together. I will post a picture of it on Friday. I'm also in a market-bag CAL over in Raverly so I'm making headways on crocheting that bag. I like working on a variety of projects for I easy get distracted I told you I have moveitis.


Marisa - Thank you for the Punch Bowl Cake Receipt, just reading it make my mouth water. :lol:lol


Julie - I love the colors and names of your new yarn. I need to buy a kindle or a nook one of these days, I will. For now I enjoy brownsing in the bookstore for books and magazines. Hopefully my familyi will gift me with one.


Tam - It made me so happy to hear that Michaels levels is getting better, I will keep him in my prayers.


Joanne and Judy just waving hi and I hope you had a nice day today. :hug


Well house mates, I'm going to go and relax a little for I feel a tiny bit under the weather. It seem as if many people was coughing in church today and now I have some kind of tickle in my throat that is making me cough. I'm sipping tea with lemon at the moment. I don't know what's on the boob tube tonight but I'm going to try to finish the book I'm reading and crochet as bit on my ripple. Have a nice evening house family. :hug

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I can't read a book off the computer either, because it bothers me that it scrolls UP,it's hard to keep place on the page I'm reading, etc .


These gadgets are actually almost exactly like books, the pages turn.You read a page, press the button ( one located on each side ,depending on how you want to hold it,then it goes on to the next page.


The Nook I saw is touch screen,so you just slide your finger on the page like when turning a book page, and it flips to your next page.

Handy-dandy .




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Joy, I got the red/white/blue card you sent. It's so perfect! :manyheart


I'm glad to hear that you liked it. I've got your next one ready and plan to send it in the next day or two. I received yours as well. My comment to my Mom was that I really like having a pen pal!

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Good Morning.


Darius is feeling better, no fever since last evening. :cheer And he is back to be loud, so I guess he is no longer sick. :lol

So glad he is better. :cheer

:rain Good Morning Family!


I just wanted to pop in real quick and give you an update on Michael.

Tested him this morning and his levels are getting better. Remission is close!

thank you all for your love and prayers..... :hug

God is so Good!!!






This is just wonderful news. I will continue to keep good thoughts for him. :hug


I never knew I could get onto C-ville from my Kindle !


I didn't know this either....:eek it wouldn't have occurred to me to try. Well, guess what I'm gonna do now.:scrachin


It was an uneventful weekend. Watched lots of NASCAR and did lots of crocheting, am on row 25 of my rr. Watched the sparrows hunker down in my flower pots and peck at all the sprouts. They act like these little pots were individual nests. They must be young birds, several just sat in the pots with their beaks open (I guess waiting to be fed). Anyway, I can't get mad. What's a few seeds...and the birds are entertainment. :D


Well, off to warm up the stew. Will check in later. :yes

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I'm glad to hear good news about Tam's Darius and Tab's Michael.


Cheeria, I hope you aren;t coming down with something. get lots of rest, maybe that will head it off.


Marisa, glad you ahd a good time at the party, Sudoku is one thing that I just don't get. I've enver figured one out, not even the super easy ones. I think maybe I lack the patience required for puzzles.


My DD is obviously feeling pretty good, since last night she and her dh packed up all four boys and went to a goodbye party/barbecue/bonfire for friends of theirs that are moving to another city at the end of the month.


Joanne, we opened our pool memorial day weekend, and I thought it was an awful lot of work. Ours is an above ground pool, and we are planning to take it down after this summer. DD will likely move out by next summer, so the pool wouldn't get much use any more. We'd rather spend the upkeep money on something else. We're thinking of building a picnic pavilion with a fireplace in it's spot. We'd get a lot more use out of that.


Good night everyone. back to work tomorrow.

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That is wonderful news. I'm so happy for you and your whole family that your boy is showing improvement !:)

Tell him to keep on fighting, he is doing great .

Thanks so much for your love!:hug


Hi everyone, we are watching Germany vs Australia in the World Cup games...Germany's ahead 2 - 0...we have our German flags flying, along with the Stars and Stripes...we were happy with the US yesterday tie the game against England...


Just for giggles, during half time, I turn the channel over to one of the spanish speaking channels just to hear how excited the announcers are (and they are EXCITED!)

:rofl.............. you are so silly!!


Hi all,

Tammy- that is great news about Michael! Tell him we are all rooting and praying for him!!!

I got out of work at 12:30- came home and then DH and I worked on the pool- Since we hadn't opened it last summer, there's lots to do to get it ready for this year. But it's coming along nicely- and then the rains came- so that was that! But most of the leaves and dirt that had settled in the bottom are now gone and I think by next weekend it will be ready for swimming.


I am tired and think I'm going to take a quick cat nap to get some energy to crochet a bit!


Hope everyone is having a great day!

Thanks sweetie!!!

Omgoodness.......... I tell ya.. the rain is getting to be a pain.

baseball games for my boys have been rained out so many times so far this summer.......... :sigh


Tam~I am glad to hear Michael is on his way to remission. :manyheart

Thanks hon!!!! :D


Hello ladies,


Tam - Great news that Michaels levels are coming down a bit :clap I will continue to keep him in my prayers :hug

Thank you so much..... I really appreciate your continued prayers!


Hi everyone, I didn't get to visit my grandbabies yesterday instead I went to see them today straight after church, so I'm home now. I end up having to stay home with my husband yesterday for on the week-end I don't have a full time aide to take care of him and my son was out of town. It was okay I did run to the store, knit and crochet a little and spent a huge amount of time reading. I want to finish the book I'm reading so I can begin on a new one. My ripple is looking good and so far I have completed four row and I like how the colors look together. I will post a picture of it on Friday. I'm also in a market-bag CAL over in Raverly so I'm making headways on crocheting that bag. I like working on a variety of projects for I easy get distracted I told you I have moveitis.


Tam - It made me so happy to hear that Michaels levels is getting better, I will keep him in my prayers.

Well house mates, I'm going to go and relax a little for I feel a tiny bit under the weather. It seem as if many people was coughing in church today and now I have some kind of tickle in my throat that is making me cough. I'm sipping tea with lemon at the moment. I don't know what's on the boob tube tonight but I'm going to try to finish the book I'm reading and crochet as bit on my ripple. Have a nice evening house family. :hug

my goodness... busy busy busy are you!

thank you for your love and prayers! It means alot to me!


So glad he is better. :cheer


This is just wonderful news. I will continue to keep good thoughts for him. :hug

It was an uneventful weekend. Watched lots of NASCAR and did lots of crocheting, am on row 25 of my rr. Watched the sparrows hunker down in my flower pots and peck at all the sprouts. They act like these little pots were individual nests. They must be young birds, several just sat in the pots with their beaks open (I guess waiting to be fed). Anyway, I can't get mad. What's a few seeds...and the birds are entertainment. :D


Well, off to warm up the stew. Will check in later. :yes

Thank you my dear!!!! :hug

wow.. row 25 .. good deal!






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Still no crocheting :( However, my town did their fireworks tonight that were postponed from last week. It rained while I was on my way home from the party but was clear after that. The firetrucks rolled in around 7 and they were setting up the 'battle station' :lol It started to pour at 9, which is start time. They still did the show, I guess they kinda had to since it was all out already, they would have been ruined otherwise :( They really outdo themselves and put on an amazing show!!!! They light them off right across the street from my complex in the business right there, so they are soo close which is why the firetrucks hang out and close of the street. When I heard them start I was surprised they did them but ran out with the keys to my car and sat under the back hatch door. My neighbor joined me and he was beside himself...his first year living here. He thought there was a shoot out going on!!! :lol My first year, I thought there was a war break out!!! So, now I'm going to sit on the couch with my :hook and try to get a couple rows of my panel in while catching the end of the basketball game :D


Good night ladies and I'll catch you in the A.M.

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I'm HOME!!!!! I wasn't really ready to leave, but it's good to be home too. My flight was delayed by half an hour leaving and arriving. We had to sit on the tarmac for 25 minutes before our gate opened up. There was a large group of people going to Texas who missed their connecting flight. They were being reassured that they'd get scheduled on the next flight there at no extra charge, because Delta does not hold flights for delayed connector flights. I sat next to a very nice lady from Florida and we chatted the whole way here. She'd been visiting family just outside of Cedar Rapids. Just as the plane was getting ready to start boarding the sky got black and then it poured buckets of rain. However, by the time we were ready to leave it had pretty much quit. I took the Marta train from the airport to the end of the connector and then Rosie picked me up and brought me the rest of the way home. We yakked nonstop. Of course.

Good Morning.


Darius is feeling better, no fever since last evening. It is dark and dreary here today and I just want to go back to bed. *YAWNS* But I have an assignment due today so I guess I can't. My Hubby is watching all of the Back to the Futures, UGHHH! They do not go off until 4.....I hope I survive. Alrighty, I need more caffeine. BBL.

Tabby - I'm so glad to hear that Darius is feeling better. I like the first one much better than the sequels.
I just wanted to pop in real quick and give you an update on Michael.Tested him this morning and his levels are getting better. Remission is close! thank you all for your love and prayers..... God is so Good!!!
Tammy - That is great news! You are all in my daily prayers.
I feel for you,watching that many hours in a row of Back to the Future . I'd go back to bed too . Sam has watched reruns of MASH so many times, I think I'll run out the front door screeching like a cat on fire if I have to see one more of them .
Julie - I'm with you on the "Back to the Future" series, but I don't think I could ever see enough of the "Mash" reruns. I loved that show when it was on and still do to this day. Have a good night. I'm heading downstairs to give Sarge some loving.
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Hi everyone!! I'm doing a quick check in. I'm in for a rough day tomorrow I think. It's Calypso's 3rd birthday. We have a cake for her (we do it every year) and stuff to take to the cemetery. I also have three balloons going to the cemetery. Hard to believe she'd be 3 years old. In the afternoon I have a job interview and then we're going to stop by the Children's Hospital and donate blankets.


I found a shawl pattern that's rather simple for a first timer and I've started in on that. I'm going to make some more little tree Spirits soon too.


Had a very very long weekend. I'm just ready to get onto tomorrow and get it over with. I need a break

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Hi everyone!! I'm doing a quick check in. I'm in for a rough day tomorrow I think. It's Calypso's 3rd birthday. We have a cake for her (we do it every year) and stuff to take to the cemetery. I also have three balloons going to the cemetery. Hard to believe she'd be 3 years old. In the afternoon I have a job interview and then we're going to stop by the Children's Hospital and donate blankets.


I found a shawl pattern that's rather simple for a first timer and I've started in on that. I'm going to make some more little tree Spirits soon too.


Had a very very long weekend. I'm just ready to get onto tomorrow and get it over with. I need a break

Oh sweetie!!! Hugs... love and prayers to you!!!!

Happy Birthday Calypso!!! :angel







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Hi everyone!! I'm doing a quick check in. I'm in for a rough day tomorrow I think. It's Calypso's 3rd birthday. We have a cake for her (we do it every year) and stuff to take to the cemetery. I also have three balloons going to the cemetery. Hard to believe she'd be 3 years old. In the afternoon I have a job interview and then we're going to stop by the Children's Hospital and donate blankets.


I found a shawl pattern that's rather simple for a first timer and I've started in on that. I'm going to make some more little tree Spirits soon too.


Had a very very long weekend. I'm just ready to get onto tomorrow and get it over with. I need a break



:hug :hug :hug :hug Good luck on your interview and Happy birthday to Calypso. I hope you get a break soon and in the meantime....we're all here for you :ghug

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Oh sweetie!!! Hugs... love and prayers to you!!!!

Happy Birthday Calypso!!! :angel








:hug :hug :hug :hug Good luck on your interview and Happy birthday to Calypso. I hope you get a break soon and in the meantime....we're all here for you :ghug


Thanks ladies. I'm having a hard time getting to sleep. I may go make some warm milk and try and catch some zs :hug:hug

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Just a quick check in to see how everyone is...i had to rip out my ripple...just didn't like the colors so im going to do mine all in one color...i ordered 5 Caron one ponders from Knitting warehouse in the color peach(new color for me)....so when it gets here i will get started again.


Tammy...so glad to hear that he is getting better....does this mean that Taco night it close again..:yay

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Hi everyone!! I'm doing a quick check in. I'm in for a rough day tomorrow I think. It's Calypso's 3rd birthday. We have a cake for her (we do it every year) and stuff to take to the cemetery. I also have three balloons going to the cemetery. Hard to believe she'd be 3 years old. In the afternoon I have a job interview and then we're going to stop by the Children's Hospital and donate blankets.


I found a shawl pattern that's rather simple for a first timer and I've started in on that. I'm going to make some more little tree Spirits soon too.


Had a very very long weekend. I'm just ready to get onto tomorrow and get it over with. I need a break


Ahh, so sorry. Know this will be a tough time for you but you know that we are all here for you. :ghug


I am sure the hospital will love the blankets.

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Hey Julie and Tea...


Yeah I'm silly...keeps me young...


We really only pay attention to soccer during the World Cup (it goes for a month) otherwise, we don't think much about it. Much like with horse racing...I only care about the Triple Crown races in May and June (Kentucky Derby, Preakness and Belmont...) otherwise, don't give it a second thought.


Germany kicked behind and took names and then spanked Australia again 4 to zip...(4-0)


Best game so far...


We worked upstairs today...put books away, and stashed photos, albums and photos in frames (for now...) mended a couple of dresser drawers, moved furniture in living room and Tree House...making progress...tomorrow we'll replace our mail box...years ago, some punks went by and beat the crap out of our mail boxes and knocked them to the ground...our neighbor set them back up using steel posts and we had enough room in our box to accept mail, but once in a while the mailman would crammed a package that really shouldn't have been crammed in the box...I'd make the air blue trying to get packages out...so finally we found a mail box that didn't cost an arm and a leg and tomorrow we'll put numbers on it and swapped it out...


Been having a hard time keeping focus so didn't get to crocheting at all and I really need to get with the program.


Hope you all have a good Monday.

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Late nite crew here....:kettle


Update on my nephew. He did formally sign a contract with the Toronto Blue Jays. He was in NH, playing ball in an invitational league then yesterday he flew home to Calif., packed his bags again, said his good byes and left this a.m. for Florida. They are doing a 3 day evaluation to determine whether he goes to A or B training camp. Then he will be alternating between Miami and Albany. Says he will be back home in Sept. Besides the money aspect of the contract he wanted a provisional guarantee about his education. He was ready to start Jr. year in college but will not continue now because of this contract. Now here's the deal and it sounds pretty good to me. Toronto has set up a trust fund for his education. If the ball stuff doesn't work out, he has 2 years after he stops playing ball for them to return to school and they will pay for it. After 2 years, the funds revert back to the team. I am so glad he thought about the bigger picture and not just the $ in front of him now. :cheer


The water is hot, time for my tea. TTYL

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