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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi everyone! I logged in hours ago and am just now able to post. One of our neighbors called an ambulance for their child...just learned he is okay and played outside in our 100+ degree heat too long. We have their other little one until they get home. Gee, I need some toys around here. :lol

I'm glad the boy was okay - I didn't even let Sparkie stay out yesterday in the 90plus temp and high humidity!

Toys for Luke! He'll be exploring before you know it!:yes

Forgive me for not keeping up with everyone. :manyheart


Judy ~ Your new table and chairs are perfect! I made the animals ghan for Luke (from Book 4) and loved the pattern. I agree with Sherri that they wouldn't show up well in a dark color yarn. Can't wait to see what you decide to do!


Gracie played in her wading pool yesterday...I'll try to post pics soon.

It WAS you who made it!. I like how well the directions are printed in the book - looks doable. But after the last crocheting marathon I need to pull out my books and read instead of hook for a while.

I have old pics of 2 of my GSDs who loved being in the wading pool! Even had it published in the paper's pet section. Can't wait to see Gracie's pics!!

As for the coffee discussion, I don't mind decaf...when I was in chiro school, I gave up caffeine completely when I wasn't sleeping at night :( Tossed and turned for about 2 weeks before my dad asked about coffee and soda :think So switched all to decaf. I don't drink much soda, but get caffeine free when possible. And have since switched back to regular coffee in the morning, but if I have a cup in the afternoon, it's still decaf.

Smart thinking....:yes


Judy - WTG with your lapghan and finishing that border :clap:yay

Thanks! It's in the wash right now:)

Just found out the fireworks are cancelled for tonight and are rescheduled for next sunday :(


Hi House family today DD and baby went home from the hospital and I brought my grandson home to them. Now they are together as a family.

To the rest of the house sorry if I left anyone out for I just did a quick skim over the posts but this week everything should be back to normal any how I'm praying for that. I'm going to climb back into my bed now talk to you all tomorrow. :hug:hug

That's sweet, seeing them all together:c9

My neighbor's baby (across the street) was a week old Saturday and her Mom has been there a lot! It's tiring on the entire family. I haven't been over to visit since I've seen so many people coming and going I wanted to let her settle in before doing that.

Anyways, here's a pic of the v square I did today :clap I was iffy on the yarn, but like how the square turned out, better than the yarn itself looked :yes

I love the way the colors arranged themselves!

Hi, again. We picked up Ayden about 6:00 tonight. Joe tried to ignore me and I got ornery and decided not to let him get away with it. I stepped directly in front of him and said, "Hi, Joe," at which point he said, "Hi." Good for you!

We stopped at Joy's mother-in-law's house on the way home so we got a chance to visit for a bit, too. Ayden was throwing rocks in the little pool in the backyard and managed to fall in and get himself thoroughly wet. So he had to be dried off and get into dry clothes before we headed back.Little boys:lol


Once he was in bed Joy and I went back to visiting. I'm using Ayden's computer at the moment. He went straight to sleep after his bath. And he has grown several inches in the last year. Still has that unbelievably adorable grin and is still a chatterbox. We're going to get professional pictures taken again this year. That's on the agenda for Wednesday. Mom is scheduled to get her quilt tomorrow. We'll be going out to see her on Friday and coming back on Saturday. I fly back home next Sunday afternoon. The time is flying by.

Pictures...what a nice idea to record your visits!

I'm sure it's going fast...take a cue from little kids: live in the moment!

How old is Ayden?

Judy- I can't wait to see pics of the finished ghan! You really turn things out quickly!! I finished another granny square last evening- so 2 more to be joined after work then work on another.

I think I'll post my pics later this morning...I tend to become obsessed when working on a new project...which is why I need to slow down for a bit. I have an obsessive type personality, unfortunately.

The square looks neat, kind of like there is a shaded "X" in the center of it.

That's what I saw, too!:yes

Hope everyone has a nice start to the week. I was up before the sun today and now it's time to get busy. I have 5 squares left to knit on the Learn to Knit afghan. I'm hoping to get them all done by this weekend. It just depends on how many more "new" things are left to learn.

I need to get back to knitting before I forget everything! That'll be something different to do for a while. I'm slow, though.

Good morning everyone. I'm supposed to work today, but I got the first four hours off. Even if they don't need me to work later on today, I will have to go in this afternoon, because my yearly evaluation is scheduled for today.


In the meantime, I guess I can do the laundry I was planning to do tonight, and maybe run some errands.

I'm sure you get great evals:yes

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Here are pics of my 2 V squares and the ghan for my friend. The ghan measures 47 by 42 (I think) anyway, it's a generous lapghan size.




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Here are pics of my 2 V squares and the ghan for my friend. The ghan measures 47 by 42 (I think) anyway, it's a generous lapghan size.

Beautiful, Judy.


Ayden is getting ready for school. He's getting his toenails clipped at the moment. Have I mentioned that he's adorable? Well, he is! We'll be taking him to school in a few minutes, so more later.


Hope everyone has a great day. :hug

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Judy, your squares look good and your afghan is wonderful.


And yes, my evaluations are always good, but they still have to be done. I suspect that most of my co-workers get great evaluations, since I am lucky enough to work with the best team there is!

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Stoppin' in real quick to share a photo for today. I have a couple more but I'll share them later. I'm just real proud of this... I posted earlier this week that I wanted to make my mom a shrug for her birthday this month... Well... it's done................ :yay



I sure hope she likes it!












Very pretty! :manyheart I'm sure she'll LOVE it!!:clap:clap

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Thanks, Linda and Cindy.


I'm waiting to get a few ideas for colors, etc, for a baby ghan from another friend who is going to be a first time grandma - to a boy.:c9

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Goodmorning Everyone ! Hope you all have a good day.. It's really warm here these pass couple of days 110:sweat.

Yippee finally got tires for our truck so hopefully by next weekend be on the rode again!!:clap

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Yikes! 110* seems awfully hot for this early in the summer. Stay cool and safe. The temps went from upper 80s in GA to low 70s here in IA. And I went from full summer to mid spring when I came up here. What a difference!

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Morning everyone...Judianne, love your Suki ghan...very nice...


Gonna try to get the remaining bit of the last tree panel done on the Tree of Life ghan done today and then go work upstairs for a bit...got to just keep plugging along on this side...lots and lots to do...


Hope you all have a great day.

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Just quickly popping by to say thanks to LeAnna for the cake card.


Yay, you got my card! Hub-E is mailing the red, white and blue card to you today!


I hope you're having a good day...

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Hi everyone! So Day 3 with no pop is going well! No headaches at all! I did drink a chocolate shake yesterday when I thought a headache was coming on. LOL


I finished my first Granny Square to send to someone and I really want to share it because I'm so proud!


I also finished my rainbow lap afghan! YAY! :clap


Today is a down day. We had such a full weekend we're just hanging out at home and staying cool and dry.



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:sun Good afternoon family.................

Thank you everyone for your compliments on my moms shrug! I'm really happy with how it came out! My daughter wants a black one now... heheheehee.... looks like I have another one on my list now to make!

Michael is doing okay. He's hangin' tough like always! So far he hasnt had an upset tummy from the medicine. Thank goodness!

This last couple weeks have been rough.... I woke one day with a bad neck ache. Its gotten worse day after day... not being able to turn or tilt my head without serious pain.

So... a few days ago while at a baseball game ... one of the dads who happens to be a chiropractor looked at my neck for me a bit and said.. yep... pinched nerve. So... he asked me to stop by his office so he could really get a look at it.... well... he x-rayed my neck and discovered something I didnt know. The normal 45* angle that I should have in my neck... is a 0* straight line. I have NO curve to my neck. Apparently a trauma 15 possible + years ago set this into motion and it has now surfaced from a pinched nerve. So.......... I now have a long road ahead of me of my new chiropractor helping get the curve back in my neck. OUCH! who knew.. huh?!

Well.......... off to get a refill on my :mug

and relax with some crocheting!


catch up in later



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Hi everyone! So Day 3 with no pop is going well! No headaches at all! I did drink a chocolate shake yesterday when I thought a headache was coming on. LOL


I finished my first Granny Square to send to someone and I really want to share it because I'm so proud!


I also finished my rainbow lap afghan! YAY! :clap


Today is a down day. We had such a full weekend we're just hanging out at home and staying cool and dry.

Very nice!!!!

you did a GREAT job!






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Good evening ladies,


Well, I finished my rainbow granny ghan and as promised am here to put up a pic for you. I've even woven in the ends :clap:yay

WOW............ thats awesome!!!







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And here is DD's shrug. It used all but about a yard of the 2 skeins of free yarn I got when Caron came out with the Country brand of yarn.

Oh sweetie............that came out fabulous!!!

love the color!!!!







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Tam I mailed your card on friday so maybe you will get it tomorrow.

Got it .............. thank you so much.

Really made me giggle! :lol

You should be getting yours today or tomorrow I would hope!







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Here are pics of my 2 V squares and the ghan for my friend. The ghan measures 47 by 42 (I think) anyway, it's a generous lapghan size.

Oh Wow........... nice work!!!!!

love that afghan!!!







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I would really like to join a crochet along. I Just joined crochetville today. Is there a project that has been started, is it too late to join in? If so, when does next one start? If not too late can someone let me know what we are working on so I can get started? Thank you very much and I am exited to hear from you.

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Hi everyone! So Day 3 with no pop is going well! No headaches at all! I did drink a chocolate shake yesterday when I thought a headache was coming on. LOL


I finished my first Granny Square to send to someone and I really want to share it because I'm so proud!


I also finished my rainbow lap afghan! YAY! :clap


Today is a down day. We had such a full weekend we're just hanging out at home and staying cool and dry.


Nicely done!

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Hi everyone! So Day 3 with no pop is going well! No headaches at all! I did drink a chocolate shake yesterday when I thought a headache was coming on. LOL


I finished my first Granny Square to send to someone and I really want to share it because I'm so proud!


I also finished my rainbow lap afghan! YAY! :clap


Today is a down day. We had such a full weekend we're just hanging out at home and staying cool and dry.

Great work! You should be proud:yes


Michael is doing okay. He's hangin' tough like always! So far he hasnt had an upset tummy from the medicine. Thank goodness!


This last couple weeks have been rough.... I woke one day with a bad neck ache. Its gotten worse day after day... not being able to turn or tilt my head without serious pain.

So... a few days ago while at a baseball game ... one of the dads who happens to be a chiropractor looked at my neck for me a bit and said.. yep... pinched nerve. So... he asked me to stop by his office so he could really get a look at it.... well... he x-rayed my neck and discovered something I didnt know. The normal 45* angle that I should have in my neck... is a 0* straight line. I have NO curve to my neck. Apparently a trauma 15 possible + years ago set this into motion and it has now surfaced from a pinched nerve. So.......... I now have a long road ahead of me of my new chiropractor helping get the curve back in my neck. OUCH! who knew.. huh?!!

That's such good news about Michael!

...and that's good news you're having your neck worked on. DS is a chiro and if he hears someone say they have a problem he's always wanting to check them out! You may ache at first, but it'll help.

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