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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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CONGRATULATIONS on your new baby grandson !!! How exciting . I hope they are both doing well ~


Thanks Julie. (and Mary and Marlene) They are doing great. Today dd said..."Oh dear in a few years I am going to be feeding four teenage boys!" Her boys already eat quite a lot, but they are very active, so I guess they must need the calories.

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Another busy day at work today, but I have tomorrow off. I guess I will have to waste it on laundry and cleaning, since I have to work again on Friday.\


Sherry, great picture of the deer. We see a lot of deer in our yard and the surrounding woods, but I've never had a camera handy.

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Good evening everyone!!!:hi


Sounds like a busy day in the House and looks like you are fitting right in Lissa!!!


Forgive me if I don't respond to the individual posts this evening but know that I'm thinking of all of you! Dinner is done, dishwasher is on, and Yankees are on in 10 minutes- and the Blackhawks Flyers game is on too- I'll be switching back and forth.


Marisa- I think the Flyers may just win one their home ice- you know how those Philly Fans are!:devil


Hope you all have a good evening!!!:hug

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Today dd said..."Oh dear in a few years I am going to be feeding four teenage boys!" Her boys already eat quite a lot, but they are very active, so I guess they must need the calories.


I grew up with 2 younger brothers...my mom whould actually HIDE food so they wouldn;t eat it all before I got to it! They were always hungry (one DB is 6'5" and the other is 6'8" - I'm only 5'4":)) It is very hard to keep up with their appetites!:lol

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I'll be on later than usual tomorrow since I have a routine Dr appointment at 8:30 in the morning and need to get a move on early! I wanted to be first so I wouldn't waste my day;)


Have a great evening everyone - :hug:manyheart

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Lissa - Darcy is an absolutely gorgeous kitty.


Julie - They usually have to thin deer when there are too many of them in a given area and there isn't enough food to support all of them. Killing some of them off is kinder and more humane than letting them die of starvation and the illnesses that causes. Lots of movement on highways can be a sign that the deer are having to move into more populated areas to find enough food to eat, since they normally will avoid people.


Haircuts and nails are on the agenda for tomorrow for Kim and I. Also some cleaning & straightening, and, of course, packing. :D

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Good luck at the Dr -- will see you sometime tomorrow-enjoy your evening .




Linda- I guess that makes sense with the deer, I am just not that updated on hunting and things like that. I didnt have a dad who hunted,Sam doesnt hunt,so I dont know any close people who hunt .

I guess it's everyone's own decision to make about it ,though .


And have fun getting gussied up for your trip ! I can tell you are really excited and ready for a vacation !

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Hi House mates Sorry I've been MIA today. I had an early appointment at the hospital for my monthly IV treatment then I rush home to take care of grandbaby while DD go to do what she had to do at the hospital to get ready for the big day tomorrow. Yes tomorrow is the big day, so I had to go food shopping also. I'm already in my PJ's so I will read today's post when I get a chance probably when everything settle down after the baby is born. Off to lie down for a while. :hug:hug:hug

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Ok ladies, it was awfully busy in here today and I have to type fast....Flyers game starting in a few....sorry for any typos :lol


I had a busy day today, which is fine because it went quickly :yes I started a square for my afghan on lunch break, but didn't finish it yet. Met my dad back at my place and we ran out for a quick bite to eat and to pick him up some Philly soft pretzels to take back to work tomorrow (they're always a big hit and crazy cheap :devil )


Judy - I hope your door turned out good and you got your errands done too! Productive day :) I hope your Dr. appt goes well in the morning, I always like the earliest appt as well :yes


Tam - Continuing to keep Michael in my prayers and I agree that children handle these things better than we do :think Keep your spirits up, I'm sure he will continue to surprise you.


Tab - Sounds like a busy day for you and I hope your appt's all go well :yes


Linda - Glad to hear Kim's appt went well and I bet she's excited for hair and nails tomorrow ;) Only 2 days left!!!! :yay


Lissa - Sorry to hear about your swollen finger :(:hug I have trouble keeping track of one blanket...wow, your doing 2!!! Like Julie said, I always keep a pen and paper handy ;) You're fitting in quite well with us and I'm glad you found us and that you're happy here, I felt the same way when I stumbled upon these ladies :lol Darcy is really cute (and I'm not an animal lover), but she did make me smile :)


Marlene - Good thinking, we do have a lot of shelters around here, maybe I'll try to do a few to take...I'd feel bad taking only 1 :blush


Julie - I hate when the power goes out :( I feel soo lost :eek Your motel sounds interesting and I'm sure I would just love it :lol Don't stress about the card, if you want to wait until you get back, that's fine by me :yes I'll probably get yours out on monday.


Sherri - I love carrot cake :drool It's one of my favorites :yes


Mary - 102?! and 90 is too hot for me :lol


Cindy - Feeding teenage boys is no easy feat!!! :eek Good luck on your chores tomorrow.


Joanne - I'm quite upset right now as I was typing this reply I had to go search the tv. Apparently, I don't have the game. I just went through EVERY channel looking for it and I mean I actually changed channels and not just looking down the list. Usually it's on versus and also csn, I don't get versus and csn is playing a stinkin Phils game that's already OVER!!!! How can I live 10 minutes from the arena they're playing in and can't see the game :angry I'll have to check for updates online I guess :( Well, I hope they do well :D


Cheeria - :yay:cheer:clap tomorrow's almost here!!!!! :D

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Hi everyone!! I'm back from the last pre-planning meeting. Saturday I have to get up at 4 am to leave the house because set up begins at 5. Wowee. In for a long day Saturday. LOL Closer to now R has TaeKwonDo tomorrow. (By the way is that supposed to be 1 work or 3?)


marpan79 ~ Thank you sweetie my finger is much less swollen. Still a bit but the bandaids seem to be helping and there's no pain when crocheting today :cheer:cheer


busy-bee-lmt ~ Thank you! Darcy is a purebred and sometimes she gets this air about her like 'I am NOT doing that!' It's hilarious. She's a sweet kitty. She makes me feel better when I'm sad


judianne ~ We tried a dog but the breed we got was so high energy we had to give her back to the breeder. I get enough hyperactivity from the little ones. I don't want a dog even more hyperactive


JulieKay ~ Maine Coons are the largest Domestic breed of cats. Males get to be up to 40 inches long and 25 lbs. The females 40 inches long and 15-20 lbs. Large Large but they are called gentle giants. They are so very sweet. Darcy is a huge lap cat

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Lissa - Just wondering if it's easier for you to use our user names? Personally, I find it easier to just use our first names, but that's just me. You're welcome to use whatever your prefer and what works best for you....I'll even answer to 'hey you' but I think we all would in here. :rofl


:yay for no pain today :D

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Lissa - Just wondering if it's easier for you to use our user names? Personally, I find it easier to just use our first names, but that's just me. You're welcome to use whatever your prefer and what works best for you....I'll even answer to 'hey you' but I think we all would in here. :rofl


:yay for no pain today :D


I seem to be bouncing back and forth. Depending on how many people I'm replying to I think. When it's a bunch of people it seems easier to do the username. But I want to learn everyone's first names too :lol

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Oh, Marissa- so sorry to hear that you can't get the game! I have Versus- so I'm watching- Flyers scored again (which was reviewed and determined to be a goal so they are winning 2-1 in the 2nd period. I'm sure that news makes you happy---me, not so much! LOL


Yankees playing good and winning by a good margin so the rest of the evening will be hockey!


I asked DH to get Versus cause I like hockey- we gave up HBO and Showtime in exchange for Versus!


Judy- Isn't that sad that that poor young pitcher, Gallaraga from Detroit had his perfect game ruined by a bad call? Wonder if the Ump is BLIND??? They (MLB) really needs to extend instant replay!!! I feel so bad for Gallaraga!


Just as I was ready to post, the Blackhawks scored- It is a tie game 2-2!!!!


Night House!

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Hi Ladies,


Judy, I was asking how you door turned out and left out the "door".


Sherri, awesome deer picture! We seen 4 deer and some turkeys in a field on the way home tonight. Once in awhile we see them wading in the lake or crossing through it. I wish I lived where they could come in my yard. I love watching them.


Julie, here in Michigan depending on what county you live in effects your insurance rates because of so many car/deer accidents. We had one spring a couple of years ago 7 deer were killed by cars in less than 1/4 mile. They did put some deer signs.


Lissa, Darcy is a pretty cat! I'm not a cat lover. I'm allergic to them. Anytime I'm some where they are they always rub next to me. But I don't pet them. My kids had cats growing up and it was only the last two we had that bothered me. I told hubby no more cats.


I'm finishing up the laundry. Did some packing and went to the store.

Dollar General had some good prices on some things we needed.

Im off of here tonight.

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Thanks Joanne,


I just checked and see they're in OT, tied at 3 :eek Oh, I soo wish I had it right now!!! Usually the other station plays it too :(


I have the most basic package I was able to get with the dvr and HD. No extras, not for the amount of time I'd actually spend using them. Such is life, it's only a pain at times like these.


I check in the AM. Off to bed for now, I'm exhausted!!!

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Do you guys live in a village-like place ? I know you said your town was really small. Your state is one I'd love to see some day. I have a long lost cousin who lives someplace out there, but I have no idea even what town she is in .

It was one of those cases of the adults had a dispute, then her and her parents moved away and we never saw them again .

She's the only cousin on my dad's side who I ever met . We played together when we were little,and I have a couple pictures of her ,but would have no clue how to find her. Her dad ( my uncle ,died ) so there's really not an easy way to find her . I'm pretty sure she'd be long ago married,since she was close to my age .

Yepper... our little town is actually known as a village. :U

I tell ya... you would think we were the long lost cousins for the similar story.






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Good morning Housemates!


Cheeria- Today is the day your new grandbaby comes!:clap Can't wait to hear all about it later!!!


Marissa- Congrats on your Flyers win!! It was a great game! We'll see about the next one though!:devil


Linda- Have fun pampering yourself today as you get ready for your trip! One more day!!!!


Julie- Are you taking it easy as you get ready for your reunion? One more day and you'll be on your way! I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers all weekend long!:hug


Cindy- Have a good day off- getting laundry and stuff done. Will you be visiting Aaron today?


Judy- Nice win by the Yanks- They were doing so well I took my chances and switched over to the hockey game-right after hearing about how the umpire blew the perfect game for the pitcher in Detroit. It really made me :angry


Tabitha, Tammy, Marlene, LeAnna, Lissa, Wanda, Sheila, and EVERYONE- Have a great Thursday!


BBL :hug

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Morning gang


Marisa- sorry I missed you last night. I remembered you said you'd have a long day ,so I probably checked out before you checked in !


Sorry you missed some of the games you wanted to watch. They have done that here sometimes with the Browns games-- they have a contract with a certain channel and sometimes WE can't watch them but other states can. Odd . But we dont watch a lot of sports anyhow, so it's ok .



Lissa- glad you are liking it here and fitting right in. Your kitty is sure pretty . I don't know enough about cats to even know they had different breed names, except I've seen some of those hairless cats on tv -- they are sure odd-looking,aren't they ? They always look COLD ....


You'll get the hang of everyone's names after awhile. i know it's a little overwhelming at first if the group is real busy with lots of posts . You'll catch on just fine .



Hey there Joanne ! Sorry I missed you last night. Yep, I've been resting up all week. I'm not very energetic,so it's not hard to keep resting up .

Still keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well so we can go and stay all weekend .


Hi Marlene- yea, we have some of those signs out too that show DEER CROSSING, I guess is what it means . There are several down towards where reunion is -- since it's so far down in the hills and away from people and big towns, there are more deer . They also have 2 huge state parks down there ,so it's a lot of just LAND ... not very many houses ,people or big towns ...


Maybe we'll snap some photos so you guys can all see what it's like .



Well, I'm off -- gotta make an early store run today--the air is so thick and wet this morning .


Lissa -- don't be scared of the thunderstorms -- you'll be ok ! :)

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Good morning housemates :coffee


I woke up earlier, but was able to go back to sleep for a bit :) Started another octagon last night, but didn't get to finish it yet. I think I'll finish it up this morning while I have my coffee before I need to get ready. I think I have 3 rounds to go on that one, so that should be a reasonable goal ;)


Joanne - We'll see if I get the game tomorrow night :think It's weird because usually when the game is on Versus, they usually also show it on CSN (here anyway) and I think friday's game is scheduled for Versus, but the rest are then scheduled for NBC I believe. I saw this morning about the Detroit pitcher that had a perfect game going until the bad call was made :angry I'm with you on that one.


Lissa - I don't like thunderstorms either :( I hope the crochet kept you mind off it and that your little one was ok with it as well ;)


Linda - Yes, our paths did not cross yesterday. But, you need to be turning in early all week and keep resting up. Wouldn't it be nice to store all that rest in a bottle for later?

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Cindy- Have a good day off- getting laundry and stuff done. Will you be visiting Aaron today?





Not sure. DD just called to say that she is going home today, and hopes to go early this morning. Her dh has to go to work for a while this afternoon. He is the director of distance learning for a small college and he is taping a series of classes to put on-line. He needs to be there while the professor does his lecture. I told her I would go sit with her if she needed someone, but it was up to her. First she said yes, and then she said that maybe she'd just nap while he was gone. I guess Aaron is a really quiet little guy. So she'll let me know. I really should stay here and get some things done, but I'll go if she thinks she needs me.

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Good morning, housemates. It's gray and overcast today. It rained hard in the night. I don't really hear it downstairs unless it gets super violent. Upstairs we can hear it much more clearly and watching it on the skylights is kind of fun. Big drops make a huge splat pattern.


By this time tomorrow I should be at the airport. :jumpyay Cleaning and straightening is done, just have to pack my suitcase. :woo


Have a great day. More later. :hug

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Good morning. Its nice here today, after several days of rain and clouds. I'm not sure what I'm going to do today, (besides laundry) Maybe sew some more. I really need to do some weeding but its really wet out there.


I still haven't made any variegated squares, so maybe I'll do that this morning. I know I have at least three different variegated yarns here. They aren't something that I use very often.

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