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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi Joanne-

Morning to you too ! Hope your rain stops. It is supposed to be sunny and hot here .

Yep,we have a nice sized group of penpals --hoping we can add another couple -- at least one more to make it an even number, but we'll make do with what we get .

I may have missed someone ,just because the boards got busy .

I tried to write down each person who signed up .


Anyhow, hope you have a productive day,but an enjoyable one too ! You had one mighty long stint of work didn't you ?

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Ok gang -

Here is the way this game will work :


I will post the first sentence from a book, you tell me the name of the book .


I hope we have some readers in the group - I 'll try to pick ones that are fairly popular .


Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show.

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Good morning Joanne and Julie. Sorry its rainnig for you Joanne, since you finally get a day off. I rather enjoy rain, but I know that not everyone does. One of my favorite things to do, is to sit out on the front porch, (it's got a roof!), listen to the rain, and read or crochet.


It's nice and sunny here already and its only 7:30 in the morning. I got up at 5:30 because I couldn't sleep. haven't done anything productive though.


I never did get around to any sewing yesterday. Instead I did some cleaning in my sewing area. I try to keep all my craft stuff and my UFO's there, and stuff was really piled up. Its looking better now, (or at least dh thinks so.) I still have some work to do there.


I think dh is planning to make French toast for breakfast. I noticed that he has removed all the leftover bread from the freezer. We eat a lot of homemade bread, and since it gets dry fast, I store it in the freezer. the last slice or two of each loaf doesn't get eaten before I make another loaf, and after a while the bread piles up, and dh thinks of something to do with it.

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Ok gang -

Here is the way this game will work :


I will post the first sentence from a book, you tell me the name of the book .


I hope we have some readers in the group - I 'll try to pick ones that are fairly popular .


Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show.


well, I'm clueless! However, I would be, even if I have read the book. Dh always jokes that I never clutter up my brain with anything that doesn't need to be there. As a result, I can't remember how a book ends, (or how it starts), don't remember the plots of any movies or tv shows, etc. I prefer to think of myself as having a selective memory, but in actual fact, I think I'm just too lazy to commit that stuff to memory.

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That french toast sounds really good ! You are lucky your husband enjoys cooking !


Don't feel bad about forgetting stuff. I'm not real good with that myslf . I do it all the time .


The ladies at the store downtown always think it's funny when I go in. I have maybe 3 things I'm out of . Let's say milk, bread and orange juice .


I come home with a donut, a candy bar and some watermelon gum .


I always have to write it down ,even if it's just one or 2 things .

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At least I can remember what I have to remember. I might buy the donut, the candy bar and the gum, but I'll also get the milk, bread and juice.

My dh is a list maker though. He claims he can't remmeber anything even for a few minutes. However, he is good at trivial pursuit.

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Good Morning Housemates :coffee


Joanne- We're supposed to get rain as well, but hasn't started yet today. Although was doing something over night, but the ground is almost dry up now. We will see how it goes. Good luck with your housework ;) I also have some things to do, but think today will be a lazy day :lol


Julie - I love getting cards in the mail :D The penpal idea is great and will be a lot of fun I think. Love your squares and I think the one with the blue, green, white, and brown might be the same yarn I'm using for a knitting project :lol And, I also need to write everything down!!! I'm horrible with remembering things. Yesterday at work, I walked from my office to the front desk and forgot what I went for :eek It's all of 25-30 steps!!! Crazy :lol


Cindy - I also enjoy sitting outside when it's raining, but only get to do that at my parents house since I don't have a porch at all :( Sorry you didn't get any sewing done yesterday, but cleaning it up I'm sure was a big project in itself :) French toast sounds wonderful, esp with homemade bread!!!! I make bread too :D


Good morning to everyone else who hasn't joined our world yet this morning :D

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how is everyone this morning?

I'm doin' okay. I have a favor..........please.

My son Michael has caught a cold and it looks as if there is a possibility it has caused a relapse for him. Ken took him in for blood work this morning and we'll know by Tuesday what the results are and our next step.

Please pray for him. That the outward signs are false and he is fine and still in remission!

Thank you!!!!

I forgot to post my photo yesterday..........so here it is...

Homemade Rhubarb Pie.............made by my son Patrick

you can find his recipe on my blog :U










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Morning Marisa !

I bet you're glad to have a long holiday weekend off, aren't you ?


Yep, the pen pals will be fun. We did it once before a couple years ago and everyone seemed to get a kick out of it .


Part of the fun will be trying to find cards that I ask you guys to send for that week .


I'll probably list one month at a time so you can have that long to search for them .


I have a few more tricks up my sleeve when fall comes. Trying to keep some fun going during the summer, but nothing too major .


Then I have a project picked for early fall,then later fall . I need to enlist someone to help out with that --and I have just the person picked ............


Will come in with that stuff when the time comes - I have to write down and plan out things when my brain is in the thinking mood, because a lot of days it is on vacation and doesnt think up any GOOD stuff .


I've got some GOOD stuff picked out though !!!

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Morning CJ ! Thanks for checking in -- good to see you .


Hello Tam -


Will definitely be sending positive vibes in your direction . I didn't know your son was ill. I'm very sorry to hear that ,but will hope that this is just a plain old cold and nothing worse .


And wow, you are teaching your sons well if they can make pies ! Terrific job .

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Good morning everyone. I got to bed early last night and woke up at 2:00 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep. So here it is 6:00 a.m. my time (probably 9:00 a.m. for any Eastern Time Zone people...) showered and dressed and waiting for Hub-E to get up. We'll be leaving here around 7:30ish to catch an 8:00 a.m. boat...dental appointment is at 10:00 and the office is a good 30 to 45 minutes from the ferry dock on the other side. We're going to stop and have breakfast and while I'm in the chair, I think Hub-E's going to run some errands and God willing I'll feel up to doing some shopping after my appointment. I expect we won't get home until late afternoon...but who knows...3:00 p.m. would be good. Needless to say, it's going to be a long day in the saddle.


I hope you all have a good Saturday and fingers crossed that my root canal is a success...I want this puppy done and done right.

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Good Morning, House mates!:hug


Marisa, following a graph is easy. Each square is a sc (or hdc or dc - whatever you or the pattern decide on) and if you know how to change colors and don't mind weaving in a bazillion ends - it's great!


LeAnna, thinking of you today:hug:manyheart:hug


Ok folks

Here's my V squares for the past few days :

Nice work - and love the colors!:cheer

Good morning Joanne and Julie. Sorry its rainnig for you Joanne, since you finally get a day off. I rather enjoy rain, but I know that not everyone does. One of my favorite things to do, is to sit out on the front porch, (it's got a roof!), listen to the rain, and read or crochet.



I think dh is planning to make French toast for breakfast. I noticed that he has removed all the leftover bread from the freezer. We eat a lot of homemade bread, and since it gets dry fast, I store it in the freezer. the last slice or two of each loaf doesn't get eaten before I make another loaf, and after a while the bread piles up, and dh thinks of something to do with it.

I like rain, too...but not too many days in a row..

A hubby who cooks!!:cheer:clap



how is everyone this morning?

I'm doin' okay. I have a favor..........please.

My son Michael has caught a cold and it looks as if there is a possibility it has caused a relapse for him. Ken took him in for blood work this morning and we'll know by Tuesday what the results are and our next step.

Please pray for him. That the outward signs are false and he is fine and still in remission!

Thank you!!!!


I forgot to post my photo yesterday..........so here it is...


Homemade Rhubarb Pie.............made by my son Patrick

you can find his recipe on my blog :U







Poor Michael - thoughts and prayers, Tam:hug:hug:hug


What a wonderful looking pie!:cheer

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Have to dash....


Joanne....Swisher is such a nice guy - did you hear how he visits kids in hospitals wherever they go??

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Have to dash....


Joanne....Swisher is such a nice guy - did you hear how he visits kids in hospitals wherever they go??


Judy- No I didn't know that- I've always liked Swisher and his personality- and to hear that he does that, makes me like him even more!!!:)

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Tam - Will keep Michael in my prayers that everything turns out alright :hug :hug :hug and Patrick's pie looks yummy :drool


LeAnna - Hoping your appointment goes well and is done right!!!! :hug :hug :hug


Judy - Thanks for the graph info, I think I might give it a go. Not just yet. I'll finish this afghan first and I already have the yarn for the next ;) But maybe after that....it would be a christmas present so have some time. Maybe I'll get it started along with the next one so I have another project to help breakup the tedious sc :lol


Julie - I'm thrilled to have the extra day off!!!! They come by so rarely :D

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Tam- Thoughts and prayers for Michael- and that he only has a cold. Patrick's Rhubarb pie looks delicious!!! I never had rhubarb until my oldest DD made a rhubarb pie- and boy was it good!


Julie- Love the squares- and the colors. It is really neat to see how the "V'" yarn turns out when done in SC. And I can't imagine what else you have up your sleeve.


Sorry I'm stumped on the book question!


Marisa- Hope you have a nice relaxing day.


CJ- Have fun planting in the garden today!


Cindy- I enjoy rain too sometimes- but I kind of wanted sunshine on my first day off after 12!! But it did stop, very cloudy though , so will probably rain on and off. I'm inside for the day anyway. WTG on getting the sewing area straightened up. One thing about having the bedroom painted is that I've already started a bag for goodwill. Found things I forgot I had ...and since I forgot I had them, I don't need them!!!


LeAnna- Good luck with the root canal- and I'm sure all will go well. I'll be thinking about you!


We got the bedroom all cleaned out- We pulled the bed out of the couch in the living room and that is where all my clothes that were in the closet are right now- What a sight!! DH keeps his clothes in the closet in the spare bedroom. The nightstands are in the hallway- but it's done and the painter is here. He called this AM to say that the job he was supposed to be doing (outside deck) was canceled due to the rain, so he wanted to come here early. It's a good thing DH and I are early risers! Got out of the shower with 5 minutes to spare b/4 he got here!


Laundry is on and I decided to take a break and pop in and say Hi. We may be running out in a bit to go get new blinds for the bedroom I don't want my curtains up anymore- I'm over them- very pretty but I'm tired of them. We had cheapy blinds under the curtains, and I want to get cellular shades for the windows.

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Morning everyone, I sleep good last night and I'm roaring to go, but today I have no where to go. If I go out I know I'll head to the mall and spend my little bit of money, but that's an idea or I can just stay home and work on one of my crafts which is another idea. It is a grey overcast day today and I'm hoping the sun will come out. As you can see I really don't have any plans for today. Oh well something will come up soon. In the meantime I'll be on the computer.


Julie those are pretty squares


Tam that pie look so Yummy. I will keep Michael in my prayers


Marisa have a great relaxing day


C4J morning to you too


Joann have fun shopping for new blinds for your newly painted bedroom.


Judy Hi to you


And to anyone I miss have a great crocheting or knitting day. BBL :hug

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