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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Morning gang -


Sounds like we have a few that want to join in on the variegated squares game, so it should be fun. They actually go pretty quick. I have almost 2 done -- the 2nd is about 2/3 finished .


Joanne- Yea, it may be a little bit of trial and error to get them 8 inch, but once you get the starting chain and row number, you'll be fine- it'll go easy from there .



Marisa- if you want to do some in rounds ,feel free. I just kinda thought the pattern of the variegated would look a little bit more easily seen with plain old sc's . I kinda got that idea by a yarn wrapper that was on one of mine, that is supposed to make a strip pattern,and in a way it does.



Anyhow, you all have a good day,whether it be at work or home .


Off to finish my 2nd square !

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Oh, Joanne

Forgot to mention biggest Loser . I am really glad he won. I liked all the finalists. Darus is cute as a button,isn't he, and such a nice boy .


Yes, I DO think that Mike likes Ashley and thought the rose was for her, but it was sweet to give it to his mom .


Maybe he has kind of a low image of himself, even though he now looks really nice, maybe he's afraid of rejection ,so he is afraid to ask her out .But he will probably build up to getting more confidence now since he looks so much better .


I was really surprised how well he did. I kept thinking he wouldnt look much different on the final,but he sure did .


Have a good day and dont get too tired-- you've had a long stretch of days lately .

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Good morning housemates,


It's going to be another nice day, so will be biking again :D Rain in the forecast for the next 2 though.


It's fine Julie, strips it is ;) It'd make more sense for them all to be similar, that's why I asked :D


I'm off to prep myself to head out so will catch y'all later.


Have a great day everyone!!!!

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Good morning everyone. Heading off to teach class in a bit, but thought I'd check in here first.


I started a Maui shrug last night. Pretty pattern, but not real well written, particualrly row 2. Once I figured that out it got easier. I'm not sue what will happen to the shrug (If it ever gets finished). Maybe one of my DD's will want it. I'm making a medium, because it isn't something I would wear. I just wanted to do something different.

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Morning cindy

I like the shrug pattern, but I'm probably too old for something like that. It'd be cute for a younger person . What color are you making it in ?


It looks like it should also be pretty speedy,since it's not real big and looks to use the bigger yarn and hook .


Take a photo of it when done if you get the chance .


Have a good day today ~~~

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Julie, I am using a Caron Country in coral. I got it free when the yarn first came out, (it was a promotion), and I ended up getting two skeins. I am trying to use up some of my stash, and it looked like this pattern would work for the yarn.

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Good Morning. :)


I just finished an 8 inch block using Red Heart Kids Yarn. I *think* the colorway is playful. Not sure without a wrapper. To me it looks like the color of a pinata.


Watching the finals of DWTS online. I should have another square made by the time it's over.


And Julie I just want to make squares not win them if that's okay.

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Good morning, House mates!


Cheeria, I hope you're able to crochet soon..I've been trying to read more, too....


Joanne, sounds like you've learned the crocheter's mantra: there's no such thing as a mistake...it can all be used!

Keep cool ladies...it's supposed to hit 95 today:P


Good morning everyone. Heading off to teach class in a bit, but thought I'd check in here first.


I started a Maui shrug last night. Pretty pattern, but not real well written, particualrly row 2. Once I figured that out it got easier. I'm not sue what will happen to the shrug (If it ever gets finished). Maybe one of my DD's will want it. I'm making a medium, because it isn't something I would wear. I just wanted to do something different.

That's a really cute pattern!

Here's hoping class goes well...CU later.



Well, time to get moving. Going to see DS for a quick visit to keep my back in working order...and then maybe more window shopping for furniture. Hubby is off today. We decided to wait on the living room furniture till we can't stand it...bt our kithchen set is 36 years old and the bar stools are showing their age, too, from heavy use.


I'll check in later.

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Hey Linda-

What is Carrums ? I don't think I've heard of it before . Is it a board game, or something else ?


So far, I recognize all the old-time games when I was growing up,but this is one I dont know .



The cake story is pretty funny. So did they try to SELL them to people or was it just a learning-type project ,and they brought it back home so you guys had to eat it ?

Carroms is played on a square board about 3 feet on a side and has net pocket in the corners like for pool. It uses wooden rings and short cue sticks like dowels. The carroms are red and green and one black one. The object being to get yours in the pockets before your opponent. We played it by setting the board diagonally on a card table.


And, yes, the cakes were for sale as a fund raiser for the Scouts. Guess who got ours. Us! No one else wanted it. :lol :lol :lol

Good morning everyone. Heading off to teach class in a bit, but thought I'd check in here first.


I started a Maui shrug last night. Pretty pattern, but not real well written, particualrly row 2. Once I figured that out it got easier. I'm not sue what will happen to the shrug (If it ever gets finished). Maybe one of my DD's will want it. I'm making a medium, because it isn't something I would wear. I just wanted to do something different.

That's a cute pattern, Cindy.


Good morning, House mates. Another sunny day here. My frosting was a bit of a flop because I tried substituting artificial sweetener for half of the powdered sugar and the consistency was runny. But it tasted just fine. :D I had two pieces to make sure of that. :D

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Morning House family look like another hot day here in New Jersey. I had a great sleep last night with many dreams. LOL I miss my grandbaby and I'm trying not to run over to my daughter's house to hug him for she needs time with him while on maturnity leave. After the baby is born she will only be out of work for 8 weeks then I will get all my grandbabies. I will run out today to get the varigated yarn so I can start my 8 inch squares this will give me an excuse to go shopping again. :lol:lol My wrist is starting to feel a little better, yesterday I had to wear braces on both wrists so I will be able to do the laundry. I'm also some how caught a cold for I keep coughing probably all the air condition places I been in got to me. Well off to take my shower and get dress so I can run out. BBL Have a great day house family.

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Cindy- thanks for the answer about the yarn. I'm not familiar with that type . Is it like Caron SS or more like the pounders ?

We have such a poor selection of yarn shops in our immediate area . We have Walmart .

We have the small yarn shop where they have the fancy yarns, but

I always feel guilty spending that much . Sam could care less. I am lucky he isn't one of those grumps who complains every time I spend a dollar . The only thing he ever says ,are comments about purses . I have no clue what my fascination is with purses, but I LOVE buying purses . I'm really picky about the one I buy,so I have to choose several, hold them up to each other and narrow down my options . I only buy one at a time, but go get a new one as soon as I see another one I like .

He never grumps about me buying them, he just jokes about how many I have, like every week or so I have a new purse .. he really doesnt care though,what I buy . I'm the one who writes out all the checks and pays bills, so I feel guilty apending large sums of money on yarn when I count up what bill I could have paid with the money .



Morning Sherri -

Thanks for making squares for the V game --- if you don't want to win them ,it's ok -- just remind me when I go to put all the names in the pot that you don't want your name in .

I'm glad you decided to play along anyhow ! :)

My 1st square was Peruvian print ??? I think it's called . Second is banana berry - kinda pretty actually . REALLY bright ,but pretty .



Morning Jude

I'm with you and Cheeria, trying to take a space out of each day to read. I have so many books stacked up it aint even funny, plus I have 60-some on my Kindle, so I need to keep on task and get some reading accomplished . My brain starts to go mushy on me if I dont do something to keep it sharp .

I hope your back shapes up soon - those things are no fun,and really make your whole body tired .



Linda- thanks for explaining Carrums. It's one I never heard of .

How did the cake TASTE ( the boy scout one ? )

Your banana cake sounds VERY good !!


Hi Cheeria-

I bet you do miss that baby,when you are used to him being there every day. I was like that with Cam - I pretty much raised him from birth til he started school,so he was like my kid (to me ). I had a rough time when he went off to school,but am now adjusted to it and our weekend arrangement is working well,although he DID go home early last weekend. He got a new video game for his birthday last week and hadnt had much chance to play it since he had school all week, so he wanted to go home and play it. That is fine though , I know the day will come where he won't wanna hang out up here much-- when he starts getting older ,having more friends, getting into school or sport activities, he will be busy with that stuff then . I try to treasure each day because I know they are numbered .

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:sun ...... Good Morning ...... :mug

How is everyone today?

I'm keepin' busy with getting some crocheting and knitting done today as I have some packages I need to send out!

I love that Shrug pattern Cindy! I may need to make one for my daughter!


okay... off for more :mug

have a great day all!




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Julie - I don't think I ever answered your question about quilt batting. Quilts have three layers. The pretty pieced top, the back which is frequently just a solid material, and the batting which is the material that goes in between the top and the back. Batting (filler) can be polyester poofy stuff that comes in a roll in a bag, a thick material sold by the yard in fabric stores, or even an old blanket. Even army surplus wool blankets work. The batting is what provides the warmth of the quilt. The thicker and heavier the batting the warmer the quilt.


The top of the quilt is ironed and I've measured and cut the backing material. I'll sew it together, press the seam and be ready to start pinning the layers together. Got my fingers crossed that the pinning will go smoothly. That can sometimes be trickier than the quilting. :D

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Just a quick hello.....feeling ill today....going back to lay down....just wanted you all to know I am still here & have not forgotten you all.


I am in for the square game. :yes


BBL....if I feel better. :manyheart

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Hi, Linda, Tam, Tabby, Cheeria, Jules and everyone!


I feel so limber after DS's treatment this morning.:)

He was thinking about my back issues and after the treatment came up with a modified belly dance (side to side) move for me to do to try and help it.:D


My hands, fingers and wrists are sore, so I think I'll take a crochet break today and read. I wanted to complete the Shi-Tzu face for the throw I'm working on (it's done) so pushed a little too much yesterday. What remains is a huge border...and weaving in a bazillion ends;)


Later, gators

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my yarn choice for the 8" sc square fun!










Your pictures are so artistic :)

...I have some of that yarn, too, but it's not what I'm using...I'm taking some from here....some from there:D

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Gonna go read...paint my toenails...whatever.

I started working with the variegated yarn but quickly discovered that my fingers really DO need a break today.

From typing, too.


BB before tonight!

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Thanks for explaining about the batting .I'm not the one who asked though . I think it may have been Marisa ? but just guessing. I can't remember who it was .


It sounds like you are on the home stretch now and will be ready to finish the quilt up soon. That is great news .




Tab- sorry you don't feel good today -hope you get the chance to rest and stay laid down for as much as possible. Do you think it's the flu, or the hot weather or you don't know ?

Anyhow, thanks for joining in on the V game --take it easy today .



Jude- get some rest for your poor hands. Some of you guys can crank things out so quickly, it's no wonder your hands get sore . Take a day off and read a good book !

You yarn will be waiting for you tomorrow or when you feel like working on it again .



Tam- that yarn is pretty ! I saw it today and almost bought some, but chose some other colors first . I may go back and get that at some point, but for now, we know that color will be covered !

Thanks for the photo, and I agree with Jude-- some of you guys are great photo takers. Mine are just snapping a picture, no added stuff in the photo .

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Hi Judy. Glad your son was able to help. But you know...now I'm just picturing you in a sparkly get-up of red and purple. :devil


Linda, bakers should always do a taste test. :yes How or where do you pin your quilts? Floor? Mattress?


Cheeria, glad your wrist is feeling a bit better. That's nice that you are close to your grandbabies. :)


Your welcome, Julie. I am trying to do some stash-busting and making squares for someone else to use is a good way to do that. I think I'll make the next square out of Watercolor. I'll have to look online at Peruvian Print. Banana Berry is a nice summery color. :hot


Hi Tam, hope you are having a great day. I like that yarn. Can't wait to see it in a square. :yarn


Feel better soon, Tabby. :hug

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Can I join the House? :D I'm working on a knitted Cardigan! :D My very first big project.......:)

Of course, you can join the house. Welcome! :welcome We knit, we gab, we crochet, we gab, we quilt, we gab, we do all sorts of thing in here.

Linda, bakers should always do a taste test. :yes How or where do you pin your quilts? Floor? Mattress? /quote]

Absolutely, we have to do taste test.


At the moment I've got the quilt to be on the kitchen counter. I've tried the dining room table, but I end up with a sore back there. This seems to be working better. I can stand up straighter. The main problem is that I miss-measured the batting and it's too short both lengthwise and sideways. I'm in the process of basting about 8 - 10 extra inches of batting onto it in both directions. :blush Kim's sitting on one of the counter stools laughing at me. :P Oh, well, it just has to hold it in place until I get it pinned and sewn together, then the stitching will keep it in place. :yes


I dropped some of the cake off with Rosie and John this morning and she was ripping out a seam where she had sewed a border on backwards. It seems to go with the art. :lol

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