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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good Morning, House Mates! :hug:manyheart

I'm sitting here trying to cool down before I take my shower. Scrubbed the bathrooms upstairs ....now I need to scrub ME!:lol


Off to see what y'all have been up to since last night...

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1- Name a favorite toy you had as a kid.

A doll (not sure what kind) that my baby brother promptly scalped. That was it.

2 -Pets ? How many,and names .


3- TV show you would NEVER want to miss .

Yankee baseball game:D

4-All time favorite book .

Many, but always reread Jane Eyre

5-Name a song you know ALL the words to .

None that I can think of...that's hubby's department:lol

6 -What is your favorite flower ?

Like Joanne, lilacs and lily of the vallet - oh and gardenia and jasmine

I guess that makes me a romantic?:lol

7-Favorite PIE .

Apple crumb:D

8-Name you would never hear someone name their baby nowadays . Dexter


9-What game did you love playing as a kid ,that today's kids have probably never heard of or played ?

Double-dutch (jump rope)

10 - Name a time when your words came back to bite you . You don't have time.....:P


I loved reading all the answers and chuckled so much!!


Okay - time to shower. BBL:hug

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I'm thinking of doing some sewing today. When I was cleaning in the basement, I noticed what a large collection of fabric I have.

But first, I'm going to grocery shop and go to the eye doctor. I need to pick up my new contacts and also get some adjustments made to my glasses.

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Julie, my smart mouth tends to disappear at the doctor's office. I only think of good lines after I'm sitting in car on the drive home. As to the cake...


It was hot chocolate molten lava cake from Chili's. Drizzled in caramel and topped with a chocolate dipped scoop of vanilla ice cream. :drool

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Julie, my smart mouth tends to disappear at the doctor's office. I only think of good lines after I'm sitting in car on the drive home. As to the cake...


It was hot chocolate molten lava cake from Chili's. Drizzled in caramel and topped with a chocolate dipped scoop of vanilla ice cream. :drool

Oh, I have to try that cake!:D

I'm thinking of doing some sewing today. When I was cleaning in the basement, I noticed what a large collection of fabric I have.

But first, I'm going to grocery shop and go to the eye doctor. I need to pick up my new contacts and also get some adjustments made to my glasses.

Happy sewing!:cheer

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Flyby again...

Need to check one more thing here on the puter and then time to dress for the check up at the dentist.

I DETEST going to the dentist....I'm lucky I can get through a teeth cleaning without nitrous oxide.:P


CU all later today. My current WIP being attended to is the graph ghan I tried getting my friend interested in. She just doesn't have the temperment for that sort of hooking so I told her I would do it.:D

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Good luck at the dentist ...



Marisa- good day at work, have fun on your motorcycle !



Sherri- WOW that cake sounds good .


PS- gonna have to smarten up that mouth for the Dr -- you pay them dudes big money. You oughta get good service . I paid 200 bucks yesterday to hear nothing . Coulda went yarn shopping and brought home quite a haul with that much money.I'd still be breathing the same as I am right now .

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Good luck at the dentist ...



Marisa- good day at work, have fun on your motorcycle !



Sherri- WOW that cake sounds good .


PS- gonna have to smarten up that mouth for the Dr -- you pay them dudes big money. You oughta get good service . I paid 200 bucks yesterday to hear nothing . Coulda went yarn shopping and brought home quite a haul with that much money.I'd still be breathing the same as I am right now .


I know. Going to hospitals and doctor's offices make me so nervous that earthquakes have shown up on the richter scale on days when I have appointments. Most of the time I go in with pen and paper, a list of symptoms and questions. It's funny though, I can go to the dentist or eye doctor and be just fine. Could be a person doesn't have to wear those backless gowns there, eh?

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Maybe it's the comments like :

Remove all your clothing from the waist up .


Remove all your clothing from the waist down .


This will only take a minute .


You will only feel slight discomfort .


We need to insert ____________ into ___________


Used to be ,I was as scared as you to go, but I am slowly getting over the scared part . Now the Dr is scared of ME .

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Maybe it's the comments like :

Remove all your clothing from the waist up .


Remove all your clothing from the waist down .


This will only take a minute .


You will only feel slight discomfort .


We need to insert ____________ into ___________


Used to be ,I was as scared as you to go, but I am slowly getting over the scared part . Now the Dr is scared of ME .


Wouldn't it be great if we had the ability to become transparent at will? Then the docs could see exactly where the problem lie without too much trouble.

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Hugs to Judianne about going to the dentist...I don't have a problem going to the dentist as my grandmother had been a hygentist...I hate going to the doctor though. I've developed a hatedred for needles (mostly when they try to draw blood or hook me up to iv for any reason as I have weird veins...) and also the total feeling of being judged before they even really talk to me about what my problems might be. But the dentist...just drug me up while I'm in the chair and I'm fine and even if they can't I have my own coping techniques...


I have a root canal on Saturday, so fingers crossed please because, pun intended, it has been a serious drill trying to get this work done. First time out, I went to a dentist that my insurance didn't accept (didn't know at the time that our dental insurance state side was an HMO) and then I had a heck of a time finding a dentist my insurance would accept (as of the first of this month, our insurance has changed thank goodness) and then the first visit was just for the dentist to confirm that yes, I needed a root canal, the next appointment was the start of the root canal and the dentist decided that I needed a specialist...so have been living with a temporary filling for over a month...


As long as I'm not in pain and have been able to wean off the ibuprophen I'd been eating like candy for nearly 2 months, and this root canal will be finally taken care of this weekend, I'm good to go...so again, fingers crossed please...


Judianne...remember to breathe and try to stay positive...everything will be alright...

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Thanks, LeAnna. I'm knitting today. Forever and a day ago I starting making a Learn to Knit afghan and I have 8 and 3/4's squares left to make. I'm getting excited to almost be there. :yes


Coffee break right now though.

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I pried my fingers apart after the hygienist was done...and left an imprint of my ring on one finger:lol


She was good...I booked her for my net cleaning!

And good news, no cavities!!!


Leanna, I'll be thinking of you - never had root canal, but Nitrous Oxide is my friend any time I need a filling!


Off to have lunch now and get more work done on the graph ghan.

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Thanks, LeAnna. I'm knitting today. Forever and a day ago I starting making a Learn to Knit afghan and I have 8 and 3/4's squares left to make. I'm getting excited to almost there. :yes


Coffee break right now though.


Wait until August...I'll be knitting a Lily Chin DRESS...I know how to knit, but this will probably be one of my most ambitious projects ever...(well for knitting anyway...)


You can do it...one stitch at a time.

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I pried my fingers apart after the hygienist was done...and left an imprint of my ring on one finger:lol


She was good...I booked her for my net cleaning!

And good news, no cavities!!!


Leanna, I'll be thinking of you - never had root canal, but Nitrous Oxide is my friend any time I need a filling!


Off to have lunch now and get more work done on the graph ghan.


It's my friend too when I can get it...used to have it when I'd get my teeth cleaned...over the last 30 years though, it's been difficult for me to find a dentist who uses it.

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Flyby again...

Need to check one more thing here on the puter and then time to dress for the check up at the dentist.

I DETEST going to the dentist....I'm lucky I can get through a teeth cleaning without nitrous oxide.:P


I hate going to the dentist too.

I always think of an old Ogden Nash poem, which includes these lines:

"Some tortures are physical and some are mental,

But the one that is both is dental."


I shared this with my dentist once, when he was reprimanding me for stretching out those every 6 month visits to every 8 or 9 months. (or longer....) He pretended that he wasn't all that amused, but he was smiling!~:D Luckily I know him quite well, and he does have a sense of humor.


If you want to read the whole poem, it is quoted here.

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Jennifer, congrats on the new baby! Emily is such a pretty name.


Sheila, good luck on getting the job.


Tab, I have problems with my ankles swelling to. I've had it for years. Can't wait to see your monkey.


Marisa, it sounds like you had a fun time with your parents.


Linda, It sounds like you had a good weekend.


Judy, your friendship ghan is really pretty! Glad the dentist wasn't to hard on you.


Cheeria, sorry your doctor appt. wasn't as you were expecting. You have a great attitude though.


Julie, I had to laugh about your popcorn and lights story. My hubby could tell some stories like that. Sorry your doctor appt wasn't a good one. I'm here to listen anytime you need to chat or vent.


Maya and I went to her house for the weekend. It was a busy one. I made her mom get up at 7am (she doesn't see that time of day very often) we went garage saling. Her first time and she had a good time. She bought a bike like new for 7.00 and was very happy about it. She bought Maya a kids kitchen. Maya loves it.

We went to a baby shower on saturday. Julie I didn't care for the cake. It was chocolate with whipped creme frosting. I'm not a chocolate cake lover.

Sunday we went to a graduation party and they had to cakes and cupcakes. The one cake I had was yummy and not all homemade but it was good. It was a yellow cake with buttercreme frosting and in between layers was frosting and sliced strawberries. It was yummy!

Yesterday at the luncheon after the funeral I had what was called moon cake. It reminded me of an eclair. It was yummy to!

I need to go back and check out fridays pics. I took my camera stuff so daughter could help me post pics and forgot the camera. Next time.

I'll bbl. I hope everyone has a nice day!

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Hey kids.............

just stoppin' by to say :hi HI

and share a sweet pic of what my 9yr old is up to again!

yep.......... my little rescuer is at it AGAIN! this is the second bird he has rescued. He just got done feeding it a worm... and this little baby is a happy camper.








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Glad you survived the dentist-- boy some of these things we have to do are NOT fun,are they ?



LeAnna- wow, it'll be neat to see your knitted dress come to life ! You must be really good at knitting to make a dress. I can barely make a square .



Marlene-thanks for the CAKE UPDATE . My gosh, you hit CAKE JACKPOT -- it all sounds good to me !


We like garage sales too . Once a year our whole town has them so it's fun going that day -- sales on every street .



Tam- is that a baby bluejay or another type of bird ? I'm not much of a bird expert .

He's cute though !!!

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