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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Cindy your baby afghan is beautiful! You did a great job!


Linda yours and Rosies quilts are beautiful! I like Rosie's pink to.


Judy your jackson is beautiful and big! Awesome job on it.


My son called to tell us about a stofisherman from back home probably drown. It was later confirmed we know him. He is a friend of ours. I've known him for many years. We rode the bus together when we were kids. We have many mutual friends. It's sad that he has died but I look at it his death as it was a blessing for him. His family has a heriditery(ms) disease and he developed it a few years ago. He has lost all but a brother and a sister from it. It's called Huntingtons disease. He was fishing alone in a canoe and grabbed for his line and his canoe over turned. There was two other guys fishing but they weren't able to get him as where he was it was mucky. Everyone we have talked today have said this is a blessing and he won't suffer any more. He died doing what he loved. We will all miss him.

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Good morning,


Marlene- Sorry to hear about your friend- but I agree- it is a blessing in disguise- and what better way to go than doing what you love.


Marisa- Enjoy your visit from your parents- and your AC and motorcycle!! What kind of cycle do you have?


Judy- Hope you had fun at the book club meeting cause you didn't miss anything with the Yankees- Pettite didn't pitch well and they did try to rally in the 9th- but too little, too late! At least they play the Mets this weekend- they should be able to pull off at least one win- LOL


Julie- Hope things are going well- thanks for keeping this place jumping!!!


Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!

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All I have to post for this week are two potholders- nothing in comparison to what alot of you others have gotten accomplished!! Probably won't get to post them until tomorrow morning though- I won't get home till around 10 tonight since I'm going to my DD's after work!!!


Have an awesome day everyone!

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Morning ladies

Hope you are all well today and ready to start another day .

I didnt remember to ask Sam to take a photo of my ripple yet, which means I'll have time today to get another couple rows on it .


A dreary looking morning here, but it may shape up later.


Marlene- So sorry about your friend, but I agree with the others, it would be much better to go that way than to suffer .


Marisa - wow, a motorcycle ! That is neat ! We have lots of interests in this group,that's for sure !

One of the girls in Cam's class is named Harley, because her parents are both into the motorcycle hobby .


Just a reminder if anyone has photos not yet posted, today is Photo Friday -- we sure had some nice ones yesterday .


Well, off for my daily jaunt --will check in after bit -:)

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Joanne - I have a Kawasaki Ninja, 500 cc's. I'm thinking I'll probably upgrade next year and let my dad keep this one, I already feel bad that I'm bringing it back down here for the summer :( He'll miss it :lol


Thanks for reminding me it's photo friday!!!! :D


Y'all already saw my finished lapghan :yay


Now for my sock that I started last sat and haven't gotten back to yet :(



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Good Morning.


Marisa~Great start to your sock. :cheer


Everyone's photos look great from yesterday :clap.....I really need to find batteries so I can post my RR today. :yes



I am still sleepy....rough night....so off to drink my diet pepsi....BBL.


Have a great day all! :manyheart

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Good morning, House mates.:)


Book club was interesting. We discussed the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I read the Sparks notes...the way I read I found it hard to get past the colloquial dialogue. It's always nice to get together with the neighbors, though.


Joanne, I was so glad I missed the game last night - I would have been miserable!


Y'all already saw my finished lapghan :yay


Now for my sock that I started last sat and haven't gotten back to yet :(

Very neat work!!


Well, gotta run - making some blueberry muffins before I get dressed....



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Good morning, Housemates! It's raining already and not supposed to quit until next week. :sigh I can't complain too much though because we are need of the rain big time. I haven't tried to find the king ripple yet, but I will look for it in a bit.


Thanks for the nice comments on Rosie and my quilts. I'll pass them on to her.


Marissa - A/Cs and a motorcycle. WOW! You're going to be set up for the summer in style. Congratulations on your afghan coming out of the washer alive! :lol I really like the colors in your sock.


Marlene - :hug :hug While your friend's death is sad, it's nice he didn't have to linger and suffer for years.


Joanne - Enjoy the party tonight.

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:2rain Good Morning kids................

My first day of summer...........:yay No more school :woo

I am so done with 4th... 5th... and 8th grades... LOL

I know my summer will be busy with baseball... but I will have my time back for visiting my family here and getting my crocheting and knitting projects done.

Since its photo Friday....

I do have a couple projects to share....

this is knitted round coaster


this isnt crochet or knit......... but still a project :D

its a duct tape bag done in our school colors. made this for a friend of Patricks.


off to get a coffee refill and see about getting some crocheting done....... :yay


catch up more later.

have a great day family




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Wow! A bag made out of duct tape. I'm impressed. The coaster is very pretty.


Okay I went to the right cedar chest on the first try. Of course, it was on the bottom so I ended up taking everything out to get to it. Found two other afghans I did about the same time, so took a shot of each of them too. You can see that I used up left overs from the big one in the scrap afghan. The king sized one hangs almost to the ground on John and Kim's queen sized bed. And it's all the way to the top of the bed. Done with ww yarn and a size F hook from the looks of it and in double crochet. The yarn slightly glistens. It shows off 3 of my favorite colors, too.





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Good start to your sock. I have a really stupid question,since I am a VERY BEGINNER in the knitting depatment, but how do you keep track of what NEEDLE you are on, like if you lay it down to go do something, then come back later ?

I know you just keep going around the edges til it is the right length,before starting the heel part ,but I always wonder how you know where you are on the needles ?



Miss Tab- sorry you had a rough night. You sound like me, I start the day with a slug of Coke .Not healthy ,but it's my "drink of choice" .




Hey Jude- Sorry I forgot this book was Huck Finn-shoulda remembered --I remember loving that book so much ! What's next on the agenda,and how do you guys pick ?



Hi Tam- I hope you will get time to drop in more now that summer break is here .We like having you visit --always cheery and chipper .

Your coaster is cute, and I am sure it gets lots of use with you drinking your coffee !!!


The tote bag is really cool !




W~O~W ... I can see that my ripple is not as big as yours . I cannot even imagine how long that took. Did you keep track or remember ? How many years ago did you make it and how much yarn did it take ?


THAT is one big ripple.


Almost makes me think I need to start over with a longer starting chain -- OH, boy .... I don't know what I'll do now .


Your other afghans are also very pretty. You have sure went through lots of yarn through the years!!!

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Morning Sheila--

How are you today ? Got any projects in the works currently ?

Doing okie dokie.thank you so much for asking.

I made a couple of squares.Read and copied some patterns but just havent got into the mood the past couple of weeks to do much.

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Linda............ Wow......those are awesome!!!!! I totally love the second one!


Good Morning Sheila! :hug


Hey Miss Julie! Its sooooooooooooo good to be back here! I really missed you all!!!



Thanks for the compliments everyone! :hug





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Happy Friday, everyone. :) It's so fun to see all the pictures!


Cindy ~ Your pink afghan is lovely. I love the way you used different textures. :clap


Linda ~ Wow! Your afghans are all just wonderful! And the quilt is perfect...congratulations on getting so much done. :yay


Hi Tam ~ Love the coaster! The tote bag is so cool...are they hard to make? :)


Marisa ~ The sock yarn is really pretty and can't wait to see more! Washing afghans for the first time is still scary for me. :lol I always expect something to be coming apart.


Sheila ~ Hi! I hope you are doing okay. :manyheart


Cheeria ~ Your days with your grandson sound so nice. :yes We're babysitting tomorrow night so DD and her DH can go out for the evening...their 4th anniversary was yesterday.


Marlene ~ I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend. :hug


I need to charge my camera battery and hopefully take pictures of my yarn. :yarn This one is already on my computer. ;)


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Tam, what cute projects!! You're very creative:cheer


Linda, those are amazing! And the ripple is gorgeous...but made with an F hook:faint:eek

Hey Jude- Sorry I forgot this book was Huck Finn-shoulda remembered --I remember loving that book so much ! What's next on the agenda,and how do you guys pick ?

I don't know how yu remember all that you DO remember!

We take turns alphabetically... and limit it, most times, to around 300 pages. My turn is in 2 months and I'm going to be creative with my pick again:D


I need to charge my camera battery and hopefully take pictures of my yarn. :yarn This one is already on my computer. ;)

Love the little guy:c9...he's changing so fast!!

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Hey ladies,


I'm at work, buy my receptionist brought her computer today so I figured I'd check in since it's friday and we're goofing off anyway :lol


Thanks for the compliments and I didn't take notes.


Linda - awesome afghans...I love all three of them and they are HUGE :eek


Julie - not a stupid question!! But when you pick it back up, just continue from where the strand of yarn is hanging off. I always finish at the end of the needle so where the yarn hangs off, I start on the next and just keep going around. I am a beginner myself as well and this is my first time with multiple needles. But, it's easier than I thought it would be :)


Hope everyone's day is going well.

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I don't remember how much yarn I used on it, but it was a lot. It took less than a year to make, but that's the best I can do timewise. I made it about 35 years ago. And, Yes, Judy, and F hook. It's very tight and warm and heavy.

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Sheila- nothing wrong with taking a crochet break once in awhile if you need to. I do that myself . I like to switch to knitting sometimes just to change up things a little ,and lately I have been trying to do more reading .

I used to read ALL the time, even while cooking supper .. ( YES I AM TALENTED ENOUGH TO MAKE SPAGHETTIOS AND READ ) .:D


My brain has gotten kinda"mushy" from not reading -- it keeps your brain a little more sharp I think .


So Jude, gonna let us in on the next book you will choose ? And what was the last one you picked ?


Mary- oh my gosh, that baby is adorable. You just wanna pick him up and hold him,even from this far away . He looks very alert and smart-- you can always tell if babies are gonna be smart by watching their eyes-- they seem very curious and watch everything and everyone around them .

They are like little sponges, soaking up the world ,they have so much to learn and do .

Enjoy every SECOND ..... Time goes by so fast it almost makes you cry -- seems like Cam was that big such a short time ago and now he's 8 .

Still fun, but growing out of certain stages . I still TRY to pick him up, which he TOLERATES,even though he knows he is too big and old for me to do it ,and everyone thinks it's funny when I TRY because he is so tall and I am so short .

One day I had him stand on the couch so I could pick him up, that way I could lift him off the floor a little farther .

I also once in awhile can still get him to come sit on my lap, but that is very seldom too. He is just too old and too big .He will if he gets hurt or doesn't feel good ,though .


Doggone, I miss his baby days ... some things you just can't get back .


Here's him on his first birthday,and him on his 8th last week .

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Hey, Jules....not sure which was the last one, but I've picked The Other Bolyn Girl and The Dance of the Dissident Daughter


Right now I'm leaning toward The Scarlett Pimpernel for my next pick. Takes care of my Anglophile side, my romantic side, as well as my love for intrigue.:D

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Jules, Cam looks like he was a happy baby:c9 ANd he's grown into a very nice looking boy.

I know what you mean baout missing the cuddling. When our son was older he would suddenly need my hugs... Miss that.

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Thanks Jude

Yep, he was a terrific baby,very good, hardly EVER cried and it was easy to make him laugh . He is still a sweetheart of a kid . Still my best pal .


And I DO believe you have actually named off 3 books I HAVEN'T read .... so I can't comment on whether I liked them or not .


Was the Other Bolyn Girl just out in paperback like maybe a year ago ? I think I remember seeing it .

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