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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Cheeria, I can relate to the sadness you felt when you found out you won't be having the gb while dd is off on maternity leave. Watching Maya full time then going to Texas for 3 months is an adjustment for all of us.


Linda, way to go on finishing your blocks.


Sherri, your son is very talented.


Judy, congrats on finishing your Jackson.


Julie, I enjoy the question games. It's fun getting to know each other.


Song that come to mind is Hey Jude


Going to finish up the laundry today and get some more crocheting in.

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Hello Housemates. :hi


Diane - yep, it was me and thanks a bunch. Addie sounds adorable. And, what is a U-No?

It is the most delicious chocolate bar. Very soft and creamy, like a truffle. It melts in your mouth. :dreaming Comes in a shiny, silver paper. (I like shiny stuff).


Checked the plants and everything has sprouted but the chives.....come on, chives!! I planted one spot in a native american tradition. Based on the legend of the 3 sisters. First you plant corn, the oldest sister. When corn is 4" high you plant the next sister, beans. Corn supports the beans (like an older sister would). One week after beans sprout, you plant the baby, squash, which crawls around, helps retain moisture and helps block out the weeds. Corn and beans grow tall and protect squash. Kinda interesting, we'll see if my sisters get along. :devil


Thanks Judy, can't get that song out of my head now. I think it was Leslie Gore that sang it. How about G L O R I A.....Gloria?

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Hi gang

Home from the store --went to check out a new grocery they just built .


Anyhow, you are all doing good coming up with songs that have names in them .


Marisa- it sounds like you have a mess in your office right now. Who would be dingy enough to cut phone lines ? Wonder what he thought he was cutting ? Good thing it wasn't ELECTRIC lines or he might have a new hairdo today .


Linda- you are just whizzing through that quilt ! Good going !!

Are you getting excited,your vacation is coming soon !


Marlene - if you were a judge ,what type cases would you like to try ?


And ... for another song --


How about BEN ,by Michael Jackson ?

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Diane- Where were you when JFK was killed? I was in school in 3rd grade.

I was changing my baby's diaper. I was glued to the TV for days. With RFK, I was watching the election results on TV (lived in LA at the time). I use to hope I would live long enough to know the true story....sadly, I don't think that anyone will ever know.


Oh, can one of our computer guru's here, please give me a tutorial on how to multi quote. I've tried several times but I must be missing a step. :think Help please. TIA

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:hi................. hey family!!!!

Today is the last day of school...............:yay

This end of the year stuff is kickin' my backside............. :whew

Now I will be able to be back on here more................ :c9

I am so excited about having my boys home with me for the summer! I miss them when they are in school!

Today is an early out... so I will be leaving here shortly to go get them!

hope all is well with everyone. I havent looked through any past posts yet.......... so please forgive me for not responding to them!



catch up later! :hug:hug:hug



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HiYa Tam !


Good to hear from you . Wow, your schools release early ! I think ours go til the first week in June sometime, I dont remember what day Cam said is his last .




Diane- as for the multi-quote-- at the bottom of each person's post, there are 3 little doohickeys on the right . Click on the one that has these little doodads " +


for each person you have something to quote to .Keep reading posts, then click on the gizmo for all you want to answer. Then go to REPLY at the bottom( not the quick reply, but plain old reply ) ,and all the quotes will be in your box you type in .

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I was changing my baby's diaper. I was glued to the TV for days. With RFK, I was watching the election results on TV (lived in LA at the time). I use to hope I would live long enough to know the true story....sadly, I don't think that anyone will ever know.


Oh, can one of our computer guru's here, please give me a tutorial on how to multi quote. I've tried several times but I must be missing a step. :think Help please. TIA


Hey Jude by the Beatles for a song.


To multi-quote select the quotation marks to the right of the quote button on each post you want to remark on and then hit the quote button on the last of them.

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I was changing my baby's diaper. I was glued to the TV for days. With RFK, I was watching the election results on TV (lived in LA at the time). I use to hope I would live long enough to know the true story....sadly, I don't think that anyone will ever know.


Oh, can one of our computer guru's here, please give me a tutorial on how to multi quote. I've tried several times but I must be missing a step. :think Help please. TIA

I was in 8th grade English class when the news about JFK broke. The radio came on in every classroom and we were all crying and holding on to each other. We moved from classroom to classroom that day but the only thing we did was listen to the radio as the stunned teachers tried to comfort us.


Diane, the way to do multiple quote is easy. At the bottom where the quote button is there is also a button with quotation marks (") on it. Use that button instead of the "quote" button. Hit it on as many places as you want and then when you go to the post reply button they will all come up.

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You were fast than me with an answer Julie. :yes How's the day treating you? We had to have the front brake pads replaced on the car this morning and now it is raining again.


Is there a photo of this sc ripple you are doing somewhere? I've done a ripple or two but never a sc one.

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Just quickly stopping in to say hi. I'm busy cleannig the basement, and DD is helping me. I'm ready to quit, but she wants to keep going, so...since I ahve help, I'm going back to it.


As for the song: Michelle, ma belle (I think it was sung by the Beatles)



Oh great now, I'm singing!


I finished the pink baby afghan yesterday, and will probably get pictures alter on today. I'm pleased with how it turned out.

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Afternoon All.


I was off running early this morning and we just got home. It was a nice day.....time just strolling around different places with the Hubby. :manyheart I also spent the $20 gift certificate I won on facebook to a local gift shop here. I bought my very first Willow Tree statue called the promise "Hold dear the promise of love" http://willowtree.info/product/promise


Anywhoo, I am off to take a nap. BBL.


Another song~Stacy's Mom by fountains of wayne.

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Rosie was just over here. She brought over the blocks that we bought the bubble gum pink fabric for on Tuesday night. What makes this even funnier is that she doesn't have ANY pinks in her stash of material, which is considerably bigger than mine. Pink is just NOT one of the colors she ever uses. And she was so adamant that she HAD to have pink with the blocks when we were at HL. Anyway, she put it all together, going against all the rules she has taught me about quilting in the process. She looked at it this morning and burst out laughing. What she had done was to recreate a quilt like one that her Grandmother had had in her Hope Chest and which they had had for 20 years before it disintegrated from constant use. Her hubby recognized it instantly, too. That's Rosie hiding behind her quilt top in the last picture.




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Rosie was just over here. She brought over the blocks that we bought the bubble gum pink fabric for on Tuesday night. What makes this even funnier is that she doesn't have ANY pinks in her stash of material, which is considerably bigger than mine. Pink is just NOT one of the colors she ever uses. And she was so adamant that she HAD to have pink with the blocks when we were at HL. Anyway, she put it all together, going against all the rules she has taught me about quilting in the process. She looked at it this morning and burst out laughing. What she had done was to recreate a quilt like one that her Grandmother had had in her Hope Chest and which they had had for 20 years before it disintegrated from constant use. Her hubby recognized it instantly, too. That's Rosie hiding behind her quilt top in the last picture.



I think the pink looks great! Grandma's quilt must've made an impression. :)

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Another song I like and that I just heard on the radio yesterday: Billy Joe McCallister jumped off the Tallahassee Bridge.

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Diane- as for the multi-quote-- at the bottom of each person's post, there are 3 little doohickeys on the right . Click on the one that has these little doodads " +


for each person you have something to quote to .Keep reading posts, then click on the gizmo for all you want to answer. Then go to REPLY at the bottom( not the quick reply, but plain old reply ) ,and all the quotes will be in your box you type in .


Thank you very much.:hug


To multi-quote select the quotation marks to the right of the quote button on each post you want to remark on and then hit the quote button on the last of them.

Thanks, this is what I was missing. :hug

Diane, the way to do multiple quote is easy. At the bottom where the quote button is there is also a button with quotation marks (") on it. Use that button instead of the "quote" button. Hit it on as many places as you want and then when you go to the post reply button they will all come up.


Thank you so much. :hug


You guys are all the best!:yes

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Sherri - my ripple is just the one on susanB's easy ripple page- you have probably seen it a gazillion times.

I'll post a photo updat tomorrow of what I have done. It is SLOW going, so it still isn't a lot to show, but i'm trying my best .

We have sun today,but supposed to rain on the weekend I think .



Linda- love the pink on the quilt, I think it's very pretty .



For all of you talking about where you were when Kennedy was shot ? I was in kindegarden,and we only had school half days that year, so I was watching cartoons when they came on and started announcing it.

I was so little, I was just mad that my shows weren't on the rest of the week..... too little to realize what a great person we lost that day .



Cindy- great job getting the afghan done ! Tomorrow should be a good photo day in here !



Tab- your figurine is very pretty ! I've seen them someplace just cant remember where ,maybe a gift shop someplace .



Hey there Sheila-- :)


Diane, yep, everyone in here just jumps right in when you need help !




Another name song : A boy Named Sue .

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Back from the embroidery guild meeting!

It was nice meeting some people in RL who enjoy the same hobbies....many knitters among them. The work these ladies do is amazing!

I got a few more rows done on my current x st WIP...:)


GREAT JOB on finishing the whopper-ghan !!! Can't wait to see it .


Enjoy your embroidery meeting . I hope you like it and make lots of friends and come home with some new stacks of projects you wanna do !

I have a few here that I never even started yet! They were encouraging, though...

Just don't forget us here if you take on another craft ! We'd miss you too much .

I'll never leave here!

Judy - Have fun at your meeting with the Embroidery Guild!!! Can't wait to see pics of the Jackson Ghan :D

Taking a pic soon....


Ah, the joys of the technical age! I remember when desks only held a big blotter and telephone on them!:lol

I bought my very first Willow Tree statue called the promise "Hold dear the promise of love" http://willowtree.info/product/promise

That's beautiful!!!!!

She looked at it this morning and burst out laughing. What she had done was to recreate a quilt like one that her Grandmother had had in her Hope Chest and which they had had for 20 years before it disintegrated from constant use. Her hubby recognized it instantly, too. That's Rosie hiding behind her quilt top in the last picture.


That is soooo cute!! And amazing that she could put together almost the same creation as her grandmother!!

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The Jackson Ghan on our King size bed.


The last pic is where I first stopped - thinking I didn't want to make it any bigger:lol




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'Afternoon, everyone. :) I absolutely loved reading your answers! My middle name is Melissa and I was named after my maternal grandmother. :manyheart


Linda ~ Way to go on the quilt progress! :cheer I loved seeing Rosie's quilt!


Diane ~ Another ghan finished...can't wait to see it!


Judy ~ Your Jackson game is wonderful. :clap


Julie ~ I'm about to join you on the ripple journey. After you and Joann (I think :blush) talked about the attic 24 ripple, I decided to go for it. :lol I bought lots of colors can't wait to get started. It's hard for me to do random colors, but off I go. :hook

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