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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Linda- wow, them cinnamon buns sound GOOD !!!


And yep, you are right, I don't want anyone else having those ladies doing that to them,especially not the really elderly people. They are usually too sick to complain ,so they lay there and endure sub-par care when they don't have to.




Tam- I'm glad you are back. Hang in there my friend .Keep your hook busy-- it keeps your fingers occupied, if nothing else .




Hi Ya Sheila- what's up in your neck of the woods ?

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Sitting here in total shock. the doctor couldnt see my son to take out his stitches in his lip they are booked. so called urgent care they want 200 bucks to take out stitches.:eek

not to mention I really dont think DH paycheck is right either:think

glad I dyed my hair on mother day:lol

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They said that they are booked for a week.at the doctors.I love my son but WOW that is alot for something that doesnt take that long I could see having to put them in.

:lol well if I can frog a crochet item I should be able to take out stitches:lol

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Julie~I am glad that the guy at radiology is taking care of business otherwise I would've had to. :tryme



*** Good news....Doa's mass is just a simple cyst. :cheer They will monitor it every 6-12 months for any changes, no biggie. :clap

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They said that they are booked for a week.at the doctors.I love my son but WOW that is alot for something that doesnt take that long I could see having to put them in.

:lol well if I can frog a crochet item I should be able to take out stitches:lol

They aren't that hard to take out. Just use a scissors that are very pointy and sharp. Embroidery scissors work well. I've taken them out of some of my pets' stitches, some of my childrens', and some of my own as well.

Julie~I am glad that the guy at radiology is taking care of business otherwise I would've had to. :tryme



*** Good news....Doa's mass is just a simple cyst. :cheer They will monitor it every 6-12 months for any changes, no biggie. :clap

Hooray!!!! :woo:jumpyay:woo I'm sooo glad!


I've started another shawl. It's lined up for me and it's using some of my fancy yarn.

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Linda, WTG on making yourself a shawl!:cheer You deserve it:yes


*** Good news....Doa's mass is just a simple cyst. :cheer They will monitor it every 6-12 months for any changes, no biggie. :clap

Awesome news!....after taking 10 years off your life:hug

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Tab- WONDERFUL NEWS ~~~ Such a relief isn't it ? Make sure he goes for his checkups when needed,but it sounds like it might be something that could have been there for a long time and he never even knew it .



Linda- good for you, it's about time to make something pretty for yourself and out of your FANCY yarn -- what color will it be ?

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Hi Ladies

Just a quick check in to see how everyone is...lots of posts to go back and catch up on....we have had bad times in the family with heart problems for my BIL and my mom so its been very nerve wracking....so of course my pills quit working and they have started me on a new one...feel like im dying as the first one didn't work and made me feel like i was having a heart-attack and of course you have to try it for 2 weeks before they stop it and try a new one..On another one now and it seems to be helping alittle,still scared every-time my chest gets tight but im hoping....so sick of being sick....just working on another ripple to keep me sane and not to stressed out,doing this one in reds and creams.


Miss you all and hope to be back soon.

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So good to see you again ! I was just wondering about you the other day, but people come and go from these groups,so I figured maybe you were busy or other stuff in life was going on, like we all have from time to time .


So sorry about all the illnesses in your family, and your new pills giving you trouble. Been there, done that . Not fun .


I hope this one helps you and you are soon better . We miss you !!!


Keep on crocheting and jump back in anytime you feel ready.


There's always someone hanging out here in the house .

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Great news, Tab. :yay


Shaylen :hug:hug


I compromised with the yard vs. projects. I mowed the way in the back portion of our yard. The I section that I skipped last week. I put in a one stripe repeat on two different baby blankets and now I'm going to tackle a repeat on a knitted block or two.

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Hugs to everyone and congrats on good news...


We're about to go off island to run errands and then I'll be going to the yarn shop to chill and crochet with the ladies there for a couple of hours...


Today is Serenghetti's 5th birthday. I cannot believe she has been in our lives 4-1/2 years now...we just love her to pieces...she's annoyed that she cannot go outside and frolic in the sunshine because we will be leaving in a few minutes...but we should be back long before dark, so she'll get her opportunity to go back outside then.


What a good kitty she is...


We're doing good...just busy, busy, busy...


Hope you all have a great afternoon and evening.

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Julie glad someone is looking into your situation.


Tab glad Doa's cyst is a simple one.


LeAnna enjoy your time with your group.


Sheila I would take the stitches out myself.


Shaylen nice to see you. I hope they have you on the right meds and you feel better soon.


Linda good for you making something for yourself and using some nice yarn.


I've been on here today looking at rr's, what kind of sequence people have used when only using 2 colors. I'm not to good on deciding when to change. There are some really pretty ones on here.

Going to go make dinner now. If I'm not back tonight everyone have a nice night.

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Shay, you can always come by and get some moral support here...:hug:manyheart

I compromised with the yard vs. projects. I mowed the way in the back portion of our yard. The I section that I skipped last week. I put in a one stripe repeat on two different baby blankets and now I'm going to tackle a repeat on a knitted block or two.

You are sooooo disciplined! I would be off on one thing - and forget everything else:lol


We're about to go off island to run errands and then I'll be going to the yarn shop to chill and crochet with the ladies there for a couple of hours...

A little yarn shop - how nice! Have a greta time.

When I visited my brother in NC a while back I was shown a LYS there...unfortunately my brother and SIL aren't into that, so I didn't linger.

Today is Serenghetti's 5th birthday. I cannot believe she has been in our lives 4-1/2 years now...we just love her to pieces...she's annoyed that she cannot go outside and frolic in the sunshine because we will be leaving in a few minutes...but we should be back long before dark, so she'll get her opportunity to go back outside then.


What a good kitty she is...


We're doing good...just busy, busy, busy...


Hope you all have a great afternoon and evening.

Awww....you're lucky with your kitty - she's world traveler, too;)



I've been on here today looking at rr's, what kind of sequence people have used when only using 2 colors. I'm not to good on deciding when to change. There are some really pretty ones on here.

I always had a problem deciding that...on my blog I have some older posts with 2 color RRs. What I do is use the round where the point has the "small" shell (1 dc, ch1, 1 dc) and use that as a place to work a band of a different color, or will use one color for 5 or 6 rows.It seems to work well.

What colors are you using?

:cheer for MOM got all of them stitches out except one but will conquer that one here after taking a break.:lol now DH owes me 200 bucks ahahahahahaa

edited Whew got them all now :cheer

WTG!:yay Brave mommy - and very cooperative son:yes

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Good idea, you shared your time,and did work, plus fun ! Good choice !



LeAnna- have a good time at your crochet circle tonite . That'd be neat to have someplace like that around here .




Sheila - wow, you are brave -- the taking the stitches out isn't any big deal or hard to do, but doing it on a little kid -- I'd be worried he wouldnt hold still and move right when I tried to do it .



Marlene -thanks for stopping in ,and good luck on your next rr idea -- I usually just do one color til I'm tired of it, then start the next one .

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Hi everyone!

Great News about Doa Tabby!!! So happy to hear that it is just a cyst!!


Judy- What happened to the Yanks today? I was at work so I couldn't watch the game- probably just as well since they lost. I am like you Judy in that I don't want to miss games- DH is a fan too, but I am the FAN-ATIC!!! I love sports- Yankees, Giants, Devils and of course my alma mater Rutgers!!!


Linda- I'll bet the shawl you are going to make for yourself will be beautiful! All of your work is!!!


Marlene- What two colors are you going to use for your RR?


Julie- WTG on getting some where with the Radiology dept!!! And, the big question of the day- did you have CAKE? and if so, what kind?


Sheila- i would never pay $200.00 to have stitches removed- and a nurse can do that- and as i see by your later post so can you!!!!:)


Cindy- After spending all day cleaning at your DD's yesterday, I would opt to relax today. Which is what I hope you did


Cheeria- Hope all went well with your blood work today


Marisa- Well your Flyers have now tied the series and it's down to game 7 tomorrow night! My DD is having a fit- How could the Bruins let the Flyers win 3 in a row? Sorry to hear you have to wait till Monday to get your yarn but I'm sure you'll keep busy with your other projects!!


I think I'm going to try the hexagons on Attic24 site tonight. See how I like them...I'm having such a hard time deciding on what I want to work on :think:think I have a lot of Homespun too and love the way Judy's RR turned out- I think I'm just anxious to try another one since the first one I did came out wonky.


Oh, well, better go figure out what to eat. Also waiting for a painter to show up with estimate to fix the water marks on the ceiling from the ice maker leak ...BBL


Hugs to all:hug

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LeAnna, sounds nice..going to a crochet group. Have fun.


Tab, what a relief to hear that it's "just a cyst"!


I am home alone. Not certain what I'm going to do tonight yet, but I think it will be something crafty. I might get out my sewing machine, and work some on the quilt I've been working in for the past year or two. Dh is talking about buying a camper and the quilt theme is outdoorsy, so it would be good for a camper.


Sheila, WTG in getting those stitches out.


Linda, looking forward to seeing your shawl.

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Cindy - enjoy your craft time this evening:c9


Joanne....they Yankees were FLAT! I think they just need to get home to the Stadium.

And about wonky RRs. I was 3/4ths done when I realized that I had one more stitch on one side of the peak than the other.

What did I do? I added a couple of extra dc stitches in a couple of sections, but otherwise left it alone. Homespun is very forgiving...not like RHSS at all. Give it a shot!

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I opted for a chocolate creamstick today instead of cake -- I found the best little bakeshop,and those creamstick are like taking a bite of heaven .


They also have beautiful cakes in there -- will sometime have to get one and sample it too .


Maybe a small SHEET cake ..( about a Queen sized SHEET .... )

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