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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good morning and Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers in the House!!


The game was lots of fun- especially since the Yankees won 14-3!!! Wasn't sure if the game was going to go off- but it did- with a slight rain delay in the middle as Judy mentioned. All in all a fun time and then afterwards we went to dinner- youngest DD wanted Thai food- and it was delicious!!!


Julie- Hugs to you my friend- and I agree with all those who mentioned that Cleveland Clinic may just give you the answers! I applaud your doctor for knowing when to refer to a world-renowned facility!! I hope you got to enjoy some time with Cam yesterday!!


Marisa- Thanks! The game was awesome and our seats for behind home plate about 1/2 way up- and when it rained we stayed dry!!! And kudos to your Flyers for beating the Bruins Friday night- but we'll see about Monday night's game!! LOL


Judy- Not sure what happened with Aceves- one minute he's pitching the next he is out of the game with back ache? We'll be watching the game tonight- but since it doesn't start till 8- don't think we'll see the whole thing- DD has work tomorrow and we have our ride home in the morning.


Linda, Tab, Cindy, Sheila, Cheeria, Tammy and everyone in the House- Have a wonderful, RELAXING Sunday!!!!!

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Just going to say Happy Mother's Day everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful day. We are having a cook out at my sister's, wish it would be warmer out though.

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Good morning everyone. Happy mothers day to all the mom's out there. My children got me three hanging baskets for my front porch. (I was wondering why dh hadn't suggested going to the nursery to buy some yet, usually he wants to get them really early.) I put them in the garage last night, and I'm glad I did, it's 28 degrees outside at the moment and there is frost on the ground.


No big plans for today here. Dd and family were here last night.


Be back later....

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Thank you for the Mothers Day wishes...same back at ya!!:hug

Jules, I'm so glad you get to see Cam so much.:hug

Judy- Not sure what happened with Aceves- one minute he's pitching the next he is out of the game with back ache? We'll be watching the game tonight- but since it doesn't start till 8- don't think we'll see the whole thing- DD has work tomorrow and we have our ride home in the morning.

They said he has chronic back problems - I know when I caught my foot on a hole in my yard my back was barking at me for the rest of the day - so I totally understand.

Have a safe trip home tomorrow!

Good morning everyone. Happy mothers day to all the mom's out there. My children got me three hanging baskets for my front porch. (I was wondering why dh hadn't suggested going to the nursery to buy some yet, usually he wants to get them really early.) I put them in the garage last night, and I'm glad I did, it's 28 degrees outside at the moment and there is frost on the ground.


No big plans for today here. Dd and family were here last night.


Be back later....

We had temps int he 40's last night...not what you had, tg! No rain, though, which means I'll have to water this morning.

We got up late - off to have some breakfast....

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Howdy ladies

We had Cam spend the night, so I need to get him some breakfast . Not sure what the rest of the day will hold, but probably not much .

These days are not good for us -- we have 3 kids. I get no card, flower or email from any of them,so it is a depressing day for me,so I like to just refer to it as another day ..


I DO send gifts and a card to my mom, and I call her ,so my duties to her are fulfilled .


I also got a beautiful hanging basket of pink flowers from Steph, so at least SHE remembers the day,although none of my kids do . Pretty sad .


Well, on to other stuff ... this is too depressing .


I have worked some more on the brown ripple --also some other little odds and ends .

I need to get organized with some of this stuff .Too many irons in the fire, so to speak .


You all have a good day today -- I'll check back in later on .

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Jules, I won't go into my son's idea of how to spend Mother's day with me...but I WILL see him...he'll be here a very short time and then go off and do his thing...meanwhile I'll act like whatever crumbs of attention I get are perfect because he just doens't "get" it - and we have both tried talking to him over the years. He's not malicious....just continually inappropriate in his social skills,

I empathize with you...but Stephanie is sweet:yes

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Good Morning Ladies and Happy Mother's Day again,


I called my mom when I woke up this morning.....and I was first!! :clap My sister will surely not forget and my bro and his fam live in Az so are 3 hours behind us right now, so that worked to my advantage. I won't see her today though :( However, we did spend last weekend together and next weekend they're going out to Pitt to visit my sis (I debating on heading out myself), so they had a lot to get done this weekend anyway. I gave her new flatware....hers did not match and she's talked about having matching flatware for as long as I can remember. She was boasting this morning about how nice it looked in the drawer :rofl


I have some things to do before I can get hooking. Sheets are in the laundry, I'm going to flip the mattress and change the skirt and bedspread to my summer set. I have a spot on my couch I want to try and clean :( as well as the back seat of my car. I left the windows open last week and it rained so now there's a water spot I want to get rid of :eek I also need to clean my turtles, but that involves going to pet smart to get what I need, so we'll see if I make it there....I might be able to get around it, I did all my running yesterday so I wouldn't have to leave the house today.....Mother's Day is always sooooo hectic on the outer world :yes


I will get a pic up for y'all in a bit.


Joanne - I love Thai food!!! You had awesome seats for the game :cheer and we'll see what my Flyers bring on monday, I was shocked they pulled the last one out :lol


Marlene - Have fun at your cookout!!!


Cindy - I glad you didn't ask hubby about the baskets or else you might have caught on to the surprise ;)


Julie - Sorry you won't hear from your kids today, but we can fill in and send you plenty of Mother's Day wishes!!! I know it's not the same, but we do what we can :D


Judy - Your son sounds funny ;) Enjoy the little bit of time you get to see him before he goes off doing his own thing. Boys are just like that with certain things. My bro has great social skills, but still totally misses the little things!! :lol

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Morning Marisa

I'm glad your mom is admiring her flatware in the drawer .Wonder if she has used it yet, or just keeps it in there so it looks nice ?


Sounds like you have a busy day ahead of you with lots of chores. I should do some myself, but I have to wait til the mood hits me .


And I'd be thrilled to call you my daughter -- you sound like a really kind,caring person .


(Scoot over Tab , you have to share now )


Tab always says she wishes I was her mom . I'd be proud to have her as a daughter too .

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Good morning everyone and Happy Mother's Day. :hug We are off to a slow start. I overslept by half an hour. John will be home about mid afternoon and he's picking up food for supper. Not sure what, but it'll be good. I have cleaning, straightening, and laundry to do after he gets home in preperation for his folks' visit. But that's for later. I'm going to take it easy until then.


Julie - :hug:hug:hug We're here for you. I haven't heard from my son in years now and the last time I heard from him it was awful. So all in all it's better that I don't hear from him. It hurts though. Especially since we were so close all the way through his high school years. Oh well. :sigh

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Morning Every One and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all. I had a great time in New York and I must have eaten too much for I woke up with a tummy ache but I still went to church. I am suppose to have lunch today with DD and my son-in-law so my hello to you will be brief. Once lunch is over I am hoping to come home and do whatever I want to do like knit, relax, take a nap etc.... for today is Mommy Day Yipeeee :cheer:cheer:cheer BBL

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Yep, know what you mean about your son .I guess we all have our crosses to bear ,and some of them are mighty hard to keep on carrying ,aren't they ?

Sometimes it might be best if we just lay them down and go on without them, which is kinda what I have been trying to learn to do .


It's hard, but it's the only way I'll be able to function is to learn to let it go .

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Well Ladies,


I finished the sheets and made the bed with all the summer fixins ;) Cleaned the turtle, couch, and car :D Scrubed the kitchen, which I ALWAYS do after the turtles. Now going to get a workout in then shower....after that I'm good to sit and chill with my hook and some tv for the REST of the day!!!! :yay Oooooo, I'm soo excited ;) Then I will get my pic up as well.....wish I could crochet on my eliptical, but it doesn't work so well :(

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Boy Marisa

I need you at my house -- you could get all my work done so fast !


And I don't have any turtles to clean, so it'd save you some time,if you leave out the turtle-cleaning !


Have fun crocheting -- that's what I am doing too -- just took Cam home a little bit ago .

So, I have the rest of the day to do what I want .. may have to finish some laundry, bt it's no big deal .

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Yep Julie, got a lot done and you're right, the turtle job takes me a good hour!! :D Worked out (started a book on the eliptical), showered, took out the trash, updated the maps on my garmin (ooooo, and gave him a new voice and vehicle :lol), finishing up lunch/dinner...it's an awkward time so will probably just have something snackish later. Then to the tv to watch the phillies (game already started) and crochet. But, I wanted to put up a couple pics....I always miss fridays :(



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Nice work Marisa. I like all the colors.


Julie, Linda, and Judy, sorry that Mother's Day is disappointing to you.


I've had a very quiet day, listening to a book, while crocheting and embroidering.

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Very pretty, Marisa.


It's not that bad, Judy. My ex forgot Mother's day more often than he remembered it, too. But I'm okay with it now. John me my favorite Chinese food for supper.


I ran some errands and got three pairs of pants that fit, as most of mine are now too big. :hug It's nice to get new clothes, but pants in particular are a pain to find that actually fit. I usually have to try on 10 to get 2 that fit. Today it was 5 for 3 so much better than usual. Also found some material, some books, an Oriental vase, and an Oriental tea set.

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:hug:hug:hug from me to all of you!!!


We went to Harvard Square and in /out of shops and spent a while in Harvard Book Store - they have a great downstairs "bargain" section and I bought a book- Cozy Crochet- it has some cute patterns in it.


We then went to a place called Kick A** cupcakes and each got a cupcake for dessert tonight- Mine is chocolate/chocolate. My DD had brought her flash drive with her and made copies of her power point presentation for class tomorrow night and had to make copies of other things. Well, she left the bag with the copies at the Kick A** cupcake store, but we thought she left it on the bus- so we were running after the bus in vain (and I thought I was going to die:lol) I then called the cupcake store and thankfully that is where she had left it- so we got in my car and drove there and all is well! I don't know what she would have done if it wasn't there and was on the bus!!! So all's well that ends well.


Hope everyone has a good evening!:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Very pretty photos ! I like how it is turning out ! And boy, you are very efficient with your time and get a lot accomplished .


Cindy- thanks, but it's ok -- the day is almost done now. I do better if I just think of it as a plain old sunday ...


And tomorrow is another day,so we can just move on .



Linda- it sounds like you had a great shopping trip and found some neat stuff ! :applause


Joanne- I'm glad you guys found the paperwork your girl left at the cupcake store.

If I would have been there, I would have intentionally left stuff there about 7 times, so I could get just one more cupcake for the road .


I wonder how they came up with that name. I'm wondering if you eat enough of them, maybe you'd be big and strong enough to kick someone's a** ?


Tell us about how special those cupcakes were :

Are they BIGGER than regular ones ? :dreaming

More frosting ?

More flavors ? :badidea

Did you send a dozen to my address ?

If not , why ?

I'd pay you back for them, promise .

Did they have any with the big frosting roses on them ? :nworthy

Doggone, and we don't even have any HoHos in the house tonite .

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But, I wanted to put up a couple pics....I always miss fridays :(

Lovely work! Is this from a pattern or something you're making up? I don't remember if you said...

It's not that bad, Judy. My ex forgot Mother's day more often than he remembered it, too. But I'm okay with it now. John me my favorite Chinese food for supper.


I ran some errands and got three pairs of pants that fit, as most of mine are now too big. :hug It's nice to get new clothes, but pants in particular are a pain to find that actually fit. I usually have to try on 10 to get 2 that fit. Today it was 5 for 3 so much better than usual. Also found some material, some books, an Oriental vase, and an Oriental tea set.

Sounds like you had a very nice day...:yes:hug


And my day turned out better than I had anticipated.... DS stayed here for longer than I thought he would, so it ended up being a peaceful time.

I was prepared to accept however it went...I have to remember to always think that way, so whatever happens I'll be fine with things.


Cindy - I now am the proud owner of a potted orchid! DS got it from Whole Foods - and it came with directions! I'm glad it did....it's much too pretty for me to experiment on. It has 4 light purple blooms on it and lots of buds.

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:hug:hug:hug from me to all of you!!!


We went to Harvard Square and in /out of shops and spent a while in Harvard Book Store - they have a great downstairs "bargain" section and I bought a book- Cozy Crochet- it has some cute patterns in it.


We then went to a place called Kick A** cupcakes and each got a cupcake for dessert tonight- Mine is chocolate/chocolate. My DD had brought her flash drive with her and made copies of her power point presentation for class tomorrow night and had to make copies of other things. Well, she left the bag with the copies at the Kick A** cupcake store, but we thought she left it on the bus- so we were running after the bus in vain (and I thought I was going to die:lol) I then called the cupcake store and thankfully that is where she had left it- so we got in my car and drove there and all is well! I don't know what she would have done if it wasn't there and was on the bus!!! So all's well that ends well.


Hope everyone has a good evening!:hug:hug:hug:hug

what a wonderful - and LUCKY - day!

Happy Mommies day to everyone!!

You're sweet:hug

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Hubby loves the RR I'm making from Homespun...looks like that one will stay home here when it's done - but my stash doesn't have enough matching colors so if I want to make it bigger I may have to make a yarn run this week:lol


'nite ladies. I'll see you all in the morning.:hug:manyheart

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Julie, Linda, and Judy, sorry that Mother's Day is disappointing to you.


I've had a very quiet day, listening to a book, while crocheting and embroidering.

It ended up turning out okay...when I was prepared for the worse:P


It sounds like you had a perfect day! Monday is around the corner again - and way too fast...


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