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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi everyone! I got our taxes done today. Get a refund from one and owe the other. Glad it's done for another year.

The sweater I was making for Maya and thought all I would have to do is put it together when I got home we didn't like the sleeves so I started another one last night. Hopefully the pattern is right and no problems with it. I need it by saturday for the wedding.

A long time friend of mine her Mom passed away this week and I didn't think I was going to be able to go to the memorial service, but things have changed in my favor. The wedding is saturday and the memorial service is saturday and there wasn't no way I could go until my sil called today and wanted to know what time we would be getting to her house. She asked if we would come later as they would be running some errands. I asked her to call her Mom and let her know she was the one changing the time. Hubbys Mom is riding with us and wanted to know a month ago what time I was leaving. I was still in Texas at that time and it was the furthest thing from my mind. God works things out in mysterous ways.

I'll be working on Maya's sweater here shortly before I go to bed. Tomorrow I need to do some cleaning around the house and finish the laundry up and pack for the weekend. We'll be going to Maya's house friday and spend the night it saves an hour drive on saturday and getting ready is much easier. Computer is doing some funny things so I'm going to go crochet. Hope everyone has a nice night!

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Hi everyone! I got our taxes done today. Get a refund from one and owe the other. Glad it's done for another year.

The sweater I was making for Maya and thought all I would have to do is put it together when I got home we didn't like the sleeves so I started another one last night. Hopefully the pattern is right and no problems with it. I need it by saturday for the wedding.

A long time friend of mine her Mom passed away this week and I didn't think I was going to be able to go to the memorial service, but things have changed in my favor. The wedding is saturday and the memorial service is saturday and there wasn't no way I could go until my sil called today and wanted to know what time we would be getting to her house. She asked if we would come later as they would be running some errands. I asked her to call her Mom and let her know she was the one changing the time. Hubbys Mom is riding with us and wanted to know a month ago what time I was leaving. I was still in Texas at that time and it was the furthest thing from my mind. God works things out in mysterous ways.

I'll be working on Maya's sweater here shortly before I go to bed. Tomorrow I need to do some cleaning around the house and finish the laundry up and pack for the weekend. We'll be going to Maya's house friday and spend the night it saves an hour drive on saturday and getting ready is much easier. Computer is doing some funny things so I'm going to go crochet. Hope everyone has a nice night!

Have a great weekend, Marlene.


I'm about half way around the flannelghan for the first round. Kim was a pistol at the nail place. She fought them every finger and toe. Wriggled like mad with her feet and grabbed their hands with her good hand and wouldn't let go and in general was very, very uncooperative. It took two hours! The hardest session in the last five and half years. I'm not at all sure what was going on. I'm tired.

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Did you say Quilt ghanS ???:think


How many do you have to do ???:D

I have two small ones in the works! :whew


Hello Housemates!

Mary- the colors of my large granny are RHSS in Buff, Windsor Blue and Bay Print variegeted (I really like the color combo) More pics on Photo Friday! Glad to hear that MIL is ok!


Julie and Tam- I'll be anxious to see the results of your 4X4XFriday- that's only 2 days away!!:eek

heheehe... me too......... :hook


Hi, there, House mates!

We had a great time with our friends...but, as always, the visit went way too fast. Hopefully we'll see them in another month or so. They only live just over an hour away, but are busy people.


Not this week, but I'll join you guys next week. I need to get something done on the ATW or it'll sit here as a pattern strip with only 2 pattern designs on it forever!


Off for tonight. I did finish the baby face cloths while waiting for our friends to get here, so one small project down at least.

CU all tomorrow:hug:manyheart

:yay.......... it will be fun... I'm so glad you'll play along next week!


HiYa Jude and Joanne-

I'm gonna sign off in here too. My girl is on messenger now they arrived in Korea,so am talking to her on messenger .


See you all tomorrow .



TAM -- got 4 squares done out of my 12 so far !

:yay............good job!

:hook......... I have 8 squares done on one of my quilt'ghans!


Hi everyone! I got our taxes done today. Get a refund from one and owe the other. Glad it's done for another year.

The sweater I was making for Maya and thought all I would have to do is put it together when I got home we didn't like the sleeves so I started another one last night. Hopefully the pattern is right and no problems with it. I need it by saturday for the wedding.

A long time friend of mine her Mom passed away this week and I didn't think I was going to be able to go to the memorial service, but things have changed in my favor. The wedding is saturday and the memorial service is saturday and there wasn't no way I could go until my sil called today and wanted to know what time we would be getting to her house. She asked if we would come later as they would be running some errands. I asked her to call her Mom and let her know she was the one changing the time. Hubbys Mom is riding with us and wanted to know a month ago what time I was leaving. I was still in Texas at that time and it was the furthest thing from my mind. God works things out in mysterous ways.

I'll be working on Maya's sweater here shortly before I go to bed. Tomorrow I need to do some cleaning around the house and finish the laundry up and pack for the weekend. We'll be going to Maya's house friday and spend the night it saves an hour drive on saturday and getting ready is much easier. Computer is doing some funny things so I'm going to go crochet. Hope everyone has a nice night!

My gracious! :hug Bless your heart!







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Hope that everyone had a good day. well little bit a good news supposely my DH will be getting some pay from when he and the rest of his crew on second shift were send home earlier or called and told not to come in. Since the plant is closing they were told that from march 20th to may 28th they would be getting 40 hour checks well my husband and rest of his crew have been trying to make ends meet on 30 or less hours and corp didnt know that this office has been short changing this crew so hopefully corp keeps there word today and writes out some checks! :lol

so not much in crocheting.. geesh feel like I am so behind.. oh well. another day another hook :lol

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Yep, it's 2 a.m. and I'm wide awake. I have to be up at 6, so I would put on some of Tam's coffee - if I liked coffee. :lol


Mary- that's great about your MIL . Sometimes those really old people are so strong ! My last uncle is like that -- had every illness known to man and we keep thinking he won't be able to fight THIS one off, but every one, he pulls through ,then inda says : OK, life, what's next ?

He is TOUGH .



Tam -the 4x4 Friday sounds like a good idea to me . Let's see if we can get one made by THIS Friday .

Think you can do it ? VERY short notice !!!


And the more the merrier, everyone who wants to play along can .



PS- MARY -- I have been meaning to ask you if anyone still does the saltine thing you keep count of ?


If not ,you may as well drop it ,unless someone is still playing along with that one .

Either way is fine .

Thanks for the kind words about MIL. :) Yes! I still have the saltine scorecard on my computer. If anyone is interested, I'll be glad to keep it going...or we can start over! Just let me know what you think. :yes


Oh....... feisty arent you?! Okay... I'm up for the challenge.... 4x4x(this)Friday! You're on...............:hook

I sure hope more want to play along next week......... I think it would be fun to see how we end up doing! I tell ya... I need something to get my backside in gear to get these quilt'ghans done!!!!






I joined a 9 x 3 square section last night...does that count? :D


Hello Housemates!

Mary- the colors of my large granny are RHSS in Buff, Windsor Blue and Bay Print variegeted (I really like the color combo) More pics on Photo Friday! Glad to hear that MIL is ok!

Wonderful colors! :yarn Thanks for thinking about MIL. :manyheart


Hi, there, House mates!

We had a great time with our friends...but, as always, the visit went way too fast. Hopefully we'll see them in another month or so. They only live just over an hour away, but are busy people.

I'm glad you had a good visit with your friends. :yes

Have a great weekend, Marlene.


I'm about half way around the flannelghan for the first round. Kim was a pistol at the nail place. She fought them every finger and toe. Wriggled like mad with her feet and grabbed their hands with her good hand and wouldn't let go and in general was very, very uncooperative. It took two hours! The hardest session in the last five and half years. I'm not at all sure what was going on. I'm tired.

:hug What a day! I hope Kim is calmer for you today. :hug


Hope that everyone had a good day. well little bit a good news supposely my DH will be getting some pay from when he and the rest of his crew on second shift were send home earlier or called and told not to come in. Since the plant is closing they were told that from march 20th to may 28th they would be getting 40 hour checks well my husband and rest of his crew have been trying to make ends meet on 30 or less hours and corp didnt know that this office has been short changing this crew so hopefully corp keeps there word today and writes out some checks! :lol

so not much in crocheting.. geesh feel like I am so behind.. oh well. another day another hook :lol

Oh, that's wonderful news! I hope the checks come through soon. :manyheart

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Good morning!


Linda- I hope things go a little smoother today at the hairdresser with Kim. You speak of Kim and John often in your posts, but I don't know the storyline. You are making great progress on the flannel'gan:clap


Sheila- that is good news about the checks- fingers crossed and positive thoughts coming your way that they start coming through!


Marlene- Have a good time at the wedding. sorry about your friends mom.


Tam- Not one by two quilt'ghan's in progress? Wow is all I can say!!:hook


Mary- Doesn't that stink when you wake up and can't get back to sleep- especially when you have to get up early? Isn't that always the way? I hope that you aren't too tired today- and coffee really is a wonderful thing!


Julie- Cheering you on to get some saltines done today!!! :cheer You can do it!:cheer


Judy- Hope you have a good day today.


Marisa- Well, your Flyers beat my Devils last night- but we'll get even Friday night! (at least the Devils better win Friday night):devil


I got 2 more rows done on the large granny and looks like yarn is running low. It's about 38 rows now- when the yarn is gone, the ghan will be considered done :lol


To anyone I may have missed- make it a good Thursday :)

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Good morning House -

Hope this finds you all well today .


Linda- Sorry you had such a difficult time with Kim . I wonder why she didn't like getting all that done ?

I probably wouldn't either, but only because I'm not much of a makeup-fingernail-fancy hairdo person .


Sheila- hope your husband gets his extra check -I'm sure it'd definitely come in handy !:)


Tam-- I believe I made a deal with a Livewire--- you're gonna have 82 saltines made by tomorrow,and I'll have 16 .... I just know it. :lol


Mary- sorry you weren't able to sleep last night. I hate nights like that-- makes you feel so tired all the next day . Hope you can maybe get a chance to tap a catnap today sometime .



Is anyone still playing the Saltine Scoring that Mary was keeping track of ?

Linda, or anyone else ?


If no one else is still doing it, we can drop it now so Mary doesn't have to keep track any longer .

I don't mind either way ,but if no one wants to do it ,then we'll drop it now .




As for what's new here, my girl and family made it to Korea all in one piece. I didnt mention it and tried not thinking about it -- 6 of my grandkids ,my girl and her husband all on a PLANE together for 10 hours straight ?


WOW. Too scarey, so I just told myself today they are going to Korea,and tried not thinking about their MODE of TRANSPORTATION .

Scares the life out of me.


Thankfully they made it ok -- she sent a few photos of what it looks like over there-- just from her window. They are BEAT .. a LONG ride with lots of kids-- it was quite the challenge keeping them occupied .


Anyhow, they are there now for at least 2 years, but up to 4 -- it'll all depend on what her husband decides about signing up for longer .


They were served SEAWEED SOUP on the plane . Can you imagine ?


Well, off to get my 16-saltine block made. Gotta have it done by tomorrow . :yes

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Good morning, House mates! It's another sunny day in NJ....


HiYa Jude and Joanne-

I'm gonna sign off in here too. My girl is on messenger now they arrived in Korea,so am talking to her on messenger .

Wow....instant reassurance! Think of the old days, when mail took weeks...I can't imagine the anxiety...

Hi everyone! I got our taxes done today. Get a refund from one and owe the other. Glad it's done for another year.

The sweater I was making for Maya and thought all I would have to do is put it together when I got home we didn't like the sleeves so I started another one last night. Hopefully the pattern is right and no problems with it. I need it by saturday for the wedding.

A long time friend of mine her Mom passed away this week and I didn't think I was going to be able to go to the memorial service, but things have changed in my favor. The wedding is saturday and the memorial service is saturday and there wasn't no way I could go until my sil called today and wanted to know what time we would be getting to her house. She asked if we would come later as they would be running some errands. I asked her to call her Mom and let her know she was the one changing the time. Hubbys Mom is riding with us and wanted to know a month ago what time I was leaving. I was still in Texas at that time and it was the furthest thing from my mind. God works things out in mysterous ways.

I'll be working on Maya's sweater here shortly before I go to bed. Tomorrow I need to do some cleaning around the house and finish the laundry up and pack for the weekend. We'll be going to Maya's house friday and spend the night it saves an hour drive on saturday and getting ready is much easier. Computer is doing some funny things so I'm going to go crochet. Hope everyone has a nice night!

I'm glad things are working out on one score, anyway: one happy occasion and one sad - and in the same day!:hug


I hope the sweater pattern works out this time:hook


Have a great weekend, Marlene.


I'm about half way around the flannelghan for the first round. Kim was a pistol at the nail place. She fought them every finger and toe. Wriggled like mad with her feet and grabbed their hands with her good hand and wouldn't let go and in general was very, very uncooperative. It took two hours! The hardest session in the last five and half years. I'm not at all sure what was going on. I'm tired.

she may be keyed up over the big weekend ahread...I hope today goes better:hug

Hope that everyone had a good day. well little bit a good news supposely my DH will be getting some pay from when he and the rest of his crew on second shift were send home earlier or called and told not to come in. Since the plant is closing they were told that from march 20th to may 28th they would be getting 40 hour checks well my husband and rest of his crew have been trying to make ends meet on 30 or less hours and corp didnt know that this office has been short changing this crew so hopefully corp keeps there word today and writes out some checks! :lol

so not much in crocheting.. geesh feel like I am so behind.. oh well. another day another hook :lol

That's good news!

Have a good day and I hope you get some hook time:hug

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Hey guys

Forgot to say,tomorrow is Photo Friday,so get ready !!!

At least I'll have a little something to show this week:lol

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:sun……… Good Morning House :mug

Sheila……. Good news about hubby! :U I hope you find time to spend with your hook today…….. :hook

9x3…….. you bet Mary!! :hug

LOL…Joanne……… both the quilt’ghans are fairly small. Unless I end up adding on……LOL

Oh Julie……… I think it’s the excitement of a challenge that has kicked me into gear! :hook I do think this will be fun though… and the goal of the 4x4xFriday isn’t unreachable…. Ya know?

Oh yeah…….. photo Friday…….. hmmm…. I’ll have to post a little later in the day so that I can show my 4x4xFriday progress :hook

Have a wonderful day all.

We’re off to Patrick’s first Track Meet this afternoon.



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Well ladies, if I had a saltine project going then I would join the 4x4 friday group, but I'll have to watch y'all from the sidelines on this one :yes


Joanne - way to go flyers and better luck to yours on friday. Flyers won, Phillies won, and of course the 76ers lost! But, on a better note....Eddie Jordan is fired! Now hopefully with a new coach, the 76ers can get somewhere next year ;)


I was halfway done with one golf club cover and have to start over :( I pulled it tight intentionally thinking that if he gets caught in the rain, it won't seep through.....Bad idea because now there's no give to get it around the head :( **** Such is life, ya live and you learn! Hopefully this one will work out better.


Yesterday was crazy busy all day and I anticipate a rough day today since the second chiro in my office will be out sick, which only leaves me to see everyone :( It's gonna be a long day and I already can't wait to get home and have a drink! LOL

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Marisa, have a good day! Like DS, I'm sure you're grateful for the fact that the recession never did seem to hit the profession hard.


Tam, I hope Patrick and the team do well at the track meet.


CU all later on!

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Morning group--



yea, my fear of airplanes made me more worried than anything. 10 hours of them on a plane, that close to the terrible crash the other day in Poland . SCAREY .



It'll be the family's first trip to a foreign country. Her husband has been sent there twice,also to Iraq,Saudia Arabia and Afghanistan .



*Looking forward to tomorrow photos !



Tam -- Just a note -- I am putting my last 4 saltines on my block ,so I will have my 16 done .

Brave enough to ratchet up the stakes even higher, or you wanna stay where we are ?


Loser has to buy the winner a candy bar ?





If your profession was something a little less Professional & Important ( like a drive-thru McD worker ), I'd just tell you to bring a jug of something to work if you need a stiff drink .

Probably wouldn't be wise at ANY job, but especially not yours .

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aww........ Thanks Judy! I'll pass that on to Patrick!


Oh Julie....... you are ornery!! :U

Okay.......... lets go!!! Candy Bar huh? I could deal with a candy bar! Chocolate goes great with Coffee! :)





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Good morning, everyone. Another sunny day in the neighborhood. No real rain in sight to wash away all the pollen. :sigh Guess I'll just have to stay inside as much as possible and let the a/c take care of it.


Shiela, I hope the checks come through as promised. Got my fingers crossed.


I've got my own ideas about why Kim didn't want her nails done, but don't really know. It could well be related to the wedding.


Julie, I'm glad they made it safe to Korea. Actually, seaweed soup is supposed to be very good. :lol And good for you.


I've got the saltines crocheted for another 4x4 block for the dragonghan, it's just not together yet. I'll have to see what I can do about that.


For those of you who are new. John and Kim are the couple that I live with. Kim has had three major strokes and needs lots of assistance with her "activities of daily living." She needs assistance in and out of bed and the chair and walking. She needs her meals fixed for her. I give her her meds and breathing treatments. She needs help washing her hair and taking a shower, etc. I answered an ad in the newspaper 5 1/2 years ago and have been living with them ever since. They foreclosed on my home the day that I started working for them full time. I'm on duty whenever John is at work or away from home. It's been a good arrangement for all of us. Kim and I are good buddies now and she keeps a close eye on all my handwork and makes sure everything matches the patterns. She also helps pick out the colors for various projects. She can't speak but communicates well non-verbally. There aren't many times when I can't figure out what she's trying to tell me. And she's super at directions on where to turn to get somewhere. We go out to lunch and people watching with fair regularity. I've improved her nutrition and she has regained some of the movement in her right arm, wrist, and hand. I take her to most of her medical appointments, something none of her other caregivers did. John has been able to do things that weren't possible before, too. I am the 10th caregiver they have had and only the 3rd to last a year. The only one to last longer than a year. The fact that I'm a former RN has helped, too. I wasn't in the best shape when I started with them and have done a lot of healing since then. I'm in a much better place now emotionally and physically. Anyway, we're now a family with every intention of remaining so in the foreseeable future.


I need to get busy with my hook. :hook See you all later.

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Good morning everyone...just checking in to be checking in...I'm outta here in a bit to go visit some friends and tomorrow I'll be going in for my root canal (fun...) Have pics of the crocheted stuff that I got last week and of Serenghetti playing out in the front yard. Finished the yellow babyghan (that the pattern was the cover project on the recent issue of Crochet World...) and have made several of Ginger's shoes for Relay and have sold 2 of them so far...


Hope all is well with you all and I'll chat with you all later.

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We're back home again. Kim didn't fuss during her haircut at all. It went so smoothly, I went ahead and had mine cut as well. Then we had lunch at Captain D's. I picked up paper, ribbon, and a card for the wedding on the way home. Now to get that thing finished, washed and wrapped. :hook I rally didn't expect for this to come down to the wire, but then again, I had the arthritis in my hands act up more than expected, too.

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Hi Linda

I'm glad your day went smoother today ,and you got to get lunch out AND a new hairdo for you too !


Your poor hands, those FG's are really rough on them, and you did TWO, back to back, so no wonder your hands are bothering you .


Now that it's about ready to be wrapped up,maybe you can take a break from them before trying any more .

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Hi, gals....

I spent my day going through some old crochet mags and deciding which patterns I wanted out of them...that, and watching some landscaping being done in our back yard. I'm glad I took before pics...and they still have more to do!

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Hi everyone!


Linda- Thanks for the storyline! And I'm so glad that things went better today! Good for you getting your hair cut too! I think that is really neat that you have lasted in the position so long- I'm sure it's really good for Kim- having stability- and glad that you are all a family!!!


Marisa- I liked Eddie Jordan- (I'm a Rutgers grad and he is too) but i agree, it was a time for a change in coaching for the 76'ers. Good luck with the golf covers- and hope your day wasn't too rough!


Julie- Glad to hear that you daughter and family made it safely to Korea- I am sure you were worried sick- maybe that is why you had upper GI problems the other day? Just a thought! Having internet and messenger is wonderful


Judy- new landscaping- how exciting! And sounds like a relaxing day going through old crochet mags!


LeAnna- good luck with the root canal tomorrow and hope you had a nice day with friends today- You sound like you have been very busy with hook and yarn!


Well, I'm going to go check dinner and I'll be back in a little while!

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Hi Jude



Sounds like you'll have a beautiful yard when done ! Gonna show us some photos when it's complete ?




Hi Joanne - Yea, we are used to our girl being far away from home. She started school at 4 yrs old, then went out of state to college at 17 -- so she has been living far away for many years now .


I have a DEATHLY fear of airplanes ,so that's the part I have trouble with .

I miss seeing them ,but am used to them living far off,and visits being far between .


It's just the AIRPLANE part . I have no clue why I am petrified of airplanes. Never been on one, and never will . I'd rather wear a rattlesnake necklace than ride an airplane .


I honestly can't even WATCH a plane on tv ,taking off or landing .


I'm just ODD ... :yes:eek:think

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