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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good Morning House Mates :coffee


Once again, I'm catching up on posts. Yesterday was a busy day and the last home 76er game, which of course they lost. I sure hope they get a new coach for next season as well as some other changes. But, now it's time for the Phillies although I do not have season passes for them so I should have an easier time keeping up at least for a while :D


I found a pattern for the gold clubs which I started yesterday during my lunch break :)


Cheeria - I will keep you, your daughter, and your unborn grandbaby in my prayers - sending you hugs!


Judy - WTG on the garage, that's such an accomplishment


Joanne - Good luck with your organization process ;)


I actually also organized all my yarn on sunday, I have quite a bit, but not near as much as you Judy


Julie - good job on the dishcloths and good luck coming up with a suitable idea for the boy ;)


Linda - congrats on the new laptop. And if the mouse really bothers you, you can hook up a regular one to it. I had a laptop for years and always used a regular mouse since I couldn't be bothered using the little pad :(


Tam - cute breakfast you got going on there ;)


Gotta run to get ready for work and I'm meeting my coworkers for bfast first since it's our late day today :)


Have a great day everyone!!!

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Morning Marisa -

I'm glad you found the pattern you were searching for ,and also getting your yarn organized. Yesterday must've been the day to do that --since all you guys did it .


Now I need to get mine organized,but good luck . I always THINK I'm organized, til I start searching the house, then I find things stuffed here and there all over the place ..

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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


Cheeria, your daughter and grandbaby are in my thoughts and prayers. :hug


When it rains, it pours...MIL is back in the hospital. Son-in-law injured his back and is having a MRI this a.m. I'm leaving now to take DD and Luke to their doctor's appointment, since she's not driving yet.


Can't wait to have some time with you all and with my hook and yarn! :manyheart

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Morning, everyone. I'm not really all that with it yet. Thanks for all the compliments on the material for the quilt. I hope to start it this weekend.


Prayers going out to your families, Cheeria and Mary. :hug :hug :hug


My yarn isn't nearly as organized as the rest of you it seems. But I do have like kinds together. It's all either in tubs or on shelves. They're marked as "specialty yarns" or the projects they're for. One is marked as "Painted Desert" and another as "yarn for RRs for S & DIL." Things like that.


John left for the airport at about 8:00 this morning. Won't be back until late Thursday. I have to get Kim to the dentist this afternoon and to get a haircut and her nails done before he returns so she's all set for the wedding. It will be a bit busy but not too bad, all things considered.

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Linda, I hope your afternoon goes smoothly...


When it rains, it pours...MIL is back in the hospital. Son-in-law injured his back and is having a MRI this a.m. I'm leaving now to take DD and Luke to their doctor's appointment, since she's not driving yet.


Can't wait to have some time with you all and with my hook and yarn! :manyheart

Oh, Mary:hug:manyheart Take care of yourself....you are the rock of the family!


Off to watch the Yankee pre game ceremonies:clap

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Hi House Thank you so much for the positive thoughts and prayers for they worked. They kept my DD over night and ran tests this morning the contractions were stop and she is on her way home now. It is my prayers that my new tiny grandbaby stay warm inside my DD until it is time for his delivery. It was a tense time for all of us. Thank you once again House for it is really Our House :hug

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That is wonderful news. I'm really glad they are both ok .


What about the person who hit her ? Are they ok too,and why'd they hit her,were they not paying attention or what ?


Those car wrecks are scarey,aren't they ?

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Cheeria, that is wonderful news. I'm so happy for all of you.


Julie, I decided to stay home this weekend and have 4 days to myself. It's a 6 hour drive both ways and the back seat of their car is less than comfortable. I always end up with a backache on long trips. Plus, I've been on duty without a break for about 3 weeks now and really need some R&R time. Being home with just the pets and my crafts is sounding so very good. Maybe I'll even get to sleep late, too. :D


Hope things calm down for you soon, Mary.:hug

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Hello, everyone.

Cheeria, glad to hear the good news about your dd and your grandbaby.

Mary, hope things calm down for you soon.

Linda, it sounds like you could use a break.


It was a much quieter day at work today. I couldn't sleep again last night, so I'm really tired. However, I will likely sleep tonight, since I don't have to work tomorrow. It seems like I sleep better, if it doesn't matter whether I sleep or not.

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Jude's getting geared up for the game . Hope the weather where they are playing is better than here. Cold and wet here today .

The sun came out up in the Bronx where they played, but it's in the low 50's here and rainy off and on. The heat is back on:P

Yankees won:D

Being home with just the pets and my crafts is sounding so very good. Maybe I'll even get to sleep late, too. :D

That sounds great!! Doing whatever you want when you want:c9

It seems like I sleep better, if it doesn't matter whether I sleep or not.

I've found that out, too....not such fun....I hope you have a good night:hug

Hi House Thank you so much for the positive thoughts and prayers for they worked. They kept my DD over night and ran tests this morning the contractions were stop and she is on her way home now. It is my prayers that my new tiny grandbaby stay warm inside my DD until it is time for his delivery. It was a tense time for all of us. Thank you once again House for it is really Our House :hug

You're so welcome. We're just glad DD and baby are okay :manyheart

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Quick hello - home from work- dinner is almost ready and I'll be back to read all the posts of the day when I'm done with dinner.


Listened to the end of the Yankee game on my way home from work-


Judy- that was pretty scary there at the end- but glad the Yankees prevailed!!

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Cheeria- So glad to hear that DD and grandbaby to be are doing fine!:clap That was good news to read!!:yay


Linda- Quiet time for 4 days is like a vacation for the soul!! Doing what you want, when you want=heaven on earth!!:c9


Sheila- Hope you had (are having) a good day


Cindy- Isn't it always the way that when you know you have to sleep because you have to get up at a certain time it messes with your sleep? Since you are off tonight I hope you get an awesome night's sleep!!


Marisa- I agree that the Sixers need a new coach and a shakeup- but hey, they are not worse than the NJ Nets- the team used to be good- and then they started talking about the move to Brooklyn- traded away all the good players and are biding time till they move to Brooklyn. I lost interest.


Mary:hug to you and prayers for MIL- you are right -when it rains it pours- hope that DD and Luke had a good dr visit today.


Have a great rest of the evening everyone!!!:yes

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Good evening everyone,


I just got home from work and am about to sit down to watch some tv while I crochet :D Such a relaxing evening to follow the hectic day :yes


Cheeria - glad to hear everything went well with your daughter and grandbaby :clap:yay


Mary - you've sure got alot to worry about :eek I will keep you and your family in my prayers and wish the best for your MIL, son, daughter, and baby Luke :hug Hopefully all will be well soon.


Linda - enjoy your 4 days to yourself and do whatever you want to do :hook:party .....NO cleaning!!! :2nono it's 'you' time!!


I hope everyone's day went smoothly

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How are you all doing this fine day ?


What's everyone working on ?


I'm back at the castle again ,making saltines. You know how when people are on a diet and they reach a PLATEAU ????


I'm on a Saltine Plateau .


I've made a LOT of them little things, and am now officially getting a little weary of making saltines .


I HAVE to complete this at this point, no turning back. I WANT to finish it. It is just starting to get TEDIOUS now .


I'm developing a Nervous Tick .... Upper digestive disorders .......and Fear of Yarn at this point. but know I HAVE to and WILL finish it .


There's just a LOT of them little things to make an afghan this big .

I tried to be a WISENHIMER and ADD a couple doodads ,which makes it worse, because I sit here for HOURS trying to figure out why I did that,and how to make it look right .


Oh well,I'm done . No more complaining . I'll behave and make another 134,819 saltines . :yes:D:);):P:(:think:eek

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Oh, Julie- Good luck with the remaining 134, 819 saltines!:D:eek Hope you feel better-


Aiden got voted off- the soap star. I was going back and forth between Biggest Loser- and am starting to lose interest in Dancing after last night.


Well, I'd better start getting ready for another day.


Tonight is the 1st night of the Hockey playoffs with the Devils vs the Flyers. Go :devil


Have a good "hump day" everyone!:)

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