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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Success! The third and fourth curtain panels are shortened and up and look great. John is on the way home from hunting and they came up empty again this weekend. The only thing they shot was a lonely raccoon. John kept the tail and is threatening to attach it to the car radio antenae. (sp?)

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Hi Ladies. :) I'm officially admitting defeat ;)...no way can I catch up with all of the posts I've missed. Things have settled down a bit and I'm looking forward to being here more. Little Luke is just fine...his parents are exhausted at this point, but very happy. :c9


I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! :manyheart

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Hi folks

Just a quick drop in -- hope you all had a good day today .Weather was perfect here- we had a cookout today.Cam got to come back up to spend part of the day with us .


We had a "blindfolded Egghunt today for him. I keep trying to think of new ways to hide his presents, but each year gets a little harder to think of new ways and to trick him . He still believes in the bunny, but by next year he probably won't .


Anyhow, we had a good day,and hope you all did too .

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Hi Julie ~ So glad you had a good day with Cam! The blindfold idea is great...I need to start a list of ideas to use someday - can I steal yours? :D


I've gone back and read through posts. Everyone's work is just wonderful. :applause Happy Belated Birthday to Tabby and Sheila. :birthday


I actually crocheted for a while this afternoon and it felt so good. :hook Just Ducky might be finished by the time Luke is a year old. :lol

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Glad that everyone is having a nice day- the weather here was absolutely spectacular.


I spent a few hours at my youngest DD's house this morning- she was kind of bummed- her DH was working and there were so many call-outs for 2nd shift so he was getting stuck working a double!


We hung out on the deck for a while with her Bulldog puppy Belle. I went home for a while and got the cleaning bug and took down the kitchen curtains and cleaned my kitchen windows and then did the family room; I de-cluttered some dust collectors and put them in a bag to donate to Goodwill. Dusted and vacuumed and organized some of my yarn:) I guess I got a touch of the spring cleaning bug!:lol


DH and I went back to DD's house and we ordered Chinese food and played Wii for a while. It was a very relaxing, no fuss kind of day:c9


My middle DD is in Va with her BF visiting his mother and siblings and she was having a good time.


My oldest DD called from Boston- she had just gotten back from a week's vacation in New Orleans and was using today to relax and then watch the baseball game tonight.


We always have fun when the Yankees play the Red Sox- I have always been a Yankee fan, she grew up in NJ and didn't give a hoot about baseball until she moved to Boston 5 1/2 years ago- Now she is a baseball junkie and a Red Sox one to boot!:lol Go figure.....


I'm going to get comfy now - lunch is ready for work, coffee pot is set for the AM- time to grab :hook and :yarn and watch the game.


Go Yankees!!!


:rabbit:1sheep:duckyHave a great night everyone

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Joanne, isn't it amazing how ambitious we get when the sun is shining?:) BTW: your haul from Delicious Orchards sounded nice:D


Mary, I'll bet the baby won't have to wait THAT long for his Just Ducky:hook


Jules, it sounds like you got a lot of time with Cam this wekend! That's wonderful:c9


Time for me to get ready for the Yankee game, too!! :cheer:clap:cheer:clap


CU all tomorrow.:hug

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Hi Mary-

Of course , you can steal my ideas, if there are any you like ! I think Cam's favorite and the one he remembers the most is the year he found a rolled up pirate map that had clues to where each gift was, and he had to go searching the map. We had hung one of his gifts in a bag up in a tree, and he had to climb a ladder to get it down. ( Not very high up,but he must've thought it was high, since he was so little ).

You'll be a great GRANDMA , I can just tell .



Morning Joanne !

It seems like me and you are the main ones up this early in the mornings . It sounds like you had a relaxing and enjoyable day yesterday .



Hey Jude -- how you doing today ? Been planning some trips to the Carolinas to find out more about moving down there ?

Just don't do what my parents did -- they used to go to Florida every winter to spend the winters, so a few years back, they sold everything and moved down there. I told them to just rent someplace for a year, to be there all through the seasons, the tourists, the storms, etc.

BUT,as usual, they didnt listen,they bought a place within 2 weeks of arriving. Now they are miserable and hate it,and wish they would've never moved .

I tried telling them, but they wouldnt listen . now they are trying to unload the place and get back up here .




I'll say a good morning to anyone else out there-- Cindy and Sheila, I see you were here last night, but may not be here now --


Cindy- you might be here before work -- if so, a jolly good morning to you and hope your work week goes well .

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Good morning!


Running a little late so just a quick stop to wish everyone a wonderful Monday- well as wonderful as Monday can be.


Those darn Red Sox beat the Yankees :-(


Cya all later

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Good Morning Everyone,


I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter :D


Joanne - I was right with ya last night watching the game while :hook


But, I am a Red Sox fan and was siked when they pulled it out :cheer:yay Now I live in Philly so the Phillies are my #2 team :heehee


Have a great Monday and I'll see y'all later

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Jules, funny you mentioned your folks. We know someone who just sold their house in north Jersey and are now renting in FL to see where they want to live, etc....wise move.

As far as we go, Phil told me not to get too excited about moving just yet...it will be down the road when/if it happens. No move to FL in our case, at any rate...we would both hate it, esp me.


I'm sitting outside on our back patio as I write this, using my netbook. It's a beautiful day, but chilly in the shade here. The sun feels strong when I step that way, so it may be close to 80 today, as they've projected.


I have a couple of pics of me with my men from yesterday - when I load them up later I'll share.


Well, need to start my day. CU all later.:hug

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Morning Jude !


Just now saw your photos ! Phil looks very happy in those photos,as do you ! You guys make a nice looking couple . How long have you been married now ?

We are coming up on 33 years .


And wow, your boy is a knockout !! If I was about 25 years younger, I'd see if me and him could be PenPals ... HANDSOME ~~~


Your back yard looks beautiful too, with lots of the bushes and things growing .


Things are starting to grow here now too -- the first thing to bloom in our yard is the Forsythia bush -- we have 2 in the back yard which are blooming now .


Thanks for sharing your photos .


Sam took a movie of Cam's HUNT yesterday .I'll have to see if there's any way he can take PICTURES from it to share on here .


Oh,and forgot to mention your doggie -- he looks funny with his stick in his mouth !!! Waiting on someone to throw it for him .

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Good Morning, Ladies. :flower


Joanne ~ Three daughters! Your day with the youngest sounds really nice.:manyheart


Judy ~ The pictures are great - you are a good-looking family! :)


Julie ~ Thank you. I've just started a list of future fun things to do with Luke...I don't know if I'll remember by the time he's old enough. :lol


Hi to Cindy, Sheila and Marisa. :manyheart


I'm staying home all day to catch up on laundry, bills, etc. We're having the outside trim painted and they're here now, so I really need to be here anyway. 'Hope everyone is having a good Monday! :hug

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Morning House :cheer Look like we are going to have a warm and sunny day. MMMMmmmmm yesterday was a nice relaxing day for me. After church I went out to breakfast than home to relax. I also finally cast on for a knitted dishcloth.


Judy - thanks for sharing your pictures with us you sure are a handsome family.


Well got to run now to write out the checks for the monthly bills. :eek

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Good morning everyone!!Hope everyone had a wonderful easter.

Judy love your pictures!

Mary hope the new little one is doing wonderful!

today time to get the house picked up from yesterday seems the easter bunny cleaned the living room for me but as the wore on paw print started to appear.:lol

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Thanks for the compliments, ladies. The yard cooperated for Easter this year....but we still have to wait for mother's day before planting flowers...as Joanne knows.


I think DS looks the part of a chiropractor...and he's never had a hard time attracting the girls.:lol


Jules, we've been married 42 years (as of last December)


And Sparkie loves sticks...esp when he can eat them:lol

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An update on my first quilt ghan...


So far...


I got all of my light blue squares done...


Last night I finished the last of my turquoise squares...


And today I am going to work on my white squares.. I got 50 more to go... buuuut...


I still cant figure out how to do the gosh darn bi color squares... I don't understand the directions at all.. *sigh* This really sucks..

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Hello all. Happy belated Easter!! Sorry I didn't check in yesterday, but I was cooking, peeling, doing a project, packing my 10 yr. old for a 4 day trip to natures classroom, cleaning, washing clothes, etc, etc, etc.


My boy left this a.m. and of course I cried, he has never been away from me before. :( We cannot even talk while he is gone because there is no phone access for the students and they'll be busy i'm sure. My twins went when they were in the 5th grade and they came home in one piece so i'll just have to have faith.


Judy~Love your pics, great looking family.


Julie~Glad you had a good time with Cam.


Mary~Thanks for the bday wishes.

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Sounds like you will be busy for a couple days trying to catch up on things --THEN you can take some BABY time !!!

Go over and hold him and sing to him,and tell him stories. (Captive audience , in case YOUR singing is as bad as mine .. I hope not, but just in case. Right now, he can't crawl to get away ! )




Hey there Tab--

everything will be fine with your boy --- they need some space at his age to get out and do things with the other kids. He'll have fun, you'll see .

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