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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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This week so far. crojulee dishcloth and the edging on the afghan.my purse was posted in another thread. :lol


Wonderful afghan, and of course Julees dishcloths always turn out great!


I don't really have anything to show for this week. I mostly did knitting, and I am a very slow knitter. I did about 8 inches on a scarf, part of a slipper and part of an 8 inch square. I spent an evening putting borders on friendship squares too.

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Lovely pictures to everyone. Kim and I are back from the birthday party. It was loud and noisy, but everyone had a good time. There were 14 people there. I knew one of the couples and had met a couple of other people once or twice, but that was it. The food was good. We were seated at 7 and the party broke up about 9:15. Kim is settled in bed now and I'm tired.


I finished the prayer shawl this afternoon. Except for getting the tails hidden. I'll try for a picture tomorrow.


Hope everyone has a great weekend and a blessed Easter.

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Hi Gang

Thanks to all who posted today ,and who showed photos of your work. You all did such nice work on your items this week. I didnt get much time to do any major posting in here or trying to keep up ,since Cam was here all day.We spent the day building a LEGO toy doodad-- it cost 40 bucks-- it was an underwater adventure kit ,with an octopus, etc, so it was a major undertaking . I'm not good at Lego's ,so I wasn't much help but I tried .



Anyhow, sorry I didnt get on to post any more often. Will ask Sam to please snap a photo of the castle as soon as it gets bright out in the morning. He should be home then to take the picture .


Anyhow, just thought I'd make a quick drop in before bedtime and say thanks to all who have posted today and kept the group going ! It's good to see it so busy again .


Will yak at you all in the morning. I am beat --- see you then !

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Good evening house,


Well, my day wasn't too busy at work & i actually got to work on my seconds sock a little bit. But here is a pic of the one I finished. The ankle is a bit too wide, but I think I know where my mistake was; however, I will make it's match the same & will use them for in the house :)


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I forgot to post my pics:blush


The square is for my Christmas ghan. It's #28 from 63 Sampler Stitches to Crochet.


The other pic is the squares i've made for the baby ghan so far. The moon is made from glow in the dark yarn. I think I'll have enough to go back and outline the stars with it at the end - I'll see.

OH Wow................. NICE WORK!!!

that baby 'ghan is gonna be neat!


ok you all..shush about your nice weather. Picture below :hooker


on squares for the quiltghans...how close to the same size do they need to be? Having a hard time with gauge from one color to the other..having to change hook sizes, but still having problems getting it the exact same.

OH hon.......... what a bummer.......... still snow........ :(


Tam love what you have done this week!:cheer

Judy love the squares you are doing!:cheer

Mary.. looks like the lion is still with you!! brrr

thanks sweetie!!!








I present the Heirloom Stitches afghan from Red Heart free pattern, was featured in a print ad on back of current Crochet World magazine. I did it in Sage Caron One Pounder (took about 5 and 1/2 of those...)


The border edging was my own design using treble cross/weave stitch and the corners were a braided stitch using treble front posts, ending with a treble cluster stitch...


Hope you like.

Wow.....................thats awesome!!!


Nice work!

Thanks hon!!!


Hi everyone- Beautiful work, but my fav picture today is of Luke! What a cutie!!!

Here are my pics of what I've been working on- all WIP's-:lol The dishcloth with ILTC, saltines in silver blue for the quilt'ghan and granny squares for an afghan in purple, green and purple/green varigeited.


Have a great night everyone!

wow.... busy busy busy!


He finally got home and we are on webcam now. What happened was that earlier in the day, someone decided to threaten to commit suicide and he lived close to the train tracks, so the authorities decided to shut down all the trains in and around the area...all.of.them. So, Hub-E thought for sure that everything would be cleared up by the time he got to the station, but no, wasn't the case. Another daily commuter that he only knows from seeing on the train every day offered him a ride to his car as his wife was on her way to pick him up, but she got turned around and it made the whole trip home extra long...but Hub-E is okay...thank goodness.

Omgoodness..............what an ordeal! :hug


This week so far. crojulee dishcloth and the edging on the afghan.my purse was posted in another thread. :lol



Here is my new 63 block.


oooooooooooooooooooh isnt that pretty!!!












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Morning folks -

How are all of you this fine morning ? All is ok here .



Marisa- nice work on the sock ! That is something I havent tried to make yet . It looks fine to me ~


We will be going to the egg hunt down at the park ,which is about a 3-minute drive from our house . They have always had the egg hunt there ,even when I was little .


They always announce NO PARENTS are to go with the kids (unless you have wee little toddlers),BUT most of the parents run through the park ,searching for eggs and usually every year, some kid gets hurt when a parent knocks them down so THEIR kid can get the egg first .


Yes, folks, adults will do this,even though they probably have enough eggs at home to make egg salad for entire neighborhood they live in, they will resort to knocking down someone else's kid for one bolied egg.


Sad, but true .


I guess Cam is going, although he doesn't seem quite as interested as he once was . I think he is getting "too old" for such things, which is sad, but we all come to that point sooner or later .


I guess we may do a little bit of cleanup in the yard today too .


Nothing else on the agenda other than getting Sam to snap my afghan picture as soon as its light out .


Hope you all have a good day today !

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Good morning and happy Saturday!


Oh, the egg hunt- bring back memories of taking my three daughters to them.


Glad you got to spend the day with Cam yesterday, Julie- Can't wait to see what you've gotten done on your ghan!


Marissa- your sock looks great- I've never tried socks- but yours looks great!


Sheila- love your dishcloth and the afghan border looks great! Happy Day Before your Birthday!:)


Babypoohsmom- your square is very pretty!


Cheeria- hope you feel better today after getting the IV yesterday for your RA flare!


Tralee- I also have a hard time keeping up ! You are not alone there:lol.


LeAnna glad to hear that DH made it home- mass transit can be a nuisance sometimes! And so can driving in rush hour traffic!:lol


Linda- can't wait to see the prayer shawl you finished!


Cindy- You sure seem to have gotten alot of knitting in- For some reason, I'm not interested in the 2 needle art- I tried it once a few years ago- a co-worker tried to teach me. I'm much better with one hook!


Judy- Enjoy the beautiful weather here today!


Time to start the laundry- and get ready for my 8:00 get rid of the gray appointment!


To everyone in the house- Have a great Saturday!!!

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What wonderful work, ladies! I love looking at everyone's pictures:cheer:clap


Jules, I used to love playing legos with DS - sounds like you had a great time with Cam. He's a lucky boy to have you for a grandma:c9 Enjoy the egg hunt:lol


Another sunny day....quite chilly this AM, but it's so nice to have been able to turn off the heat in the house:yay

We'll be window shopping at garden places later... getting ready to have some work done on the yard again.

Then it's making Easter eggs for the three of us (I'm a kid at heart:D) and also want to make a pan of Spinach pie (spanakopita) for tomorrow. we all love it and I don't make it nearly often enough....


Have a great morning...will be by to check in later on today.

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Julie............your castle quilt'ghan is coming along GREAT! Wow!













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Good Morning,


I love photo friday's and looking at everyone's work, as well as showing my own. I hope everyone has a wonderfuly weekend and a happy and safe holiday.


As a kid, we only had egg hunts at the house, I don't remember having a community one anywhere :( It was still fun though and my parents color coded the eggs so we were only able to get the ones for ourselves. LOL


I will be busy, but will try to check back in before I get back home tomorrow night.

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Good morning everyone. It looks like it will be a gorgeous day here today. Not as hot as it has been but still in the 60's. My house is relatively clean so all I really have to do is Laundry and a little vacuuming. That means that I can crochet, knit, sew or quilt all day if I want!


Julie, I like to play Lego's with my grandsons too. I'm still better at it than they are, (the oldest is just 5), but they're catching up fast!


LeAnna, glad that your dh is alright. I'd have been worried too.


Here is my new 63 block.



That's a really pretty design. I haven't made any blocks for a week, I should do something about that today.


Good evening house,


Well, my day wasn't too busy at work & i actually got to work on my seconds sock a little bit. But here is a pic of the one I finished. The ankle is a bit too wide, but I think I know where my mistake was; however, I will make it's match the same & will use them for in the house :)


I think your sock looks great. I've never tried socks.



Cindy- You sure seem to have gotten alot of knitting in- For some reason, I'm not interested in the 2 needle art- I tried it once a few years ago- a co-worker tried to teach me. I'm much better with one hook!



Joanne, I'm much better with a hook too, but there are some things that just seem to look better in knitting. Also my mom is an expert knitter, so I have a ready source of help when I get into a predicament, (which happens quite a lot.) I will never knit a sweater of socks or anything like that. Scarves, dishcloths and blankets will be as far as I get with the technique. I'm making an afghan out of knit squares, and I've been at it for a year and a half!



Here's my photo -- a day late :


Julie, that is coming along really well. Its going to be a great afghan.

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Good Morning. :manyheart


Julie~Your castle is coming along great! :clap


Marisa~Love the sock. :cheer I tried to make them twice and both times I could not get the heel over my heel, so I gave up. :yes


I have finished my 1500-1750 word essay and now have my other class project to do. Hopefully I will get through that today. It is suppose to be 80 here today. :yay The kids are up ripping and a roaring......anyone want one? :devil If I have to hear one more toy come down the stairs.....:angry


Have a great day all!!

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Good morning Marisa

Color-coding the eggs is a good idea so it is done fairly !!!



Morning Cindy - I need some Lego tips from you -- I worked all day trying t get that octopus together . I told Cam if he was BIG, I'd be saying BAD WORDS because it was so frustrating. He got a kick out of that and thought it was pretty funny !



Tab- Aww,spring break with the kids all home ... nothing like it ,is there ?

Except Christmas break ....


Hope they all go outside to play today if it's nice up your way,then you can have some quiet .

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Julie, the only tip I have is...NEVER try to duplicate the picture on the box! That only leads to frustration and teaching the grandchildren new words and phrases. Besides, I think its impossible to make those things with the pieces they give you. Luckily my grandsons are small enough to believe me when I say things like "Well you see, its a very unusual kind of octopus, it only lives in a tiny lake in the mountains, and its so rare that you will probably never even see a picture of it.! So of course you would not think it looks like an octopus, but it does." Of course this method has its limitations....eventually they will know that I am puling their leg. Actually, maybe they know already and are just humoring me........

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I present the Heirloom Stitches afghan from Red Heart free pattern, was featured in a print ad on back of current Crochet World magazine. I did it in Sage Caron One Pounder (took about 5 and 1/2 of those...)


The border edging was my own design using treble cross/weave stitch and the corners were a braided stitch using treble front posts, ending with a treble cluster stitch...


Hope you like.

LeAnna, that is absolutely stunning and a true heirloom. :clap :clap :clap

Just want to post my pics and then I've got to run! I'm going to a jewelry party at a friends house- no $ for jewelry- my $ goes to yarn, but it'll be a fun evening with friends!


Here are my pics of what I've been working on- all WIP's-:lol The dishcloth with ILTC, saltines in silver blue for the quilt'ghan and granny squares for an afghan in purple, green and purple/green varigeited.


Have a great night everyone!

Joanne, they are lovely. Hope you had lots of fun at the party.

Here is my new 63 block.


Very nice block, Sheila.

Good evening house,


Well, my day wasn't too busy at work & i actually got to work on my seconds sock a little bit. But here is a pic of the one I finished. The ankle is a bit too wide, but I think I know where my mistake was; however, I will make it's match the same & will use them for in the house :)

I think your sock looks great, Marisa.

What wonderful work, ladies! I love looking at everyone's pictures:cheer:clap

We'll be window shopping at garden places later... getting ready to have some work done on the yard again.

Then it's making Easter eggs for the three of us (I'm a kid at heart:D) and also want to make a pan of Spinach pie (spanakopita) for tomorrow. we all love it and I don't make it nearly often enough....


Have a great morning...will be by to check in later on today.

I love shopping at garden places. Unfortunately I'm still trying to figure out how to make things grow in this red Georgia clay. Most things don't thrive and/or just die. Very frustrating.


Your spinach pie sounds heavenly. Want a couple of guests?

Morning Jude and JoAnne -


It sounds like you are both bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning ! :lol


Here's my photo -- a day late :

WOW! Julie, the castle is really coming along nicely.

I have finished my 1500-1750 word essay and now have my other class project to do. Hopefully I will get through that today. It is suppose to be 80 here today. :yay The kids are up ripping and a roaring......anyone want one? :devil If I have to hear one more toy come down the stairs.....:angry


Have a great day all!!

Hi, Tabby. Congratulations on getting the essay done. Kim & I'd love to have one of the boys for a while. Unfortunately, I think we're a little too far away to be of much practical help. I remember those days of trying to study with kids interrupting all the time. Even when they're trying to be quiet, they sound like a herd of elephants on the rampage. :D Hope the weekend goes well. :hug


Loved your greeting, Tammy.


Marisa, I like the color coded egg idea, too. I don't think I'll ever forget the year my folks hid Easter eggs and we came up one short. Nobody could find it, my folks included, and it was finally decided that they had miscounted. In July there was a terrible smell in the kitchen. I finally tracked it down by following my nose to the source. It was the hard-boiled Easter egg that no one could find. It had slid under some recipes in a bowl that wasn't used very often. Yew!!!! Mystery solved.


Another pretty day here. It was over 80* here yesterday and supposed to be the same today. Kim's having her morning breathing treatment and then we will get going. I'm thinking of working on the curtains for the office windows today. We'll see.

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Well, Cindy,

I wish I would've had that advice yesterday . That's a good idea, especially when the kids are small- they will believe things a lot quicker, with less questions asked .


Cam has reached the age where EVERYTHING is a question -why they do this, how they do that, who made those, why are we going THIS way.... you know, that age when everything is a question ?


Oh, for the good old days ... now, even when I READ to him, I have to make sure to read EVERY word. When he was little, i'd make the sentences shorter and easier for him to understand and leave out the big words.


Now, if I miss a word, hear about it,since he can read well now,and follows along to make sure I'm reading it properly .

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Hair cut and colored and 2nd load of laundry on. Vacuuming done, bathrooms clean and now I'm taking a short break while I wait for the clothes to dry


Judy- I chuckled when I read your post about window shopping at the gardening center. DH had just asked me when can we get the flowers? I think we all are ready for some color after the long winter! I told him not until May and he seemed disappointed.:lol


I bought a dozen eggs this morning on my home from the hair salon- I've got a hankering for some :devil eggs!



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Yawning goodmorning everyone. Our street had water bubbling up through so the city had to come out at 5 :30 last night they didnt get done digging,pounding,scrapping until 5:30 am this morning.my bedroom wall is only like 20 ft from the road. atleast now we dont have big potholes in the road anymore lol my kids loved seeing the backhoe and big trucks.The workers were really nice letting the kids see all the stuff. kids even took them out some of our pizza that we had.

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happy Easter weekend everyone (and thank you Busy Bee...)


I should have been working on the shoes yesterday but I couldn't help myself, ended up starting the smocked sweater that was on the cover of this new crochet book (from the UK) for baby and toddler stuff. First time I've ever started a pattern with UK terms...discovered my mistake almost immediately and had to confirm and adjust that dc in UK is really sc in US...


Also the yarn I got is not the right weight, but that's okay 'cause I've just adjusted the pattern and am going by final measurements...


It's gonna be nice...


The book is called Adorable Crochet for Babies and Toddlers by Lesley Stanfield, published by C&B Crafts




The little sweater the cover baby is wearing is what I am making...in a very soft lilac...very pretty...

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The book is called Adorable Crochet for Babies and Toddlers by Lesley Stanfield, published by C&B Crafts




The little sweater the cover baby is wearing is what I am making...in a very soft lilac...very pretty...

That is adorable, LeAnna.


Kim and I are back from our running around. I was able to get everything on my list at WalMart, so only one stop after lunch. I got a turquoise print and a black with gold print for the jacket pattern. I got some sheers for the master bedroom windows. I got Kim 3 summer tops and 2 for me. Also got yarn for a cardigan that's being done as a CAL at Lion Brand's site. And 2 magazines. I'm shot and ready to relax for a while now.

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