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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Diane ~ Your Bingo sounds like so much fun! The "laughing tears" are the best kind of tears. :D My MIL also has macular degeneration and can't see anything but shadows now. I know your Mom will love the afghan! :manyheart


Linda ~ Good for you for having some "me time." :)


Hi Judy ~ Great progress on your ATW! :cheer


I've gone back and read all the posts I missed. Everyone's work is just beautiful. :clap I'm making twice baked potatoes to freeze ahead for DD and her DH. They love them with brocolli along with cheese and herbs. Tomorrow I'm making veggie lasagna to freeze - another of their favorites. DH asked me if I would make enough for him, too. :lol I love to cook, but sort of get out of the habit since he's gone so much.

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Thanks, Mary - almost done with the border...pushing to finish it tonight so I can start the baby ghan I was commissioned to make.

The food you're making sounds soooo good! Yummo:c9

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Hey guys

Way behind in posts -- sorry I can't answer every person now -- we had some company and some still here, but they all have laptops, playing video games, etc, so everyone kinda entertains themselves .


Cam will be spending the night, and we are supposed to call in the morning when he wakes up for his mom to come get him .


Being without my wheels is torture .. But maybe by Tuesday morning it'll be running and back again .


Anyhow, gonna check out for the night to spend time with the company and Cam -- will check in with you all sometime in the morning .

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I'm closing for tonight, too.

Tomorrow I'll post a pic of the first 2 completed blocks of my ATW.


Have a good night, everyone:hug

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I really like that fat bottom bag. Now I have that Fat Bottom Girls song stuck in my head. "It's a Small World" usually clears any song out of my head.


Diane - I am a quilter and in the quilt world we call a quilt with a mistake an "Amish" quilt because the legend is that the Amish plan an error in every quilt because to do otherwise would be vain.

I have no problem with an error in my quilting because I am experienced enough to work around them, but in crochet I am not. I whined for nearly a week because the 63 book calls for 25 stitches to be made "evenly" across the side of something with no distinct spots for the stitches. That messes with newbies. But everyone here told me to roll with it. So I am rolling.


Probably shouldn't admit it here:P, but I love the UFC and there is a big fight tonight, so I will be able to get some stitching done during the non-fight parts. I should probably do something that doesn't require much counting just in case.


And to Tam, I saw the knooking come up somewhere else. It looks like a lot of fun and I like the knit look you can get. I like the bear paw. That is going to be a great blanket.

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Hello everyone

I had a very long day today- I have to work this weekend- and was in at 7:15 and didn't get home till 8:45 PM


Just read through all the posts and looked at all the lovely work


Tam- that knooking square is really neat!!


Cindy- I love your FBB! I have a WIP FBB (started last September I think). Seeing yours, I just may have to get it out and finish it- I need to get a fat quarter to line it and i already have the handles-


Julie- sorry to hear about your brakes- Funny how when we can't get out of the house it may bother us, but not if we know we can leave at any time. Does that make sense?

Enjoy your time with Cam and company!


Judy- Can't wait to see your pics- and funny that you learned to knit from you tube- That's how I learned how to crochet! The internet is a wonderful thing!


Everyone else, hope you had a great day- I am TIRED and really should get to sleep- I have to be back at work at 8AM in the morning


Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!

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Hey guys

If any of you are searching for a cute baby boy pattern, take a look-see at this :



If you click underneath it, there's a little doggie AND a romper outfit that match the set .


It is CUTE !!!

Omgosh.............. that is Cute!!!!


:yesHello the House,


Yay, it's photo Friday! I love looking at all the photos. Everyone is so talented and I get great ideas from all your work.

Tam, sounds like you have a busy cooking weekend planned. Good for you, a manicure. I must confess I have never had one. Sounds fun.


O.K. here is my photo for Friday. 1/4 of my mother's lapghan....Amish Star.

Have a wonderful weekend, I will be checking back in later. Gonna crochet and watch NASCAR.

Oh... I love when I get the chance to go out and pamper myself for at least that hour of a manicure. Sometimes... I even get a pedicure! :D

Love how the lapghan is coming along!!!


Hi all...just checking in before I go do some real crocheting (meaning doing some serious sit down and work on several rows of crocheting...) Yesterday worked on a baby afghan (the cover afghan on this issue's Crochet World, doing it all in yellow and it has flowers and it's cute) today will work on another shawl and the Heirloom afghan (has to be turned in in two weeks...so have to get busy...) Been doing Suzy Squirrel this morning and I'm down to just having to do the floors and fold up remaining two loads of laundry...woo hoo.


Also need to hang a smoke detector and a chandelier (it's not that heavy...and it was only $20.00!) and finally paint some shelves (or at least one shelf...) and this day is totally golden!


Hope you all are having a good day!

:whew.... so how'd you do on getting crocheting done?

ooooh... chandelier? Where ya hangin' that?


I finished a baby blanket for this week. I am so glad to be done with it! Now I just have to get through 3 testing projects, then I might have a chance to make another tote!


BTW~ the blanket is still wet in the pic if you are wondering why the pink looks blotchy.

OMGosh... that is really pretty!!!!

you did a GREAT job!


I love that blog. I had joined Julie's Paper or Plastic CAL and made the tote bag from that site. That's how I found the jar jacket-Her blog just puts a :) on my face with all its vibrancy and bright colors! I want to try the hexagons, the ripple blanket, love the spring wreath! I just love it all!


Here's a pic of the tote I made from attic24's crochet bag pattern. I call it the Lucy tote :lol

That is an awesome Tote!!!!

Love it!!!


Tam, that is really neat.

Thank you!!!


Tam -

Wow, is that cool or what ? So what is the secret of how to turn your hook into this other tool ? What did you get at the hardware to make it do this ? That's a really neat idea !!

Clear Vinyl Tubing 1/4" x .170"

3/16 Drill Hole all purpose anchors

18.2m Nylon blend cord

emery board(fingernail file)





someone passed this link to me a bit ago - before I even picked up a pointy stick.

They're now on the WIM list:D

Very cool................thanks!


Tam, that's an excellent job!:cheer

I have a croknit hook (if that's what it's called) but haven't played with it yet.

I better live to be 100 so I can learn all the techniques I want to do!;)



Thanks...I'll go check it out....:hook




Morning Jude & Cindy !!


Good to see you today .


Well, got my car back one guy said it needed LOTS of work, the second guy said it was in really good shape for a car that old, and he sees nothing IMMEDIATE that needs done to it .


Went out to go to the store early ,and the brakes didnt work .


I guess one of the guys who looked at it must've broken or cracked the brake line. Same said it's leaking brake fluid, so I am without a car for the remainder of the weekend and Monday -- we'll be taking it down for them to work on then .


Geeminy--- I'm going through car withdrawal !


Sam has a truck that is stick shift. I USED to know how to drive them, but not any more ,and not interested in learning. I remember not liking to drive it,especially when stopped on hills with cars behind me ,because it rolls backwards .


SO.. I'd better learn to like home for a few days yet .


Thanks for the links to the dishcloths ! REALLY cute .


Guess which one I like best ?

Omgoodness........... hon.......... what a pain with your car! You know.. it never fails... when a vehicle is running fine .. you dont want or need to go anywhere...... when its acting up.. you want to leave the house... LOL

Hope you get that all settled soon!


Morning everyone,

I'm rested and roaring to go. Today is clean the carpet day. I've been waiting patient for my son to clean the carpet and its suppose to be today. Keeping my fingers cross. :think


Tam - Knook????? really nice squares and they do in deed look like knitting stitches. That is a great technique.

I'm thinking of joining in and making some knitted dishcloths. Thank you for the knitted cloth site. Here's anbother great site:




Do I join the knitting group to start knitting dish cloths or will we be knitting cloths through this group???? Either way I'll pick out a pattern

Thanks for the compliment!!!

Thanks for the link!

I love making dishcloths... they are a quick fix... when I am in need of a project to be done NOW. and they are get little gifts when packaged up with soaps and/or candles!


Goodmorning all. I didnt get a chance to post a picture of the blanket almost done now.last night.lol borrowed the batteries out of camera to use for paw trimmers to see how they work :lol since I forgot batteries at the store.

Hope that everyone has a good day.. me its housecleaning and washing clothes at the neighbors for him then home to my kids pig sty :lol dont know why they make such a mess when I am cleaning the neighbors house.

Babypoohs very pretty square! love the color.

Tam that is very interesting how you can do that!love the paw print!

I need to sit down with a video and learn to knit.:lol cause those are very cute Judy!

Thanks for the compliment sweetie!


Finally! The FBB is finished! The embellishment is a kanzashi flower. I found the pattern in a book, but there are a number of tutorials for them online as well. They are really easy to make.

I made this bag out of cotton yarn and lined it with a fat quarter.

Wow........... that came out GREAT!!!!


Hello the House, :clap


Just a quick check in before Nascar starts. Truck races are today, tomorrow is Sprint Cup.


Tam, OMG you are way too clever. Luv those squares. Knooking looks wonderful. Could you use an afghan hook for that? I have several of those in my favorite sizes.

Guess tonight will be watch TV, crochet and eat junk! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend.

you can use just about any hook... you just need to be able to attach cording to the end for running your stitches on to.

thanks for the compliment btw.......... very sweet!


Good morning. Errr, afternoon. I slept late, very late today. I ended up reading instead of crocheting last night and again this afternoon. I feel more rested now. And boy has this place been busy!


Very nice. Knooking. :think I'll have to look that up. This is the first I've heard of it.


I hate it when things like that happen. Hope today goes better. :hug

Thanks! its a type of work that has been around for quite sometime... just kinda sat unknown. From what I understand.. its a style of knitting that the Japanese have done. Its recently surfaced and folks are giving it a try.


And to Tam, I saw the knooking come up somewhere else. It looks like a lot of fun and I like the knit look you can get. I like the bear paw. That is going to be a great blanket.

Thank you so much!!!


Hello everyone

I had a very long day today- I have to work this weekend- and was in at 7:15 and didn't get home till 8:45 PM


Just read through all the posts and looked at all the lovely work


Tam- that knooking square is really neat!!

Thank you!!! :U










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Good morning everyone. Joanne, I hope your work day is a little shorter than yesterday's



Thanks for all the kind words about my FBB. I don't know what I will work on today, most likely my knit squares. That's what I usually do on Sundays.

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First I'll say have a good day at work, Joanne --- I may have missed you if you left already .


To everyone else I missed last night, sorry I didnt catch your posts on time, now i'm several pages behind, so can't respond to everyone ,except to say thanks for your postings ! They make it really busy in here ,which is good . I like a busy group !


Anyhow, final full day with our girl .She will be leaving early AM to head home .


Not much crochet time yesterday, but might have some today,not sure yet. Cam spent the night and just ate breakfast.


Our girl will be heading to church then out to eat ,so I may not see her til afternoon sometime .Sam is gone today ,so it'll be just me and Cam for a little while. His mom wanted him home when he woke up, but he's been awake since 6:30. I doubt if she wanted woken up that early on her day off, so we'll wait awhile .


So, maybe later I'll sneak in some crochet time .


Thanks again for keeping the posts moving and for showing all your projects ! It's been fun seeing them all ,with lots more to come I hope .


You all have a good day today - :)

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Joanne...... hope you have a wonderful day today!


Cindy...... the compliments on your bag were well deserved... its beautiful and you did an awesome job! I'll be doing some knitting today too. I have a shawl on my needles that I want to get some work done on today.


Hey Miss Julie.......... Good morning. And apparently an early one at that... hehehehehe 6:30am huh.... hehheeheeee Cam is an early riser! Yeah... I say wait a while too before getting him home! So whatcha gonna crochet on today if you get the chance?



I woke this morning with the worst headache ever!!!

Its so bad right now.... I'm not sure I'm even going to make it to church today! I can barely see what I'm typing. But I have to get the church bulletin done.

Hubby did alot of snoring last night... I dont sleep well when he has nights like that... I spend most the time tossing and turning because I'm tense from not being able to get to sleep. Oh well........... Maybe another good hot shower will help.

Well.. back to work on the bulletin.

you all have a wonderfully blessed day.. catch up later.








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Good morning, peeps.


Here are the 1st 2 ATW blocks, joined and bordered

Oh Judy................ LOVE IT!!!! that is really coming along Nice!!!









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Morning Miss Tam--

You poor thing -another headache ! I have about half a one myself but hoping it goes away instead of coming on full power .


Enjoy your day today if you can . What color knitted shawl are you making ,and what is the pattern ? You must be a good knitter to do a shawl .





Jude-- LOVE the new colors in your finished blocks ! You are making great progress on it .




Tam- as for what I'll work on, I am working on a knitted dishcloth and may do more saltines for my Castle .

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Good Morning everyone :D


I feel like I missed alot yesterday. After I checked in in the morning, I didn't get back untill now so there was alot of posts to go through.


Cindy - awesome bag!!! Where did you get the pattern for that? Summer's around the corner and it's perfect :applause


Tam - Sorry you have such a bad headache :headache It's about that time of the year for sinuses to start acting up so it may be related. It's usually the only time I myself get them. However, my brother used to get them pretty bad all the time and a quick fix that worked for him was after his hot shower, he flipped his head under the water and turned it COLD!! Not very enticing, but it worked for him :think Thought I'd throw it out there if you were interested. I guess you could always just try a hot pack followed by an ice pack :idea Hope it gets better for you!!


Well, I finished my tote last week but still haven't gone out to look for fabric to line it. I put the pic on my facebook for my family to check out and they all love it and naturally, they all want one now :D But I'll probably do something different for each of them. As for now, I started to attempt a pair of socks yesterday that I found a pattern for online. I tried to start them when I went to Pitt a few weeks ago, but took it out to start from scratch with the proper hook :oops I didn't have the right size and decided to just give it a shot anyway with the smallest I had, but now we'll see how it goes.


I just love emoticons!!! :2spin

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Good Morning Everyone.



Judy~Your ATW blocks are beautiful. Love the colors! :manyheart



I have finished my homework and will probably spend the rest of the day relaxing and crocheting. Sorry, I still have not gotten pics. of the ghan and peapod.


Have a great day all.

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Morning Marisa and Tab !!!



Hope you both find a good project to work on today that gives you lots of enjoyment .


I still havent gotten much done in the crafts-area ...


I DID get another row done on my knit dishcloth .

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Hello the House :hi


Just finished breakfast so thought I would check in before the races start.


Today will be filled with saltines. I have all of the plum, lavendar and bi-color squares done. All (ahem) that is left is 116 black squares and then all of the sewing. I have all those little tails already tucked in, I would hate to have that looming ahead of me.


Judy, your ATW looks wonderful. I just love the springtime colors. I am so anxious to start planting. My iris' are starting to come up and DH and our friend, aka Uncle Jimmy, pruned all the dead wood out of the elms so they look all spruced up. We usually don't plant until after Mother's Day, we always have a late, hard freeze. Since we are taking our trip end of April, beginning of May, I don't want to leave tender new sprouts unprotected, so I impatiently wait to plant.:hyper


I am definitely gonna check out the Knooking. My afghan hooks are the kind that already have an extention on them. Those squares were so cute!


Hope the headaches are gone and that everyone has a wonderful day doing exactly what you want.


Will check in later. I love emoticons too. :neener

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